Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Bro the combine is one of the most slave auction things possible. All they’re missing are chains
Attended one of these back in the days. Felt weird having dudes with visors notepad and pen staring @ you. Agent homie told me it’s the norm. Lost a lotta love for FB that day.
“Look how fast my ****** is. Go on ******. Run for them. See how fast my ****** is? This ****** will make you a LOT of money. You better jump on this ******. He hurt his leg but we fixed that ******s leg. ****** is good as new.”

If you have kids teach them to be smart. **** is disgusting
I like what Jed York said about shutting the concession stands down during the anthem so that they don’t profit during the anthem. Not sure if he was trolling but minus whale inconvenience the stand for the flag crowd and teach them some proper flag and anthem etiquette.

Shut the team store and concession stands down 15 mins before the anthem so fans can be in the seating area in time for the anthem. Shut the tailgates in the stadium parking lot 45 mins before the anthem to get them in on time and shut the lines to enter the stadium 20 minutes before the anthem starts so fans can be facing the flag and stand. No more selfies, phone calls or beer during the anthem. Stand up, face the flag and have your right hand above your heart.

Wouldn't do it. You know there will be some military lunatic in those same stands chomping at the bit to lunge at someone demonstrating. I wouldn't even subject yourself to it.

I’m not but I haven’t stood for an anthem in years at a game unless I was standing at the concession stand.
NBA did This 20 years ago they're not entirely free of blame either. I like everything else they do though, they actually care about their players and the community. They could drop a bomb and reverse that rule though.
At least nba was up front about it
With no other influences
That’s what I respect
Or at least appreciate
About the nba
That Sterling Brown video is ugly. Same ol racist BS. 8 total cops for a parking ticket. We NEED to understand that this is a straight up war on black people. There's no other way to put it. This is why regular white people call the cops on us. They know what cops are really here to do.

We need to understand there's a war? It's too bad dudes like you can't even stop watching the NFL to support our own :lol:

Ton of talk, but where's the action?
Wouldn't do it. You know there will be some military lunatic in those same stands chomping at the bit to lunge at someone demonstrating. I wouldn't even subject yourself to it.

That’s what those fan conduct and behavior hotlines are for. I would just politely tell him I’m here to watch a game and to not have his personal grievances impede on my viewing experience and that if he keeps it up I’m going to text the fan behavior hotline and say he’s interrupting my viewing experience and that he’d likely get kicked out.
Went to the home opener last year. Didn’t get inside the stadium until nearly the end of the 1st quarter. I’ll prolly be there earlier this time cause my team is playing. Sure I won’t be standing for an anthem though. Still looking for the right kaep shirt to wear.
We need to understand there's a war? It's too bad dudes like you can't even stop watching the NFL to support our own :lol:

Ton of talk, but where's the action?
So every black person stops watching football then what? **** is that gon do about America being racist? :lol:

I can watch whatever and still recognize what's going on. Where is your action? Don't act like you not watching the NFL is some major ****.
So every black person stops watching football then what? **** is that gon do about America being racist? :lol:

I can watch whatever and still recognize what's going on. Where is your action? Don't act like you not watching the NFL is some major ****.
Imo I think it’s deeper than that
Please don’t tell me u been itching for
Some buttered biscuits
All I here from folks
Black folks especially
Why do this
Why do that
How about we at least show some solidarity
For something
Imo that’s more important
The solidarity
And us actually standing up together
For something
Then a damn game
We could come together
To see a damn marvel movie based in Africa
But can’t come together to not watch a damn game
If a huge number stops watching it will be major. So you're telling me you won't vote, but football is so essential you can't stop watching?

Geezus! @deuce king RustyShackleford RustyShackleford


Yikes :lol:
“As long as I understand America is racist, I’ll continue to passively support white supremacy economically and politically. At least I know what’s going on.”
Imo I think it’s deeper than that
Please don’t tell me u been itching for
Some buttered biscuits
All I here from folks
Black folks especially
Why do this
Why do that
How about we at least show some solidarity
For something
Imo that’s more important
The solidarity
And us actually standing up together
For something
Then a damn game
We could come together
To see a damn marvel movie based in Africa
But can’t come together to not watch a damn game
Son got a good sniff of those butter biscuits lol. N’s love football and Jordan’s more than social justice.
If a huge number stops watching it will be major. So you're telling me you won't vote, but football is so essential you can't stop watching?
It won't be a huge number. Y'all _'s ain't being realistic. The league is majority black. Those players friends and family ain't gonna stop watching. Black dudes are not gonna stop going to the NFL. Unless some other league pops up that pays the same amount it's unrealistic. And yes I will keep watching and still don't regret sitting out that last election.

You dudes can't say "don't watching the NFL!!" then turnaround and tell somebody to vote for the Clinton's who have played a part in exactly what Kaep is talking about. Nah, we can disagree on that.
So every black person stops watching football then what? **** is that gon do about America being racist? :lol:

Lower revenues, lower paychecks, lower endorsement contracts, which means lower influence on society.
I can watch whatever and still recognize what's going on. Where is your action? Don't act like you not watching the NFL is some major ****
You just want your cake and eat it too, and your inaction makes you part of the problem.
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