Church of satan and the music industry

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by buggz05

I'll help you guys out. Modern day "Jesus", as well as "the devil" are both false idols. There is a "Christ", there is a "lucifer". Imperial Rome snatched up Christianity quickly, and turned it into the Anti-Christ. That is the missing piece of the puzzle.

I just realized this part recently. Christianity's portrayal of Jesus appears to be an abomination.

There are some scholars that believe that Imperial Rome actually never fell. They say the ruling class of Imperial Rome simply deserted its people, and followed the riches and resources coming from other societies. Start at the Vatican, fast forward to Spain, take a look at our own ruling class of democracy.

Yo I've felt this way for the longest what you said def holds water and is legit
Ahhhh the endless battle of good vs. evil/ The battle of the ethereal vs. the material. In the beginning there was the word............ and that word was accompanied by sound.
Think about it. This war is far deeper than the polarities in which the human mind can only understand.   
This thread has made me learn alot. Thanks.

I'm dead serious btw...I have realized alot of !$%@ spoken in this thread is real life. Appreciate the info and discussions.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Ahhhh the endless battle of good vs. evil/ The battle of the ethereal vs. the material. In the beginning there was the word............ and that word was accompanied by sound.
Think about it. This war is far deeper than the polarities in which the human mind can only understand.   

Good vs evil indeed, are people sure which side they are on because from my perspective the side that is more "evil" is clear objectively.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

"I rather not live like there isn't a God, then die and find out there really is."

- Kendrick Lamar�


Only because I like our PM's we had going from the other thread...
This is a logical fallacy known as "Pascal's Wager"

Here is why this reasoning fails:

...Just saying...
Like I always say, let's get to the source.. 

Now is where I answer everything.
In which case (based on a quick Google search) Atheism seems to have come out of Europe/Asia (some say Greece).. so far am I right in seeing that?

No. There have always been unbelievers. There have always been people who didn't believe in a god. 

Atheism isn't a "thing" 

Its the lack of belief. Atheism is as much of a religion as bald is a hair color or non-collecting stamps is a hobby, or not playing basketball is a sport.

And no, you're wrong for saying that. 

Ok cool (if i'm wrong, please direct me accordingly so I can be enlightened)..
You are, and I corrected you.
Next, as a melanated man, why would I give a damn about anything a European or Greek has to tell me when it comes to spirituality

Atheism is not a "white" thing, and you're shockingly ignorant for asserting so.
Its the lack of belief in the claims presented by religious people.

If I don't believe the claims you've supported then I don't believe in what you're saying. You're an atheist.

You don't believe in the claims of Thor, Odin, Ra, or Shiva, do you? That would make you an atheist then. Stop picking and choosing.

We're all atheists to some degree. I just take it one step further and throw your god in that pile. 

The way those people lived their lives (Romans, Greeks etc) and the @%%% they did is far from how my ancestors once lived their lives before they were captured (hopefully you watched the video I pm'ed you 

Cultural differences do not validate those made from religion. What a horrible equivocation. Thats like saying, in this culture we eat ice cream, therefore god. 

engaging in orgies or choosing to hold doors for women doesn't mean that "god" exists. 

There are merely different cultural values that are accepted over others. 

 We even see how America has adopted many things from those Europeans and look how %!*@!$ up this country is and look at what they bombard the human mind with.. 

You choose to validate what is "______ up" from YOUR perspective. Its all subjective. You're acting like a racist by blaming europeans for all of your misfortunes or things you disagree with.

 I'm sorry but Pascals wager, lochness and all of that other stuff mean nothing to me bruh..

Pascal's Wager is a logical fallacy that you made that said it would be better to believe in god than not.  I proved to you why this is wrong.
1. it ignores other gods and other heavens

2. it asserts that you can fake belief and fool a supposedly all knowing god so that you get into heaven

3. its a waste of time 

4. there is no reason for believing one god over the other

Its clear that none of this stuff means anything to you. You don't understand it. You selectively choose what you listen to. 

Last time my people took advice from a white person, we ended up in chains and were led astray..

Yep, and you were also given white spiritual beliefs.

I bet you don't even know that eastern/asian religious beliefs aren't even sculpted along european guidelines. But you cling to a version that is westernized. Isn't that ironic? But no, you'd rather overlook that bias. 

I'm convinced Atheism is just another tool to lead one astray as well. But you're free to practice what you want.. you still my brother. 

I'm offended by your lack of belief in Thor.

Honestly, lets use your field of judgement. Show me the criteria you use to show that all those other gods don't exist, and we'll use it against the god you think does exist.

I ain’t no Christian, ain’t no Catholic 
But I believe God gon’ shine his light on everyone that never had @%%%
I need some answers to these questions that I’m asking
We used to be connected who detached us?
We used to be respected now they laughin’
We’ve turned into possessions with no passion
How we go from the best to less than average
We used to be connected who detached us?
- Nipsey
Fallacy after fallacy of false dichotomies and non-sequiturs. 

Rappers need to do better. 

Originally Posted by NjCollector

Vocal atheists annoy me, we get it your an atheist, now just keep the machine going.

Its funny that only religious people can say what they want, but atheists need to be quiet.

Rather than enlighten people with a different perspective maybe a view where there is no heaven or hell but a sea of conciousness like tadpoles just living together connected only by thought.

Because pointing out logical fallacies with clear and concise stories isn't just that?
My point is not to tell people what to believe. But don't substantiate what you believe with logical fallacies. You're free to come to whatever conclusion you want. However dont use poorly constructed arguments as a means to do so. I don't really tell people my personal philosophy. It doesn't matter. What I DO care about is the methods used to arrive at particular conclusions, as that is the basis for everything else that is asserted.

Instead atheists strike down the stories, anecdotes and it's god in hope to turn the faithful or for them to see the "truth" as the atheist sees it; which is not only a losing battle but a war that can be avoided.

Because talking snakes are a plausible alternative.

The reason people believe in a heaven is because as they grow up one realizes life isn't what it is suppose to be; we as children grow up in a bubble of dreams and hopes, only to realize this is an illusion created by life. As we mature we come to find out our fathers are not supreme and almighty but mere men which shrivel and die, which only is strengthened when we see our once adored idols, die as well. This is where the fear of death and the mystery of life enters, which spawns religion of all sorts; for it is this fear which empowers religion because no one truly knows what happens after we die.
I agree wholeheartedly.
However, uncertainty does not grant the license to then create unsubstantiated claims and to make wild, unsupported assertions. 

Then have those ridiculous and unsupported claims respected? No. I won't do that.

The standard used for accepting literally every other claim is predicated on the presentation of evidence to suggest clear and consistent conclusions and discoveries. If there is none suggested, then the claim is not supported and the claim is dismissed. Otherwise, literally anything is possible and nothing could ever be wrong. 

So in that case, I think spiderman watches over us, and you could never prove me wrong, simply because I believe it. 

Yes some people are fools for following certain religions, but some are just afraid of the mysterious, and if they can cling onto an ideology which gives them a ticket to a heaven of sorts, they will fight tooth and nail if it is challenged, this is regular human reaction.

Thats fine. 
However their thoughts and perspective is not free from criticism, as is no idea, or entity. 

Additionally, the degree to which you believe something doesn't validate the belief. 

You can think nike shox make you jump higher, when it essence its really all those leg work outs. Isolate the variables and make REAL discoveries. 

Once again. Belief is not enough to substantiate reality.

Rather than fight the religious man by breaking down his religion, simply point to the sky and marvel at the stars, whether we are a gods son and daughter is unknown but we are all star dust manifested with a consciousness which is hungry to discover the wonders of life

That was beautiful, Sagan 
, but I don't feel a need to pander to forcing the gospel of secular humanism and embracing the stars.
Some people dont believe in god because of personal negative experiences with religion, others just never caught onto it, and there are also more who are just against anything that doesn't make sense.

My point is, I won't share my worldview until asked. 

However if a claim is made that doesn't make any sense, I don't see where I'm in the wrong for pointing that out. But when it comes to religion, its treated as a taboo subject that is free from criticism. 

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

This is a logical fallacy known as "Pascal's Wager"

GENIUS...he knows what Pascal's Wager is 
 ...look at how he supersizes his words to get a point across....

He actually didn't.

If he did, he wouldn't use it.

I wish I could be an Atheist like Anton and Sillyputty....

You already are. 
Here are some gods you don't believe in already:


God is everything.

Want to prove that? 
So far we've been able to PROVE that dark energy and dark matter is more of "everything" than your "god" is

Negative is negative. Positive is positive

What are you even talking about?
Negative and positive are terms used to describe positions and stances...not actual things in and of themselves.

 It's a physical fact...

No. You're conflagration terms.
if you don't believe in God your wrong.

Which god?
The universe is created....reality is reality.
Do you have proof of this? or are you just going to keep claiming that anything you think of is automatically proven? 

Atheism is the true 'logical fallacy' and false ideological position. 
Football is the one true sport. Anyone who plays a sport other than football is not playing sports.

As far as the industry goes....supporting Satanic images is wack as hell, obviously people in the industry have demons as do everybody else.
You mean issues of personal responsibility with money and drugs and sexual desires masked by the vague word of "demons?" 

But there is no such thing as the Church of Satan...only a bunch of men trying to concoct some kind of cult based around Satan...its false....and its not a threat to people who are rooted in their belief..

There is no such thing as the church or mormon either. Or roman catholics.
Good thing they're no threat to people either.

All religions are cults whose original members have died off.

the Universe is 1.

Right is right. Wrong is wrong.

The principles of morality and ethics are subjective and are extrapolated based on the ability of isolated communities to enact their own values and social mores. 

There is no objective morality.
Dark is dark and light is light. It's all together.
Actually this is wrong.
Dark and light only speak in terms of relativity. 

Dark is an absolute lack of light. Light only describes the gradient present based the amount of light.

Cold and hot aren't absolute. They are only used to describe relative positions between two states of matter. 

dont believe in religion and men...believe in your eternal soul and the one and only God who created the universe and everything we see.

 Another claim with no substantiation behind it.
BSmooth202, do us a favor and explain why you believe what you believe and what you have to support your belief.

I have no problem admitting where I'm wrong, but the least you could do is to educate us on where you stand. Maybe theres something we don't know. Wouldn't you want to show us your way of doing things?

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

believe in your eternal soul and the one and only God who created the universe and everything we see. 

Why should I?
Because you have a soul and the only way that soul could live on this beautiful planet was if there was a body for it. 
An unsubstantiated claim.

What is a Soul? And how do you know this is the only place a soul could exist?

Additionally, what about life on other planets? Wouldn't that poke a hole in your theory?

There's nothing wrong with searching internally (that very soul) for an answer but I fear you haven't even taken that small step.

Care to explain what "large step" you've taken was, then?

"All wonders you seek are within yourself"


"A man who finds no satisfaction in himself will seek for it in vain elsewhere"

False equivocation.

Thats like saying if you don't brush your teeth, a mack-truck(sp?) will hit you tomorrow in a cross walk.

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes."

My heart? You mean the amorphous muscular organ that pumps blood to my extremities? 

More poetic nonsense devoid of literal meaning, unless of course you can substantiate anything you're saying.

"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass themselves without wondering"

That sounds beautiful, Thoreau, but do you have any literal basis for anything you're saying? 

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Noskey

I believe that the universe is a random occurrence. And that human beings got lucky to get to where we are. 


99% of all species that have ever lived have gone extinct.

Is that still funny? 
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

The empty can rattles the loudest.

So do empty claims.
In fact, the fact that you don't give your life to spiderman speaks volumes.

He webbed for your sins. 
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

The empty can rattles the loudest.

how can an empty can rattle?
Unless of course he means reverberate/resonate sound, in which case he might be right.
But there is no intrinsic "rattle"
...sounds like someone could use a little Physics II review... 

Good catch. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

The empty can rattles the loudest.

how can an empty can rattle?
Unless of course he means reverberate/resonate sound, in which case he might be right.
But there is no intrinsic "rattle"
...sounds like someone could use a little Physics II review... 

Good catch. 

Pretty pathetic.
Y'all can't understand or accept a simple proverb but expect to understand matters of the soul?
Atheism is a western construct for the most part.even the eastern aspects never divulged into full nihilistic western style atheism.india ,china,had some forms but they all died out or were deemed irrevelant. Atheism Is neither the solution or answer to the idea or concept of god or a higher beings it is mere,y a variable tossed in. We all know their are various planes of existence it would be stupid to say a higher being doesn't exist.I love the scientific atheist who says science is the end all be all and they subscribe to their theories as if they are commandments.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

how can an empty can rattle?
Unless of course he means reverberate/resonate sound, in which case he might be right.
But there is no intrinsic "rattle"
...sounds like someone could use a little Physics II review...�

Good catch.�

Pretty pathetic.
Y'all can't understand or accept a simple proverb but expect to understand matters of the soul?
Well if your proverb doesn't make any sense, then... No.

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Atheism is a western construct for the most part.
Is not-stamp collecting a western construct too?

Whats so hard for you to understand?

I. Do. Not. Believe. In. Any. God(s).


The hell are you talking about?

Is calculus a western construct? Is gunsmithing and fireworks an eastern construct?

even the eastern aspects never divulged into full nihilistic western style atheism.

Because they still retain spiritual aspects of random faiths. They practice differently but they still believe in mystical hogwash thats unsubstantiated.
Westerners just think its cool because its foreign, not that its actually real.

For the sake of perspective, this might help you: http://www.huffingtonpost...-religion_b_1031869.html

india ,china,had some forms but they all died out or were deemed irrevelant.

Not believing in something has always been around. Maybe you would hear more about them if efforts weren't taken to force people to believe centuries ago. I'm sure you wouldn't have spoken out against a religion you didn't follow back then, would you? Unless you like having massive stakes driven up in you.

Atheism Is neither the solution or answer to the idea or concept of god or a higher beings it is mere,y a variable tossed in.


Since when is NOT doing something considered a variable?

Stop trying to paint the LACK of something as an alternative.

Is the LACK of hair, considered a hair-style?

Is the lack of a hobby, considered a hobby?

Atheism shouldn't even exist as a word, but it does in light of all the believers.

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim.

A = Lack

Theism = Belief

A + Theism = Atheism = Lack of belief

A= lack

Gnostic = Knowledge

A + Gnostic = Lack of knowledge

Atheism and Agnosticism answer two different questions

Atheism asks: Do you believe in a god? Yes or No.

Agnosticism asks: Do you know there is a god? Yes or No. ...Heres a hint, if you answer "yes" you're the biggest liar in the world. The answer is "No." None of you can prove that a god exists, not even me. I don't know if a god exists. I just know that I don't believe in a god. If proof or evidence suggests that a god exists, i will believe. However, as of yet there has been nothing to convince me that there is a god.

We all know their are various planes of existence it would be stupid to say a higher being doesn't exist.

I don't say that god doesn't exist. I can't prove a negative.

I do say the following:

1. I don't believe in any gods.

2. I don't know if any gods exist...HOWEVER, if you have a way of presenting evidence for a god to exist, I am subject to accepting that claim. But, if the claim is not supported then I can not reasonably subscribe to the claim.
I love the scientific atheist who says science is the end all be all and they subscribe to their theories as if they are commandments.

I don't subscribe to "science"

I subscribe to that which is proven and supported.

The thing is, so do you. But when it comes to religion, you leave the door wide open.

If you can prove that your god exists, then I'll believe.

Otherwise, this sort of irrational mental accounting that asserts, "well anything is possible" is illogical.

Well its also then possible that Spiderman died for our sins and works through the Messiah of Stan Lee to bring forth his message and gospel.

The methods that you choose to make every other decision and evaluate every other outcome in your personal life is predicated on evidence that allows either support for past events or reliable margins of consistency in making predictions.

Faith is not an answer. Evidence is.
Look at this guy....
proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.

Either you're a d-bag trying way too hard or you're not as smart as you would like to think you are.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Look at this guy....
proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.
Either you're a d-bag trying way too hard or you're not as smart as you would like to think you are.

I know what a proverb is.
However, your proverb doesn't make sense.

Are you serious?

Its like me getting upset that you didn't laugh at my joke, then coming back to make sure you understood what a joke even was. 

Nah bruh, your "proverbs" just suck (not you, so don't get offended).

No one is offended or mad bro.

You just continually make yourself look silly.

Shared humanity, exchanged through effective communication...try getting a grasp of that concept instead of wasting your life typing stuff no one is going to read.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Look at this guy....
proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.
Either you're a d-bag trying way too hard or you're not as smart as you would like to think you are.
I know what a proverb is.
However, your proverb doesn't make sense.

Are you serious?

Its like me getting upset that you didn't laugh at my joke, then coming back to make sure you understood what a joke even was. 

Nah bruh, your "proverbs" just suck (not you, so don't get offended).

lol @ dude questioning your intelligence cause you wouldn't acknowledge his stupid proverb
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