Chicago is bad.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Chicago=Trash. Heard alot of bad stuff about this city.
San Francisco>Chicago.
San Francisco>Chicago.

San Francisco>Chicago.

San Francisco>Chicago.
Spoiler [+]

jobs,weather,females,food> Chicago's
SF is an international city, same with LA and NYC . I like Chicago and wouldnt mind living there at all if a job/school oppurtunity came up there, but lets be honest no one outside of the country cares about your city

*waits for SF=Gays remark"

Shut up dude. San Francisco is the prime example what happens when socialism fails. Your city is run by extreme left nut jobs who've bankrupted San Francisco to the point that taxpayers nationwide are unknowingly assisting in helping keep the city afloat.

Ty trying to act tough. Get lynched from your cardigan. Stop it.

Kneesh with her usual stupid comments.
"Summer time is the killing season. It's hot out this b***h, that's a good enough reason" 50 Cent

The fact that only 4 people died is the shocking part. It's some lucky dudes and good hospitals in Chicago.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

and people swear chicago is the best city, especially in the summer..
It is. This is the SOUTHSIDE. Do you know how BIG Chicago is? Let alone ILLINOIS?

Stop it.
YES, i know how big chicago is...i was roaming the streets of chicago while you were riding a big wheel..

but, if you really think about it, the southside of chicago is rough...the westside is rough and east of chicago is Gary which is also hood and now w/ gentrification going on the suburbs are getting worse. i know there's plenty of nice areas in chicago, but the homicides are out of control there..

i dont know why some ppl are afraid to admit there's REALLY a problem in chicago.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by DuBsTyLeDj

Originally Posted by JordanKing Xi

Chicago > CALI > NY > YOU

You Know..... and fyi it's not just the south that's bad...any time and place it can happen......Rogers Park is on the north side..they get wild over there...take for instance i got people that stay at the ickes...i used to go there all the time...and you could always find me past the 60's...and you know where i got the most grief? %*$&#
   Humboldt Park on the North side....

Are you black??
::looks at avy:: no i don't appear to be....
the only thing i can think to say is...


but damn that's a lot of shootings.. pretty pathetic imo
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

and people swear chicago is the best city, especially in the summer..
It is. This is the SOUTHSIDE. Do you know how BIG Chicago is? Let alone ILLINOIS?

Stop it.
YES, i know how big chicago is...i was roaming the streets of chicago while you were riding a big wheel..

but, if you really think about it, the southside of chicago is rough...the westside is rough and east of chicago is Gary which is also hood and now w/ gentrification going on the suburbs are getting worse. i know there's plenty of nice areas in chicago, but the homicides are out of control there..

i dont know why some ppl are afraid to admit there's REALLY a problem in chicago.
You're still talking about one city, in one state ... out of 50 states.

No-one's admitting there isn't a problem in Chicago ... we're just admitting that there's a problem EVERYWHERE ...

And when people stop trying to focus solely on ONE AREA like it's the only place like this in the US, MAYBE just maybe something will be done.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

and people swear chicago is the best city, especially in the summer..
It is. This is the SOUTHSIDE. Do you know how BIG Chicago is? Let alone ILLINOIS?

Stop it.
YES, i know how big chicago is...i was roaming the streets of chicago while you were riding a big wheel..

but, if you really think about it, the southside of chicago is rough...the westside is rough and east of chicago is Gary which is also hood and now w/ gentrification going on the suburbs are getting worse. i know there's plenty of nice areas in chicago, but the homicides are out of control there..

i dont know why some ppl are afraid to admit there's REALLY a problem in chicago.
You're still talking about one city, in one state ... out of 50 states.

No-one's admitting there isn't a problem in Chicago ... we're just admitting that there's a problem EVERYWHERE ...

And when people stop trying to focus solely on ONE AREA like it's the only place like this in the US, MAYBE just maybe something will be done.
.....but this thread is about Chicago. Not any other state. Things have been done in other cities and it's showing.
[h1]Los Angeles crime rates plunge despite weak economy[/h1][h2]Homicides decline to levels not seen since the 1960s. 'It's a different world,' Chief Charlie Beck says.[/h2]
December 24, 2009|By Joel Rubin and Richard Winton

Crime in Los Angeles County dropped again in 2009 despite rising unemployment and the bad economy, continuing a slide that has pushed homicides to levels not seen since the 1960s.

Killings dropped about 17% in Los Angeles and by nearly a quarter in areas patrolled by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Together, the agencies investigated about 500 killings through Sunday -- a sharp drop in bloodshed compared with the more than 1,500 in 1992, the year of the Los Angeles riots.



"It is a different world," said Police Chief Charlie Beck, a 32-year veteran of the force. "There was a time when it was the opposite of today -- when it seemed there was no limit on the potential for things to get worse and worse. The whole outlook has shifted now."

The number of property-related crimes, such as burglary and theft, also declined generally this year, including a surprisingly large drop in the number of stolen automobiles.

The trend extended into other parts of Southern California and several major cities around the country. The Riverside County sheriff and San Diego County sheriff, as well as police departments in cities such as Anaheim and San Bernardino, reported declines. The San Diego Police Department recorded a 19% drop through November. New York City and Chicago each reported crime decreases of roughly 10%.

For the LAPD, the statistics marked the seventh consecutive year in which the rate of serious crimes has declined. Through Saturday, violent crimes, such as homicide, rape and robbery, fell about 10% compared with the same period last year, while burglary and other property crimes declined 8%, according to LAPD figures.

The Sheriff's Department, which patrols dozens of cities and unincorporated communities, reported similar results for the year, with overall serious crime down more than 11% through Monday.

The numbers represent nearly 20,000 fewer crimes handled by the LAPD and Sheriff's Department so far this year compared with last.

Homicides continued to tumble in the city of Los Angeles and in the sheriff's territory. Within city boundaries, 302 people had been killed by day's end Sunday -- 62 fewer than in the same period in 2008. The Sheriff's Department tallied 194 deaths, a 23% decline.

The totals are a fraction of the killings that occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the county had roughly a million fewer residents, but its urban core was in the grip of a crack cocaine epidemic and gang violence. Another prime marker of violence, the number of gunshots fired, was also down.
[h1]New York City crime rates at record low: police[/h1]

Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:44pm EST

[h3]Related News[/h3]

NEW YORK (Reuters) - This year has been the safest in New York City in more than four decades, with the murder rate down to levels not seen since the early 1960s, police said on Monday.


As of Sunday, 461 murders had been committed, down from 516 in 2008 and the lowest number since comparable record-keeping began in 1963, the New York Police Department said.

Nationwide, statistics suggest the United States will have seen a drop in violent crime for a third year in a row. Last week, the FBI reported violent crime, including murder and robbery, dropped 4.4 percent in the first half of 2009.

The FBI also said New York was the safest U.S. big city in 2009.

Crime in New York has been falling for several years in a decline widely attributed to a "broken windows" strategy of no tolerance for even the smallest infraction and the system of identifying and addressing problem areas.

In announcing the 2009 statistics, Mayor Michael Bloomberg also gave credit to his efforts to clamp down on illegal guns.

This was "a year for the record books," Bloomberg said.

Rape, robbery and burglary rates were down from 2008 but felony assaults ticked up 2 percent, police said.

The announcement came as the police department inducted 250 new officers into the force, one of the smallest batches of new hires in recent memory, spokesman Paul Browne said.

The number of New York police officers is about 34,000, down from 40,800 in 2001, a span of time in which crime rates have fallen, police said.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by CasperJr

chicago is a great city...just don't be hanging around the 60's or lower.
wrong i know atleast 3 of them got shot with in 2 blocks of my job on 79th
so where's the part where i'm wrong? 
  i said 60's or lower can be sketchy.
i stayed with a girl friend and her fam when i was there once, i could feel the people thinking "wth is this white boy doing down here"

never knew 79 is lower than 60

Borned and raised in the Chi. Love it here, especially in the summer. We do have the best summers as far as metropolis goes. I lived in the Northside nearly my whole life. Lived in the Westside(bellwood) for a few months. Now me and my girl live by South Shore near rainbow beach. Every side is different and will take some adjusting. But you're crazy to think the northside is safer. My friend got mugged on Southport and Grace a few summers back. Like dude said, Rogers Park aint all that nice when it comes to safe. Diversey and Kostner is watch your back area too, just like Humboldt Park. Love the Puerto Rican carnival weekend, food and women. But yeah going back to where i'm at, I always get off from work late so I be getting home around midnight, or 1 am and park on the streets. Now if anyone from the south or westside knows, there are still plenty of people hanging around outside. I've always minded my business and never got bothered or felt like my safety was being threatned.

BTW, last Thanksgiving, I went to her aunties house on 63rd and Ada. I even made a few trips to the gas station and liquor stores. And nobody bothered me.

Bottom line, these were all gang-related. If you're not in a gang and they know that you're not a part of any gang, or if you just let them know that "I'm nothing" then you'll be fine. I'm not saying what happened is ok with me, I'm just not that fazed by it, cuz at the end of the day, they don't mess with me or have a reason to.

I'm glad I live in the burbs...+#*$ is crazy! Only place I go in Chi is downtown, and even that is rare.
Chicago is slippin'. The cops there are SOFT. Just wave something real dark in the air in NYC and cops got red lights on your head with no hesitation to pull the trigger.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

and people swear chicago is the best city, especially in the summer..
It is. This is the SOUTHSIDE. Do you know how BIG Chicago is? Let alone ILLINOIS?

Stop it.
YES, i know how big chicago is...i was roaming the streets of chicago while you were riding a big wheel..

but, if you really think about it, the southside of chicago is rough...the westside is rough and east of chicago is Gary which is also hood and now w/ gentrification going on the suburbs are getting worse. i know there's plenty of nice areas in chicago, but the homicides are out of control there..

i dont know why some ppl are afraid to admit there's REALLY a problem in chicago.
You're still talking about one city, in one state ... out of 50 states.

No-one's admitting there isn't a problem in Chicago ... we're just admitting that there's a problem EVERYWHERE ...

And when people stop trying to focus solely on ONE AREA like it's the only place like this in the US, MAYBE just maybe something will be done.
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