Coaching Youth Girls Basketball 7th Grade...

Feb 19, 2004
So I had my first practice with 7th grade girls (non competitive recreational) yesterday as the coach. Was a bit nervous but seemed to go okay for a firststart. This is my practice plan for today's practice..any input or ideas on if this is a good way to run it?

-Warmup jog 3 laps around our full court area (two teams are sharing a full size gym)
-Head to toe stretching
-3 person weave
-4 people per line, 3 lines dribbling. Up with right, back with left. Crossover dribble up and back. Spin move dribble up and back.
-3 on 2 fastbreak with me and other assistant coach 'defending'.
-2 people/2 defenders, guarded control dribble, switch offense/defense at halfcourt.
-Machine gun defense drill. Constant movement of feet, move left/right/forward/backward on whistle and direction I am pointing.
-Shooting drill, split into two sides. They shoot from free throw area, rebound and pass to next person (or rebound, put back, then
pass to the next person).
-Have 5 girls in and work on pass and screen away without defense. Rotate in new 5 etc.
-5 on 5 scrimmage and sub in players, no back court defense.
-Free throws. Pick one player. Wind sprint if missed.
-High fives all around..end of practice.

This is for a one hour long practice session. I just want to keep them moving and constantly working on skills. We have about a month till games start...sowant them to improve skills before implementing any defense/offense schemes etc.
hahah at commments. What kind of league is it though, like cyo? Seems like a pretty good practice to me for some 12 yr olds though.
That's ALOT of drills for a 1-hour session. Especially 7th graders who will probably need to be taught how to do half of them. Probably need to cut thatlist in half and save the other half for the future. Keep them in the same drills for the first several practices until they become acclimated with thosedrills, then move on to some of the others ones. Expect to be stopping midway through drills alot to do some coaching/showing/etc.
7th grade girls aren't going to be able to do the 3 man weave
You'll have a tough enough time getting them down the court and back with theirstrong hand, much less their off
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

7th grade girls aren't going to be able to do the 3 man weave
You'll have a tough enough time getting them down the court and back with their strong hand, much less their off

How are 7th Grade girls not going to be able to do the 3-man weave? You run behind the person you just threw the ball to. It's not hard at all. When youplayed were you the one who was always messing it up or something...? It's not difficult.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

7th grade girls aren't going to be able to do the 3 man weave
You'll have a tough enough time getting them down the court and back with their strong hand, much less their off

How are 7th Grade girls not going to be able to do the 3-man weave? You run behind the person you just threw the ball to. It's not hard at all. When you played were you the one who was always messing it up or something...? It's not difficult.

I help coach a team of 6th to 8th graders, mostly guys, and i'm surprised when they are able to complete the drill. I aint knocking his squad.

pics???? lol
dog your taking it too serious.
i did that last year. i just made them do some layups, passes and shots. basic stuff
then we just scrimmaged
just let the kids play
Well we ran the 3 man weave yesterday and they did okay with it. They got through it surprisingly well actually. It isn't that hard of a drill. Yeah, weprobably won't get through most of that. At this point I am not "coaching/instructing" too much...i just want them to feel comfortable doing thedrills and getting a feel for basketball. They do all the drills just fine...but when i had them scrimmage 5 on 5 it was just a mess haha. I have this one girlthat just moved over from Japan that is a seriously good baller though. She can handle, make layups, play d, etc. A 7th grade girls deron williams.
My 3rd grade boys team does the 3 man weave every practice. Been doing it since 2nd grade. They know the 5 man weave too.
Originally Posted by f3DJam

dog your taking it too serious.
i did that last year. i just made them do some layups, passes and shots. basic stuff
then we just scrimmaged
just let the kids play
the next John Wooden right there.

I've been coaching HS and JC girls for 7 years. At the level you are coaching just work alot on ball-handling with the eyes up (hold up #'s with yourhand for them to call out while doing drills), and obviously develop their weak hand. Teach them how to protect the ball with their body and be strong with it.Maybe do a no-dribble scrimmage so they can work on passing and getting open. I could go on and on..... throw something fun in at the end like knockout sincethey are rec level players (keep their interest).
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