College Group Projects FTL....

May 13, 2008
Why must they do this!!!

For microeconomics must we have a group project.

NOW tomorrow is the presentation/debate and non of us know what were gonna say

This can get ugly....... post yours
That one odd person out of the group who never contributes/comes to meetings, But still puts their name on the top...

It's unappreciated when it's at your expense, But appreciated when you're the one getting away with it...

Unless somebody snitches on the peer evaluation...
when a group of 4 females undermine your authority as group leader, dont show up to all the meetings, and one of them brings former relationship issues intothe mix.

i won tho since i let the professor know +!# as it went down. play by play type +!#.
ahh I hate it... Last year in political science ( a class of 100+ mind you) I and 2 other ******s were suppose to present. 1 dropped the class, the other nevershowed up and I had to do it all by myself.

A 45 minute presentation. I made a movie using Imovie(
), DL'ed movies/clips from youtube and all. It was 25 min long and talked for the rest of thetime. Came out on top like always
In my Revolutionary Ideas in Science class today he assigned us a CLASS PROJECT. That's right, the entire class has to work together to come up with apresentation that will be a large part of our final grade.

I can't $!#@#%+ believe it.

- Tical.
I swear these are true test on my ability to be patient.
Its always that one or everyone but you that don't want to do anything or do a half *@* job.
There have been so many times when I had to talk to the teacher and let them know that one or more in my group shouldn't get credit from the people orperson who did work.
Ugh. Happy most of my professors have given the option to do project by yourself.
Thank god I don't get group projects for my micro class.
Lab is another story. I gotta pick up after everyone's slack because I swore I'd get my act together and transfer after this year. Can't let themhold you back...hold your own. Make sure you go up there knowing your facts and it'll be clear who's doing the work.
Guys take the L automatically when females are the majority of the group. You are definitely going to have hell if they are sorority girls
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I swear these are true test on my ability to be patient.
Its always that one or everyone but you that don't want to do anything or do a half *@* job.
There have been so many times when I had to talk to the teacher and let them know that one or more in my group shouldn't get credit from the people or person who did work.
Ugh. Happy most of my professors have given the option to do project by yourself.

So it was you
this **** is killing me right now... I have group projects in my International Business and Sustainability classes which are worth 30-40% of my mark and wehave barely started. A marketing case study assignment, where some chick thinks she knows everything but really doesn't and I have a group essay due forOrganizational Behavior. Group projects FTML!!!!! except if you get to choose your own groups and know who you are going into battle with.
This just made me reminisce on how much I bs'd in college.

@ me hoping to always have a somewhat attractive female(s) in my groups. I needed to be occupied.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

That one odd person out of the group who never contributes/comes to meetings, But still puts their name on the top...

It's unappreciated when it's at your expense, But appreciated when you're the one getting away with it...

Unless somebody snitches on the peer evaluation...

Yeah, every group has a person like this.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I swear these are true test on my ability to be patient.
Its always that one or everyone but you that don't want to do anything or do a half *@* job.
There have been so many times when I had to talk to the teacher and let them know that one or more in my group shouldn't get credit from the people or person who did work.
Ugh. Happy most of my professors have given the option to do project by yourself.

So it was you

I don't deserve my grade to be pushed down when it could have higher. I get cut throat when it comes to my grades.
Man tell me about it.

I currently was put in a group with a exchange student that I got a hard time understanding. 2 people that were also in my group dropped like 2nd day, and wejust got this guy in the group that types hella fast, but not the sharpest tool in the shed. We always have an assignment to complete then present during eachclass. Last week I missed cuz I was really hungover from Halloween in Chico. And I emailed my teacher saying I wasn't gonna make it and she was like emailyour group and get your project instructions its two parts. I did and no response. And to this this is Business Communications class. And tonight I didn'thave class because tomorrow is Veterins day (stupid school taking monday off
If you lead, you have to do most of the work and drag all these bums along, deal with crap from them, feel all the blame when your group gets a bad grade orget no love when you do get the group a good grade.

I hate groupwork!
The guy who barely put in any work? Yea, that was me.

Luckily im a master at shmoozing, and if your peers like you, theyre not gonna make a big deal out of it.

Atleast in my experiences.
In my Employment Law class all we do is group projects and even group tests. At the beginning everyone has to sign a "marriage contract" committingthemselves to the group so then if

someone is slacking and you want to get ride of him all the group has to do is sign "divorce papers" and the person gets the boot. Then if they wantto continue with the class they have to find

a group thats willing to take them in. Needless to say we've had two divorces in the class and both eventually dropped.
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