Cavaliers V Magic GAME SIX Thread Vol: Do or die AGAIN

Alright, all gloating aside, this Magic team came out and played a hell of a game tonight. Being able to watch most of their games on t.v. I saw a lot ofthings others not being able to see all of their games may have not seen.

One is how much the team has improved over the course of the season. Yea yea I know that's a given for almost all teams (even though some get worse) butthe RATE that the Magic improved was greater than any other team (No homer). They were waay better at the All-Star break than they were at the beginning ofthe season. Then even better than that at the end of the season. And with each play off series it seems they gained something from it and got even bettergoing into the next series. Basically, they weren't just a consistently good team playing other teams every night. They were a good team consistentlygetting better playing other teams every night. So with that, I'm not even sure how much better they can or will get.

Someone lit a fire under D.Howard and his post game from the Philly series to this series improved immensley (no more awkward running hooks
). His freethrow shooting in the last few games were on point as well. Props to the big dude. After being scrutinized all season, he got his stuff together and isplaying like a legit big man and not some glorified garbage-buckets-shot-blocking-rebounder. Props to the whole damn team.

As for the Cavs, I do feel bad for Lebron. I've seen this scenario before. 4 guys standing around and watching 1 guy play. 2001-2003 Tracy McGrady ledMagic team. That did not end well.
I can only imagine how much this hurt. 66 wins. Two sweeps. And then BAM. This dude played his guts out. He dideverything right. Yea sure he gets his share of movie star calls. Eh, so did Mike but everyone still loved him. Aside from the blatant media bias andspecial treatment, he's a pretty good player. I just know one thing that is going through his head right now that he isn't going to say out loud -dude straight hates his teammates. No other way to put it. They were just enjoying the free ride on the Lebron train a little too much that they forgot howto play, IMHO. Then aside from the rest of the team not showing up, you have MORONS like Maurice Williams making a donkey of himself by talking out of his%+! and creating a sideshow like an attention prostitute. When Lebron looks back on all this and it has time to sink in, what is dude going to think?I'll tell ya what, there is going to be one looooong awkward silence during that flight back to Cleveland. My advice: Run, Lebron, Run. And don'tlook back. Shaq came in got his feet wet with the Magic. He went on to become a legend in LA. You've gotten your feet wet in Cleveland......

As for SOME of the Cavs fans on this board....most of ya'll are young, naive and stubborn. So it takes a STINGING defeat like this to sober you up. Become a fan of the game before you become a fan of your team. Realize that your team isn't perfect. Admit they make mistakes. Admit that they suck whenthey suck. Don't look at them through rose colored glasses. Some of you, however, are beyond young, naive and stubborn and have probably already offedyourselves before you got a chance to read this post.

With that said, the Magic now face the most annoying group of fans on the face of earth, west of Yankee stadium. I'm not even sure I'll be ableparticipate in those game day threads. It will be like an I$$ summit at a foot locker where Jordan himself walks out wearing SBs and a Supreme hoody carryingKanye piggy back while he sings Amazing and Pharrell and Lupe parachute from the get the point. It's late.

Here we go.
Originally Posted by supeRsiC97


im drunk as +$+! right now @ a house party @ my dudes place...i can;t say much that will make sense, so ill leave u with this vid in respons to that gonefishng pic & this series as a whole...
With that said, the Magic now face the most annoying group of fans on the face of earth, west of Yankee stadium. I'm not even sure I'll be able participate in those game day threads. It will be like an I$$ summit at a foot locker where Jordan himself walks out wearing SBs and a Supreme hoody carrying Kanye piggy back while he sings Amazing and Pharrell and Lupe parachute from the get the point. It's late.
Lebron walking off, not showing respect to the Magic players, especially Dwight who he played with on team USA, is unacceptable. I thought he was better thanthat.

It was an immature move, and not speaking to the media makes it even worse.

He played hard the whole series and regardless of all the "fouls" on him and how the refs officiate him, he played as well as he could, the Cavs werejust outmatched... plain and simple.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Wait, i missed the end of the game cuz i knew it was over...what did Lebron do that was classless?
Ran home to his mommy without addressing the media, and not staying to at least acknowledge Orlando at all, dude just bounced of the court withthe quickness only a crab could have.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Wait, i missed the end of the game cuz i knew it was over...what did Lebron do that was classless?

He dipped straight into the locker room when the buzzer went off without shaking anyone's hand. Then he skipped the press conference and went straight tothe bus.
O, why is that big of a deal. Id be Pissed and frustrated as hell too.

Your tellin me you just won 60+ games in the season, swept the first 2 teams, go on to lose by like 3 last second games, and you wouldnt be pissed?
If i were him id be puntin the ball in the stands and throwin chairs.

At least thats what i do when i lose heated pick up games
I understand 'Bron is pissed....but it was pretty classless to not at least shake hands with the opposition.
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

O, why is that big of a deal. Id be Pissed and frustrated as hell too.

Your tellin me you just won 60+ games in the season, swept the first 2 teams, go on to lose by like 3 last second games, and you wouldnt be pissed?
If i were him id be puntin the ball in the stands and throwin chairs.

At least thats what i do when i lose heated pick up games

show some class like the "leader" "icon" that your supposed to be and congratulate your opponent. Talk to the media. I mean part of being a:"leader" is being able to take defeat. So LeSalty is able to talk to the media and have all this picture taking little show during introductionswith his team.......but dude cant even go back with his team like a leader and congratulate the winner.

Even Chauncey Billups calls out LeBron

" C'mon Lebron, show some class." s
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

O, why is that big of a deal. Id be Pissed and frustrated as hell too.

Your tellin me you just won 60+ games in the season, swept the first 2 teams, go on to lose by like 3 last second games, and you wouldnt be pissed?
If i were him id be puntin the ball in the stands and throwin chairs.

At least thats what i do when i lose heated pick up games

He has a right to be pissed. His teammates sucked. Mo popped off at the mouth and made himself look like a moron and didn't produce. Bron had to drag thisteam by his teeth just to get them to a 6th game in this series. But still, at least show a little class, you know? Like others have said, Kobe shook theCeltics' hands and faced the media like a man last year after the 39-point beatdown. For someone who cares so much about his image and being a megastar andglobal icon and all that junk, Bron didn't carry himself very well. Kinda surprising.
I could care less who he is, or what others do. Id still be pissed and i really wouldnt care what others think.
If i were Lebron, i could care less about, Chauncey, Jalen Rose, the commentators, and his team cuz they dun $+!#@* up.

I can only imagine how frustrating it is to get swept in the finals. Average 35+ and lose to the Celtics, then Average an extremely efficient 40+ to the Magicand lose again.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

the RATE that the Magic improved was greater than any other team

Yea sure he gets his share of movie star calls. Eh, so did Mike but everyone still loved him.
I agree w/ the Magic improving. But u also have to look at the fact that they lost their star PG and are still producing and well might I add. They were clearly the better TEAM in this series. Though any of them may not have been better than Lebron individually, as a team, they were better than theCavs and proved it.

Everyone loved Mike b/c Mike came in the league as an undgerdog and made himself the best player to ever play the sport. As for Lebron, he came in w/ all thishype and attention and u would think he would have a ring by now. His hype got him the MVP this yr.

I don't see Lebron leaving Cleveland anytime soon. NY will have him up all summer but then all of a sudden he'll work out an agreement w/ Cleveland andstay for another 6 yrs. In order for him to win a chip, he needs to get a better supporting cast and show better sportsmanship. Popularity and size aint gonwin U a championship but skill and a TEAM will YALL a ring. But until then Cleveland


The Haunting Continues
'Bron going ghost without giving Orlando any props after the game was very disappointing to see. that move has nothing to do with Bron being immature, itshowed Bron being a sore-loser.
Lets be real though .

Lebron aint REAL !

He isn't a real dude for leaving ... all the positive %*!# he be talking ? Gimmicky !+% . He just made himself look dumb .

Ol' 'I'm leaving never to come back again' Jesse McCartney !+% _ .
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by UbUiBeMe

Originally Posted by sensaciondelbloque

first - UF dominate OSU in BCS game and Final 4 champ. game

State of Florida putting work on Ohio

Ohio > Florida.
Yea, I said it.


.... now this is the funniest thing i've seen all week
hilarious how she went off @ the press conference ... spanish chick def cheated though
I don't feel bad for Lebron, especially after not giving the opposing team so much as a handshake and congratulations for winning. He's 24, but sowhat? Dude has been treated with kid gloves all his career and been in the league long enough and "tutored" well enough to know that walking off thecourt in a huff as well as disregarding the media in the post game interview shows a lack of grace and professionalism. What, the only time people giveinterviews and give dap to the opposing team is when they win the game? Suck it up, you're an adult. No one likes a sore loser.
Originally Posted by KoolKatz

Originally Posted by RUDOLPH1996

Originally Posted by KoolKatz

cavaliers fan when they tuned on their TV

Looks at avy and sees a player that raped the Wiz for 112 mill yet hasnt played and recalls the CAVS sending his @$%*% $%! team home 3 consecutive years.... looks to holler at Lakers and Magic fans only since their teams are still playing..

who cares 2 out of the 3 years you guys beat us cause you guys cheated lebron james gets away with traveling calls all this other *%+!#+#%
and plus gilbert arenas didn't played last 2 playoff series

excuses....... lol
Ghenges, much respect on what you wrote... that's basically everything I would have said as a Magic fan.

I've basically watched all their games this season as well and I agree with everything you've said.

Especially with the game threads
I barely kept up with the Celtics and Cavs threads, the sheer number of Lakers fans + fans of basketball since it'sthe finals, will probably scare me out of the threads

Congrats to a fellow Magic fan, time to bring home the ship.
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