Chief Keef 60 days and crying..


Its ok Keef all Chiefs cry sometimes
Then you of all people should know how vicious of a cycle that lifestyle is.

Listen, I'm not making any excuses for this kid's actions and they are disgusting. To be real, I never even knew about any of this until I read this thread. Still, to advocate that he gets popped because of his stupid decisions?!

He did the crime and now he's paying for it. I'm not saying the judge should of let him go. I'm saying he finally realized the consequences of his actions and is now dealing with it. Who cares if he cried? It doesn't matter if you're doing 2 months or 2 years, when you finally realize that this is where your life is leading you, most people would be emotional.

More importantly, you guys don't understand how reckless you are when you say things like "chief keef is soft", "he's a punk", etc. What's the point? Do you want him to come out and then prove how "hard" he is by doing something even worse?? You say that you want him to do something better with his life but is ridiculing him because he cried after he got sentenced going to do that or is it going to push him to an eff it mentality when he gets out? Instead of saying "Chief keef is soft" shouldn't be supporting another young black kid who got caught up in this lifestyle and using this as an opportunity to help him better himself? We're like crabs in a bucket

In this Twitter/blog age, we really need to be mindful of the effect our criticism have on people. Its so easy to get on Twitter and start clowning this kid because of his stupidity (which he is for doing all this ish) but will it really make him realize that he can't continue advocating this damaging lifestyle? The answer is no. Its just gonna push him deeper. That's all I'm saying.
I agree some what  but its comedy to me because if your gonna act like a thug then you better be ready when **** like this happens to you.   I mean I have no remorse for a kid who laughs at his rival being murdered.  It's disgusting.   Plus he didn't have to go out and be a gang banger.  That's what he wanted to do.   The last time I went to jail I decided to turn my life around.   It's a lifestyle change.    Watch when he gets out and he goes right back to claiming his hood and wishing death on his rivals.  smh This kid is a bona fide loser! 
I agree some what  but its comedy to me because if your gonna act like a thug then you better be ready when **** like this happens to you.   I mean I have no remorse for a kid who laughs at his rival being murdered.  It's disgusting.   Plus he didn't have to go out and be a gang banger.  That's what he wanted to do.   The last time I went to jail I decided to turn my life around.   It's a lifestyle change.    Watch when he gets out and he goes right back to claiming his hood and wishing death on his rivals.  smh This kid is a bona fide loser! 

Yeah but he made his bed and he's laying in it. You can't say that this experience didn't effect him because clearly it did if it had him crying. What he needs is people reaching out to him and being a positive role model. Sometimes its not as simple as "he chose to do X,Y,Z and I chose not to". There's other factors at play. I don't know this kid but you don't know him either. It just doesn't make sense to me that people are jumping to conclusions like "oh he's going to come back and try to act hood again". It's like we're praying on his downfall.
you guys really care if he cried or not?  He still gonna be in the streets and he still pointed a gun at a cop.  You don't know whats in his heart.  You don't even know what was going through his head at the time.  You can't really care this much? Or actually believe you have a valid stance in this discussion.
Yeah but he made his bed and he's laying in it. You can't say that this experience didn't effect him because clearly it did if it had him crying. What he needs is people reaching out to him and being a positive role model. Sometimes its not as simple as "he chose to do X,Y,Z and I chose not to". There's other factors at play. I don't know this kid but you don't know him either. It just doesn't make sense to me that people are jumping to conclusions like "oh he's going to come back and try to act hood again". It's like we're praying on his downfall.
Because people have already reached out to him but he ignored them.  Hopefully you are right though and he does  change his life around and becomes a positive role model for all the kids that look up to him.
lol its funny how some of you  youngsters look up to this kid like he's a G.  lol crying over a 60 day sentence.  smh Just another fraud in Hip Hop. 
As if teenagers of any era don't look up to certain folks like they were a G. Your man Pac was dancing on his toes with Jade Pinkett but folks worshipped his Thug Passion card for whatever reason. Same difference here man
lol its funny how some of you  youngsters look up to this kid like he's a G.  lol crying over a 60 day sentence.  smh Just another fraud in Hip Hop. 
As if teenagers of any era don't look up to certain folks like they were a G. Your man Pac was dancing on his toes with Jade Pinkett but folks worshipped his Thug Passion card for whatever reason. Same difference here man
Thank you. The Tupac worship and brainwash is cult like.  I remember a dude got in a argument with me because I said I could beat up Pac.....he was actually heated and tried to give reasons. 
As if teenagers of any era don't look up to certain folks like they were a G. Your man Pac was dancing on his toes with Jade Pinkett but folks worshipped his Thug Passion card for whatever reason. Same difference here man
lol Pac didn't cry for only getting 60 days nor did Pac claim a gang.  You can not put them in the same sentence.  The only thing they have similar is that both came out with at least 1 hip hop album.  With that said I never worshipped any rapper or any man at that.   I had idols growing up like Jordan, Isaiah Thomas, MLK, Grant Hill, Chris Webber, Jalen, Rose etc... but never a rapper lol thats just speaking for myself though I'm sure they're was millions of kids running around wishing they were Pac.  
I really doubt dude cried over being sent to day care for 60 days. Probably made it up I'm guessing.
I really doubt dude cried over being sent to day care for 60 days. Probably made it up I'm guessing.
It was reported in the Chicago news papers that he was tearing up while he was begging  for the judge to give him one more chance.  lol The newspapers aren't gonna lie.   Dude was shook that he got 60 days.  lol
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lol Pac didn't cry for only getting 60 days nor did Pac claim a gang.  You can not put them in the same sentence.  The only thing they have similar is that both came out with at least 1 hip hop album.  With that said I never worshipped any rapper or any man at that.   I had idols growing up like Jordan, Isaiah Thomas, MLK, Grant Hill, Chris Webber, Jalen, Rose etc... but never a rapper lol thats just speaking for myself though I'm sure they're was millions of kids running around wishing they were Pac.  
Say what you want man, I wasn't getting that deep.

All I am saying was Keith is as much of a "fraud" as Pac was. Nothing further. If that is the word you all want to use
yeah he can't even do 2 months? What a punk! He lost all my respect until he can commit a bigger crime and do more time without showing any emotion or remorse!
you see how silly that sounds?
how your putting it yeah.  he contributed to the gang violence in Chicago so I'm gonna make fun of a wannabe thug just like most people did with Vanilla Ice and how they do with Tyga and Rick Ross now.    Hopefully the kid wises up.  His mom is a huge part of the problem too.  She was justifying his actions saying that's just the environment that he grew up in.  smh  
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