Citizens in 15 states file petitions to secede from United States ...

All that dudes that sign that ****, lets ship them to Canada
All that dudes that sign that ****, lets ship them to Canada

We don't want no crazy republican redneck dudes overhere :smh:

Meh... Ship them to the middle of Canada and I'm ok with it.
Oregon, the half-steppin $%^ state.
Idiots don't realize that secession = basically declaring war on the US. Have fun with that.
Idiots don't realize that secession = basically declaring war on the US. Have fun with that.

Yep, if a Governor were to begin maneuvering state resources/assembling an independent military the US would have no qualms with arresting those plans immediately.
And people think race problems and prejudice are almost gone 
 Please we have a loooooooong way to go.  Don't even say "the president is black. you can't complain now" or whatever some of you clowns repeat.  

The activities before and after this election show the true colors of half the country.  Now they don't even want to live in the same country as "us"
I'm starting to see these petitions on facebook too . . . idiots.

at least we'll have a list of names of people that can be sterilized . . .
I applaud their effort, but their too stupid on how much they rely on the current federal government. At least the Confederacy had boat loads of Gold in order to stabilize their economy, even though the Union set up blockades preventing foreign trade.
Let all of them secede, and when their economy becomes crippled.... Then they can come back crying.

Ironically these are the people who always say "They love America"
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This is so broad.

"People file a petition" - Any small group of num-nuts can start a petition for whatever cause.

Like I said in the other thread - Texas has been petitioning/filing for succession for the last 100 years. Even tho they would never do so, they'd be the only state who would consider it.
The Oregon petition, started Saturday by "Kristopher W" of Tillamook, Oregon, wants the state to remain an ally of the United States and possibly vote to rejoin the Union once "the citizens of Oregon felt the Federal Government was no longer imposing" what it calls a tyrannical government that cares nothing about the future of Oregon's children."

Oregon, the half-steppin $%^ state.

Polite way of saying "we'll come back when "he's" no longer in office." :smh:
The funniest thing is Romney and his corporate goons outsourced jobs from two of those states listed to China just before the election. 
Residents In All 50 States File Petitions To Secede From United States

As you may have heard, residents in most of these United States have used the "We The People" online petition tool -- previously best known as the primary method that weed enthusiasts used to communicate with high-ranking members of the White House staff -- to file requests to secede from country in the wake of the presidential election, because apparently not everybody got what they wanted out of America's traditional participatory democracy.

"Didn't we try that once before?" asked South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. Indeed, yes, it was tried before, by South Carolina in December of 1860. Since that date, states opting for secession have a 100% failure rate in splitting from the Union, and that dismal record was amassed long before the United States had a fleet of aerial drone weapons that could be piloted by remote control.

Other governors, perhaps sensing the overall "non-starter-ness" of seceding from the United States, have also publicly declined to support these secession petitions. "I don’t think that’s a valid option for Tennessee," said Tennesee Gov. Bill Haslam. Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley released a long statement through a spokeswoman in which he reiterated his belief in "one nation under God" and that "states can be great laboratories of change."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry also threw a wet blanket on the secession petition plan, saying that he "believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it." If you cannot impress Rick Perry with your secession plan, then you won't impress too many people. The best response, in fact, to these secession petitions, is a petition that asks President Barack Obama to do the "Hokey-Pokey."

There is, of course, no reason to take these secession petitions at all seriously. There is probably a fourteen-syllable German word that precisely captures the combination of juvenile whining, sour grapes and goofy anti-government fervor that drove an infinitesimal number of Americans to submit and support these petitions, but the word that the kids in America use to describe this is "butthurt."


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