Campus officer kills naked freshman at University of South Alabama

Is he not equipped with a taser or pepper spray? If he'd used those first and the dude shrugged it off because he was on those bath salts or something, I could understand shooting him at that point.

I mean, it's clear dude wasn't right if he's outside of a police station butt naked and if he really was pounding on the glass and challenging the cop. Still though, regardless of the kid's size (pause), even if the cop's afraid he might try to overpower him and get to his weapon, he needs to get back up or something.

I don't want to change the subject but does anyone else think it's crazy how it seems like people are so quick to pull out a gun and shoot now? It doesn't even have to be self-defense but they're just ready to kill.
What if he missed the shot to the leg or he tried a tazer or pepper spray, the kid took a shot to the chest and stood back up like the Undertaker, then we would have been reading about a hard working blue collar Dad/worker killed by some college kid high off some new illicit drug.
The fact that you're giving this kid the benefit of the doubt is what's disgusting and foolish.
The officer was in no way shape or form wrong in this situation... he tried multiple times to defuse the situation, but it didn't work... hence why the outcome was what it was.

Benefit of the doubt. Really because I said an unarmed kid shouldn't have been shot in the chest. Whatever you say. You make it sound like this cop was just some schmuck. This was a person who was trained and should've handled the situation better. I'm tired of all these what if's they mean nothing. If you carry a weapon there's a certain level of responsibility that comes with it.

You're entitled to your opinion and I understand what you're saying, but yes the kid was unarmed and naked so already the cop knows something is not right. You think he wants to go home to his wife and family hurt? It is sad that this kid died, but he brought this **** on himself and maybe there was other ways to go about handling the situation, but how do we know that he had pepper spray, tazer or any other non-lethal weapons on him? Also, this officer was the campus police and I don't know if he has/had the same training as a regular officer. Age doesn't matter in this situation for the officer because if he was on the older side then peoples opinions would have been less harsh maybe, but if he was younger then people would say oh he's a young strapping lad so he could have taken him one on one... he took a shot to the chest and got up like it was nothing... like I said earlier we would be reading about the officer being dead or in critical condition.

This officer should be charged with murder.

Naked man with no weapon? This is when you slide the leather gloves on, call for back up, and throw hands until the other officers arrive.

There was no need for a gun as mentioned before. Pepper Spray would have been more than the most the Retractable windsheild breaker to the knee.

Just disgusting.

The kid got shot in the chest and got up and still was trying come at the officer... that pepper spray wouldn't have done anything... it would have probably made the situation even worse.
This story is ******** cop shoulda been fired my friend is 5'8" weighing 250 muscle and fat was high off pills and drunk running in a stairs going crazy and was fully clothed one university police officer took him down without any weapon force in NYC (have the worst cops) .....this was just weak officer who was scared and used his gun if you can't protect yourself without a weapon you shouldn't be a cop. He had no excuse to open fire
What would you do if you were the cop? The guy was high on something and naked. Remember what happened to the bum in Florida? He got his face eaten. I don't blame the cop. Bottom line, don't do drugs and give cops a reason!

Regardless, I expect most people in here to read this story with a bias, justified or not. No matter what the cops do, they are wrong according to most on this board.
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What if he missed the shot to the leg or he tried a tazer or pepper spray, the kid took a shot to the chest and stood back up like the Undertaker, then we would have been reading about a hard working blue collar Dad/worker killed by some college kid high off some new illicit drug.
The fact that you're giving this kid the benefit of the doubt is what's disgusting and foolish.
The officer was in no way shape or form wrong in this situation... he tried multiple times to defuse the situation, but it didn't work... hence why the outcome was what it was.

Benefit of the doubt. Really because I said an unarmed kid shouldn't have been shot in the chest. Whatever you say. You make it sound like this cop was just some schmuck. This was a person who was trained and should've handled the situation better. I'm tired of all these what if's they mean nothing. If you carry a weapon there's a certain level of responsibility that comes with it.

You're entitled to your opinion and I understand what you're saying, but yes the kid was unarmed and naked so already the cop knows something is not right. You think he wants to go home to his wife and family hurt? It is sad that this kid died, but he brought this **** on himself and maybe there was other ways to go about handling the situation, but how do we know that he had pepper spray, tazer or any other non-lethal weapons on him? Also, this officer was the campus police and I don't know if he has/had the same training as a regular officer. Age doesn't matter in this situation for the officer because if he was on the older side then peoples opinions would have been less harsh maybe, but if he was younger then people would say oh he's a young strapping lad so he could have taken him one on one... he took a shot to the chest and got up like it was nothing... like I said earlier we would be reading about the officer being dead or in critical condition.
This officer should be charged with murder.

Naked man with no weapon? This is when you slide the leather gloves on, call for back up, and throw hands until the other officers arrive.

There was no need for a gun as mentioned before. Pepper Spray would have been more than the most the Retractable windsheild breaker to the knee.

Just disgusting.

The kid got shot in the chest and got up and still was trying come at the officer... that pepper spray wouldn't have done anything... it would have probably made the situation even worse.
Okay, well if pepper spray or a taser didn't work, then shooting may have been justified. Problem is, he didn't try anything else according to reports. The surveillance video will come out and tell more of the story. Shooting an unarmed person shouldn't be necessary.
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What if he missed the shot to the leg or he tried a tazer or pepper spray, the kid took a shot to the chest and stood back up like the Undertaker, then we would have been reading about a hard working blue collar Dad/worker killed by some college kid high off some new illicit drug.
The fact that you're giving this kid the benefit of the doubt is what's disgusting and foolish.
The officer was in no way shape or form wrong in this situation... he tried multiple times to defuse the situation, but it didn't work... hence why the outcome was what it was.

Benefit of the doubt. Really because I said an unarmed kid shouldn't have been shot in the chest. Whatever you say. You make it sound like this cop was just some schmuck. This was a person who was trained and should've handled the situation better. I'm tired of all these what if's they mean nothing. If you carry a weapon there's a certain level of responsibility that comes with it.

You're entitled to your opinion and I understand what you're saying, but yes the kid was unarmed and naked so already the cop knows something is not right. You think he wants to go home to his wife and family hurt? It is sad that this kid died, but he brought this **** on himself and maybe there was other ways to go about handling the situation, but how do we know that he had pepper spray, tazer or any other non-lethal weapons on him? Also, this officer was the campus police and I don't know if he has/had the same training as a regular officer. Age doesn't matter in this situation for the officer because if he was on the older side then peoples opinions would have been less harsh maybe, but if he was younger then people would say oh he's a young strapping lad so he could have taken him one on one... he took a shot to the chest and got up like it was nothing... like I said earlier we would be reading about the officer being dead or in critical condition.
This officer should be charged with murder.

Naked man with no weapon? This is when you slide the leather gloves on, call for back up, and throw hands until the other officers arrive.

There was no need for a gun as mentioned before. Pepper Spray would have been more than the most the Retractable windsheild breaker to the knee.

Just disgusting.

The kid got shot in the chest and got up and still was trying come at the officer... that pepper spray wouldn't have done anything... it would have probably made the situation even worse.
Okay, well if pepper spray or a taser didn't work, then shooting may have been justified. Problem is, he didn't try anything else according to reports. The surveillance video will come out and tell more of the story. Shooting an unarmed person shouldn't be necessary.

Man **** that. Cops these days are shooting first and explaining later.
Shooting that dude was unnecessary, just like you said.
There's been a common trend of threads lately of cops killing unarmed civilians. Enough to make me never want to confront a possible trigger-happy cop.
I didn't even know campus cops have guns

If you went to school, where did you go? A good number of colleges are located in bad neighborhoods with my alma mater being one of them. While campus police serve the university, they in tandem with the local police protect the university community. They can't protect everyone, but being armed serves as a deterrent for those who have bad intentions.

NYC (have the worst cops) .....this was just weak officer who was scared and used his gun if you can't protect yourself without a weapon you shouldn't be a cop. He had no excuse to open fire

NYC has the worst cops according to who? Someone who's biased towards them. There is no police officer in the United States like an officer from the NYPD. Their training and ability to operate in urban locales is why they were able to go to post Katrina New Orleans and aid the already weak NOPD. This officer did not have the training of someone from the NYPD. He probably never encountered anything like this in his years of service before this incident.
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So that gives him the right to pull out his weapon cuz he may have not encounter a situation like that? It was a college based officer all college police should have experience dealing with intoxicated students no matter what school it is..... And nypd trained has nothing to do with it because there are worst areas than NYC
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There's been a common trend of threads lately of cops killing unarmed civilians. Enough to make me never want to confront a possible trigger-happy cop.

EXACTLY!!! Don't give them a reason! Would you act a fool in the middle east or south east Asia?
If you went to school, where did you go? A good number of colleges are located in bad neighborhoods with my alma mater being one of them. While campus police serve the university, they in tandem with the local police protect the university community. They can't protect everyone, but being armed serves as a deterrent for those who have bad intentions.
NYC has the worst cops according to who? Someone who's biased towards them. There is no police officer in the United States like an officer from the NYPD. Their training and ability to operate in urban locales is why they were able to go to post Katrina New Orleans and aid the already weak NOPD. This officer did not have the training of someone from the NYPD. He probably never encountered anything like this in his years of service before this incident.

Don't bother with these stubborn and ignorant people. They have no idea what it's like to be in the cops shoes dealing with non law abiding citizens.
he should have only shot him in the chest if he was in a fighting stance glowing like bruce lee roy or some **** but other than that he could have just shot him in the legs or something...and btw did anyone else see the news article under this story about the cop shooting the guy in the wheelchair?  
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Why don't these campus police have TASERS?

Tasers were used a couple of times when I was in undergrad and often in very similar situations against drunk and erratic people. 
Wonder if those defending the obvious police discrimination and injustice in other threads will show up in this one with the same argument?

LOL 5-7 135pound wrestler vs a cop with a nightstick and taser outside a police station which would indicate he probably wasn't alone. :smh:
So yall are advocating tasers, shooting the kid w/ pin-point accuracy in the big toe, etc. ALL while IGNORING the fact that homie got up after taking a slug to the chest and continued to go at the officer.

two things:

1. If I'm a cop and my decision lies in whether or not I want to go home and see my family at the end of the day, I'm shooting.

2. (see below)

Bottom line, don't do drugs and give cops a reason!
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