Cheerleader develops Dystonia after taking the flu shot

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Damn that's crazy
Got shorty lookin like she doing the Peewee Herman dance


I can't lie though--when she stopped running normally and started having spasms, for a split second it looked like it was fake. Obviously it isn't,which makes it that much worse. Unbelievable.

We had flu shots last week at work and everyone looked at me like I was crazy when I said I didn't get them. Only time I got one was in the military, andthat was because I had to.
Why do people continue to think that these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of curing sicknesses?

They are in the business of making money off of sick people. You do the math.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why do people continue to think that these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of curing sicknesses?

They are in the business of making money off of sick people. You do the math.


dude stop it. vaccines have saved millions of lives. some of you conspiracy theorists are too much.
Saw this story on the news, very sad. Hope they can somehow find a cure for her and others.
Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why do people continue to think that these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of curing sicknesses?

They are in the business of making money off of sick people. You do the math.


dude stop it. vaccines have saved millions of lives. some of you conspiracy theorists are too much.

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]You're an idiot to think that there's $$$ in CURING sicknesses.....keeping people sick andalive is more profitable than that 1 magic pill[/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Why do people continue to think that these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of curing sicknesses?

They are in the business of making money off of sick people. You do the math.


dude stop it. vaccines have saved millions of lives. some of you conspiracy theorists are too much.

You're an idiot to think that there's $$$ in CURING sicknesses.....keeping people sick and alive is more profitable than that 1 magic pill

Son your the idiot the man clearly states a fact, yet you want to ignore that and jump to say that there isn't money curing sickness c'mon captainobvious what do you think that your the only member that knows this...

We know that the PI makes very very questionable medicines especially with the H1N1 vaccine that we know but alot of people going full-fledged on the the sideof them being the devil seem to forget the good that has come from all that the PI has given us in previous generations...

They might have the cures for alot of diseases that they are witholding from us (maybe) but to not acknowledge the breakthroughs in medicine that they havegivin us is plain moronic.
Originally Posted by nine point five

nobody would give two @%#%# if it wasn't the cute cheerleader. that's real talk.
That's false. Cases like this are proving those who are skeptical about the flu shot process right. I can't get flu shots because of acondition that I already have. God knows what would happen if I did.
i aint see what the thread was about, my bad
but damn yo my mom was tellin me i should get a flu shot the other day, tryin to kill me n *@$*
my uncle recently got diagnosed with dystonia this year. how quickly his disease progressed is ridiculous. He said he feels like hes bein stabbed with a knifein the back at all times, can't sit and stand still. It's really sad. He lost like 40 pounds in 5 months just from the non stop movement. The weirdthing is that ALL his symptoms stop when he sleeps.
That's what happens when they're in such a rush to make this *%*! and don't even test out the stuff they inject into people
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

General Johnson wrote:

Why do people continue to think that these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of curing sicknesses?

They are in the business of making money off of sick people. You do the math.


dude stop it. vaccines have saved millions of lives. some of you conspiracy theorists are too much.

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]You're an idiot to think that there's $$$ in CURING sicknesses.....keeping people sick and alive is more profitable than that 1 magic pill[/color]

Dude you are so freaking ignorant.
Yea pharmaceutical companies wants to keep us sick and let us die. that's why our life expectancy increased over last 100 years right?
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by nine point five

nobody would give two @%#%# if it wasn't the cute cheerleader. that's real talk.
That's false. Cases like this are proving those who are skeptical about the flu shot process right. I can't get flu shots because of a condition that I already have. God knows what would happen if I did.
Not trying to get all in your business man, but what condition do you have?
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