
Aug 15, 2004
While I was walking my dog early afternoon today about around 3pm, I noticed all these chetrails right away when I walked out. I took some pictures, check e'm out. I live in bay area, east bay to be exact btw.

This one is going straight towards the sun (west)
View media item 135872This one came back and laid another trail
View media item 135873These two are going the same direction and while this two are moving the jet (previews picture) is going to the other direction.
View media item 135874Other picture of them two. You can see the light trail they leave turns into brush like "clouds"
View media item 135876Now this one is really crazy! If you open this one on another tab and zoom in to the red circle on the left I drew you'll see something is floating circle like on the sky. I didn't see this until now, when making this thread. :nerd:
View media item 135877Look at the green box I drew and it seems like these "clouds" or chemtrails reflects sun light. It's not glare on my camera because I could see it when I took the pictures.
View media item 135878Another picture.
View media item 135879View media item 135884View media item 135885View media item 135886
Feel free to take pictures of your own and post here so we can compare.
They fly fairly close to the ground out here in GA. The planes are going at least for what seems 12 hrs a day out here. I see them nearly every time I leave the house during daylight hours.
Yeah, but that could just be a plane or bird or something. Resolution isnt high enough to make an assumption.
nice OP!

from what I hear.. these chemtrails are always towards the sun..

they spray barium to block out the 2nd sun to make it transparent..

yeah its weird, but it does make you think! LOL.

On another note, I hear these chemtrails have been linked to a certain type of disease? Its sad! but nice pics! wondering what the hell that weird circle is!
Man in this ****** up world we live, I think these things are def. what theorists predict these are.
nice OP!

from what I hear.. these chemtrails are always towards the sun..

they spray barium to block out the 2nd sun to make it transparent..

yeah its weird, but it does make you think! LOL.

On another note, I hear these chemtrails have been linked to a certain type of disease? Its sad! but nice pics! wondering what the hell that weird circle is!

Yeah, I heard that too. You should take pictures of the chemtrails in your area and post on here too.
ive heard these are targeted. why are there so many near you?
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Im sorry those look like regular Contrails to me dawg. Why do you think those are chemtrails? I live in Atlanta (home of the busiest airport in the world) and just about every other plane leaves contrails....

but if you really want to get into the conspiracy theory part of this....head on over to
ive heard these are targeted. why are there so many near you?

I live in the West, where the sunsets. I'm pretty close to the ocean here. I'm thinking that might be the reason. When I took those pictures yesterday, you can't see the horizon and it's covered with these chemtrials.

I also noticed that the sun gets really bright around 3pm here but it's not hot. It's weird, like the brightness is coming from something else.
Im sorry those look like regular Contrails to me dawg. Why do you think those are chemtrails? I live in Atlanta (home of the busiest airport in the world) and just about every other plane leaves contrails....

but if you really want to get into the conspiracy theory part of this....head on over to

I feel my IQ has been lowered after visiting that website and reading a few threads.
I can't believe people actually buy into these "theories". :smh:
Yea op this this a subject that gets no talk. I see them on the daily in my city. These aren't normal planes flying to an airport or what not. These planes are up there specifically to release these chemical trials for a reason. Ive watched them make the criss cross patterns. I see them do a 180 and fly back the opposite direction. They even spray at night (hmmmmm). When you look up in the sky you don't see normal clouds anymore. Its this junk up there and it expands casing it to look like clouds. What Ive heard is that barium is what they are releasing. Not sure if its poison to us or what. I recently also heard that the barium chemical is what is used to project holograms. Yea I said it. I'm not implying that its used for that but, I have done some research of my own and it is quite an interesting thought.
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I feel my IQ has been lowered after visiting that website and reading a few threads.
I can't believe people actually buy into these "theories". :smh:

Yeah that site is some other stuff....very interesting, just don't get sucked into it. A few summers ago I drowned myself on that site and all the stories and theories and possibilities of this and that.....once you get out of the muck and smell the fresh air...all of the "conspiracies" arent really that important.
wouldn't you have to fly much lower (and slower) to spray a certain area? like crop dusting planes? seems awful high to be able to . . . OMG, why the frak am I even in a discussion with conspiracy nuts!
Those are not regular planes.. i see them all day over here in brooklyn. Not sure what them trails are all about.. but highly unnatural - :nerd:
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