
Yes. This is a result of chemtrails and not a result of there being oil on the ground.  You remind me of this lady:

for the record I don't believe in conspiracy theories
My boy just came back from Vegas and said they were the worst chemtrails he ever saw while he was visiting and he looks for them.
You breathe that stuff in fam, Obama made the process expedite Macc.
And As i started to do a little research, and seeing the asians with the masks on. Its starts to add up in a way.... ready somewhere these chem trails are world wide but dont happen in China or Japan I forget which one. Thats weird too.

Vegas is the worst Ive ever seen, i havent been looking for them that long/noticing them... i just know when i was even a kid me and my friends would see them back home in Michigan and pretend they could drop us anything we wanted lol imagination.

What do you mean Obama made the process expedite?
anybody notice you can see ripples in the sky. like ripples in water. sound pressure waves

see chemtrails all the time. they cross over my house a lot. I used to take photos of them but a few months ago helicopters started flying really low over my house and I just stopped at that point.
not to sound weird but in the past two years the FBI has knocked on my door asking me questions twice, weird vehicles have been parked close to my house that just sit there for hours, low flying helicopters, strange sounds on my back deck at 2am (definitely not animals, sounds like shoes or boots). internet traffic has been funny at times. all of these could be unrelated, I have no idea. but everything slowed down when I became less "active" in certain social circles online, and stopped photographing and watching the sky every day.
my boy has a theory that chemtrails and other chemical compounds in our foods and drinks could be related to the increase in ADD and other mental illnesses in our population.

You need to get some help fast!

Anyway why would the gov spresd those chem trials or event he pilots knowing both of them will have to live and breath inthe same stuff


If they wanted to poison people it wont be hard using other tatic such as food, flu shots etcs..

Contrails, or condensation trails, are "streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by an airplane or rocket at high altitudes."[4] These condensation trails are the result of normal emissions of water vapor from piston engines and jet engines at high altitudes in which the water vapor condenses into a visible cloud. Contrails are formed when hot humid air from the engines mixes with the colder surrounding air. The rate at which contrails dissipate is entirely dependent on weather conditions and altitude. If the atmosphere is near saturation, the contrail may exist for some time. Conversely, if the atmosphere is dry, the contrail will dissipate quickly

Issue closed
Great post OP. I think about these whenever I see them, I have my own ideas but won't share them.
I've noticed while I was playing ball at the park that right before they make a U-turn, they would stop spraying until they made a full turn and would continue onto the other direction! :nerd:

I'm thinking they're remote controlled.

Here is a video taken from a Fed Ex plane cockpit.

This is from one of the comments on the youtube video you posted.

"A good way to verify chemtrails is the moment you see them, get online and check the satellite radar. You can see them on satellite because the nano-aluminum particles used in the dispersant is radar reflective.
Contrails will not show up on the same radar, but chemtrails will. Watch them live at NOAA radar satellite."
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this was on tuesday, also in the bay area. something's definitely up. 
Ok, so I woke up early yesterday morning to go put a bet in at the sportsbook. Looked in the sky and it was like tic-tac-toe. Something like this pic but WAYYYYY worse. I'm mad I wasnt able to snap a pic.

It's crazy how when conventions or more people are in town, there are more of these trails riding around. Yesterday hands down was the worse I've ever seen. With 10+ planes dropping these chem-trails all through the sky.

The sky was close to crystal clear, but as the day went on the sky got hazy, Very cloudy out of nowhere, and those rippled looking clouds werent any type of real cloud, It was a chem trail spreading over the sky looking like a cloud.

I only got one pic while I was driving..... Very suspect activity going on in the skies, Makes me contemplate rocking the doctor/paint paper mask. Big Brother is doing something to either alter weather, or human behavior. 

Las Vegas hands down is the worse place for these trails.

I wish I could've gotten a better pic, but you can see the tic-tac-toe in the sky above the mountains. About to take my dog for a walk and see what I see, Seems the morning time, special events, and holidays are when they increase in trails.
Man I have been seeing more and more of these. Said something to my sister in the car the other day like why are all these planes flying around here. There were a solid 7-8 in the sky.

Something is fishy
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