Can you finance an out of state car?

Apr 30, 2005
i want to know if its possible to finance an out of state car if you have insurance for the state you are living in.

for example say I currently have new york auto insurance but I found a good deal at a dealership in a nearby state, is it possible to finance that vehicle? ordoes it have to be purchased in total?

yes, that's possible.

i live in RI and bought my car in MA. i finance it through the bank that the dealership in MA contracts with.
Yeah but you have to have some extra forms of ID. eg. Birth cert., ss card, so on and so forth
i never heard of one that doesn't. i mean, as long as you're signing the papers saying you're going to pay for it, i don't think anyone careswhere you drive it.

of course, you should have it registered in the state you live in... but again, that's after you purchase it.

idk if this is countrywide, but i wasn't able to drive back to RI with the MA dealerships plate. they had to take my car to RI, register it and get RIplates, then drive back to MA. i picked up my whip from MA.

but yeah...i've never heard of a dealership denying a customer that was from another state.
yes it doesnt matter. you'll usually be financing through a bank which is national for the most part.

my family has always gotten cars from nj (we live in new york). I purchased and financed a car while living in ny from virginia.
Doesn't matter where you buy your car. As long as it's registered and insured in the state that you have your license, you're good.
financing anything that depreciates in value is for suckers
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