Can Men be friends with Women without having ANY sexual intentions?

Originally Posted by JPioneer

StaXX wrote:

Yes. I have a few friends that I'd never touch.
Not because they're ugly, I just don't want to ruin our relationship.

I said no consequences though.
I feel like some of y'all didn't read my post or I was a little unclear. Even thinking that she is f-able counts. 

The real question is can you be friends with someone you don't consider f-able?

Oh.. well I'll stand by my original answer but add that if you're ugly, you have to bring something else to the table.
Have more attractive friends, be loaded, really smart, or really really cool.
But it's human nature to consider sex when you're attracted to someone and I don't think any man can honestly say he hasn't though about it.
StaXX wrote:
Yes. I have a few friends that I'd never touch.
Not because they're ugly, I just don't want to ruin our relationship.
Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

i know you mean well, but i think if he had a problem with it he would say something or leave. he knows where the door is and i'm not holding a gun to his head when i ask him to do something with me, so i can only assume that he's happy with the way things are. i mean, i'm no psychic so i just assumed he got over it when he stopped bringing it up.
You know he still likes you, he cant be that great of person. Its like people who work they hate there job and still go, he has no lady so he puts up with you. If he gets a girlfriend and still acts like that then you can say that is what he wants. But guaranteed he has no lady.
Originally Posted by REDUCE523

Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

i know you mean well, but i think if he had a problem with it he would say something or leave. he knows where the door is and i'm not holding a gun to his head when i ask him to do something with me, so i can only assume that he's happy with the way things are. i mean, i'm no psychic so i just assumed he got over it when he stopped bringing it up.
You know he still likes you, he cant be that great of person. Its like people who work they hate there job and still go, he has no lady so he puts up with you. If he gets a girlfriend and still acts like that then you can say that is what he wants. But guaranteed he has no lady.
there have been a couple girls since then, nothing changed. we're just best friends. guys get confused because they think if they spend a lot of time around someone and enjoy their company they should be in a relationship. like i said, i'm taking responsibility for the outcome of all this because i know what's for the best. he can't control his emotions, but i'm more rational than he is so i can control our situation. even if he does still like me, nothing changes unless i want it to, especially since he doesn't say anything about it. how can i fix a situation i haven't even been made privy to? 
like i said, i can only assume he's happy with the way things are because he doesn't complain. anyway it's super immature to keep liking someone after they blatantly ignore you confessing your feelings to them.
Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

Originally Posted by REDUCE523

Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

i know you mean well, but i think if he had a problem with it he would say something or leave. he knows where the door is and i'm not holding a gun to his head when i ask him to do something with me, so i can only assume that he's happy with the way things are. i mean, i'm no psychic so i just assumed he got over it when he stopped bringing it up.
You know he still likes you, he cant be that great of person. Its like people who work they hate there job and still go, he has no lady so he puts up with you. If he gets a girlfriend and still acts like that then you can say that is what he wants. But guaranteed he has no lady.
there have been a couple girls since then, nothing changed. we're just best friends. guys get confused because they think if they spend a lot of time around someone and enjoy their company they should be in a relationship. like i said, i'm taking responsibility for the outcome of all this because i know what's for the best. he can't control his emotions, but i'm more rational than he is so i can control our situation. even if he does still like me, nothing changes unless i want it to, especially since he doesn't say anything about it. how can i fix a situation i haven't even been made privy to? 
like i said, i can only assume he's happy with the way things are because he doesn't complain. anyway it's super immature to keep liking someone after they blatantly ignore you confessing your feelings to them.
Cant go against your logic, he is still a sucker though.
It's entirely possible (I have a few of them).  The more attractive they are, the more difficult it is, though.
I have two best friends who are girls. I smashed one of their best friends and when I was done smashing her they became my best friends. They're my wingmen at parties lol. Having a girl as a wingman is much better than a guy. Girls believe girls more than they believe guys
IDK during my hs and pre hs day, I had many and most female friends with no problems ....... Today I would say it's not possible unless I had a steady gf and even then its a lot of work, since I naturally and normally flirt with girls all the time unknowingly. Plus usually the only girls I've had as friends as an adult either had a bf when I met them or were friends with a girl I wanted to smash, even then the sexual tension and innuendo became unbearable at times
I would have said yes, but realistically no way. One of my best friends was a girl and we ended up hooking up, I caught feelings and it was basically a train wreck. If I could go back though I would have kept it on a strictly friendship level, but you live and you learn.
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