
Haha! My dude got me hip to this and gave me the whole low down with chem trails. Dude sounded crazy and I thought it was BS at the time. Now I am constantly looking at the sky and see what he is talking about and sort of believe the hype. I also live in SF area.

Yeah man, I felt hella weird taking those pictures and people were looking at me like I'm crazy. I knew you guys were going to think I'm crazy but it's a crazy world son and can careless about my internet image. haha

I just thin that we need to be responsible to observe and pay attention to our surroundings.

"The paradox of quantum physics is that a particle only becomes real once you observe it. Thought equals reality: we live in a consensual universe."

Every thought is reality!
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see chemtrails all the time. they cross over my house a lot. I used to take photos of them but a few months ago helicopters started flying really low over my house and I just stopped at that point.

not to sound weird but in the past two years the FBI has knocked on my door asking me questions twice, weird vehicles have been parked close to my house that just sit there for hours, low flying helicopters, strange sounds on my back deck at 2am (definitely not animals, sounds like shoes or boots). internet traffic has been funny at times. all of these could be unrelated, I have no idea. but everything slowed down when I became less "active" in certain social circles online, and stopped photographing and watching the sky every day.

my boy has a theory that chemtrails and other chemical compounds in our foods and drinks could be related to the increase in ADD and other mental illnesses in our population.
I live in the Bronx, NY and I see those chemtrails all the time. Funny thing is that I looked up once and saw a random thing floating in the sky like the what OP pointed out in his pics.

2nd sun?


Julius F. Wrek
  Word....color me confused.  
see chemtrails all the time. they cross over my house a lot. I used to take photos of them but a few months ago helicopters started flying really low over my house and I just stopped at that point.
not to sound weird but in the past two years the FBI has knocked on my door asking me questions twice, weird vehicles have been parked close to my house that just sit there for hours, low flying helicopters, strange sounds on my back deck at 2am (definitely not animals, sounds like shoes or boots). internet traffic has been funny at times. all of these could be unrelated, I have no idea. but everything slowed down when I became less "active" in certain social circles online, and stopped photographing and watching the sky every day.
my boy has a theory that chemtrails and other chemical compounds in our foods and drinks could be related to the increase in ADD and other mental illnesses in our population.

What did the FBI ask you?
see chemtrails all the time. they cross over my house a lot. I used to take photos of them but a few months ago helicopters started flying really low over my house and I just stopped at that point.
not to sound weird but in the past two years the FBI has knocked on my door asking me questions twice, weird vehicles have been parked close to my house that just sit there for hours, low flying helicopters, strange sounds on my back deck at 2am (definitely not animals, sounds like shoes or boots). internet traffic has been funny at times. all of these could be unrelated, I have no idea. but everything slowed down when I became less "active" in certain social circles online, and stopped photographing and watching the sky every day.
my boy has a theory that chemtrails and other chemical compounds in our foods and drinks could be related to the increase in ADD and other mental illnesses in our population.

What did the FBI ask you?

a few questions about my neighbor. asked if I was familiar with a couple of names of local people and a few people in other areas.

I've known I'm being at least lightly monitored for a long time, no stress over here.
Now, This thread right here will get repped. Pretty weird and strange that within the last month or 2 ive been fascinated with these trails. Being fairly new to Nevada, I see them ALL the time, in mass numerous. Making straight fake clouds that i feel are chemically filled. Before and after halloween for sure, asking my brother about it then hitting up google it does seem fishy. And may even be attitude adjusting chemicals or something. I dont know what, but coming from Michigan i saw them but not as many and clouds/trails not as thick. Almost made a thread but didnt know how [people would react, weird bunch around here sometimes that stray off topic lol

That pic was a week ago or so, Funny i take pics of this ish all the time while jogging. Swear the skies are real clear in the morning and mountain edges but by around 1-3 pmish, even on the brightest day there is a funny haze throughout the sky. I can honestly say i cant recall the last moment in the daytime I havent seen these in Nevada.
My boy just came back from Vegas and said they were the worst chemtrails he ever saw while he was visiting and he looks for them.

You breathe that stuff in fam, Obama made the process expedite Macc.
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So can someone explain to me the purpose of chem trails? What is the reason that they are put out there?
I KNOW what oil in water looks like. This was not oil tho because all the water was like this for blocks. 

1. I worked as an automotive tech for a few years and it def looks like car oil and water.....maybe you are picturing vegetable oil in your head.
2. do you think those blocks were ever subject to any oil or contamination from the cars that drive on it all day long for years?
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i use to live in ny.. the streets always had water that had that weird look to it. Oil is probably wat its mixed with.. dudes gotta stop reaching so much
I KNOW what oil in water looks like. This was not oil tho because all the water was like this for blocks. 
1. I worked as an automotive tech for a few years and it def looks like car oil and water.....maybe you are picturing vegetable oil in your head.
2. do you think those blocks were ever subject to any oil or contamination from the cars that drive on it all day long for years?
meh you're probably right.
^Next time get a cup and put it out in the rain so you can get rain water sample son.
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