Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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White supremacists brandishing torches return to Lee statue in Charlottesville
Dudes don't know what to take a L.

He bout to get a bunch of racist said to him. Out on a Island in that league.

JT Brown is one of, I think, 30 black guys currently playing in the NHL. I know Kap gets A LOT of credit, and rightfully so, for what he started....but JT Brown is going to need a lot of support from people who understand why there are protests in the first place. NHL is an old-boy league and there is a lot of conservatism and folks who just don't get it....PLEASE get behind Brown, because it's about to get ugly for him, unfortunately. What he's doing, in the league he's in, takes a lot of guts. Send him tweets of support, wear a shirsey with his name on it...anything. Got to show these dummies out here how much we believe in ACTUALLY making America great.
You can tell from her show and interviews Joy white as ****, inside and out. She still sexy as a MFer.

Good luck to that hockey player, he gonna be all kinds of **** ****in with that league. It's dope but that market isn't trying to listen to a single word. Like doing a protest at Nascar.
How is that breaking news, he said the same thing months ago, didn't he?

Kaep has always wanted to bring awareness and see positive change happen. If the brother thinks that the kneeling is creating a circus that takes away from his efforts, or has become something else (like a Trump protest), then I can see why he drop it and work for progress in other ways.

I doubt Kaep will be half stepping when a mic is in front of him, or stop doing things in the community.
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Hell, I would still have the same amount of respect for Kap if he stood or kneeled, it is a whole hell of a lot more than most of his counterparts ever did. He's still leaps and bounds ahead of Cam in that regard, so more power to him
Apparently snowflake Pence took his ball and went home after some 49ers players didn’t stand for the anthem and stormed out of the colts game.

I just find that hilarious how thin skinned he is.
**** Mike Pence, dude is a top class piece of ****.

He stands by as Trump does his ******** but this is offensive to him, child please.
They’re twisting what he said as if he is not kneeling anymore so he can get a job.. on some “I’m sorry I won’t do it again” type ****

That’s not How he originally said it. He said that his message had already been spread like he feels like he got his point across. A long *** time ago at that.

I hate these wack *** tactics they use man :smh: u see how they added “if he gets signed by a team”

These people are wicked. Anything to kill the message
So 23 knelt down as 70k plus ' proudly stood' and you're punishing everyone else by leaving?

Protesting the protestors isn't a winning concept to me. It's childish and in some regards, youre letting 'them' win. I'm proud those 23 are causing so much chaos for so many small minded people.
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