California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen!!!!!

Do I strike you as the kinda person who would want to be trapped in a closet? I'm a straight man arguing FOR homosexuality, and you think I'd be in a closet. Watch this...


Rolled right off the tongue, didn't bother me one bit. :lol:

Although we disagree....... REPPED! I knew you was skept when you said he/she was attractive.

NTers claim to be this and that for e-fame. I commend you for coming out on this board which I think is harder then a lot of people think.

With that said you have to get into detail for us ignorant folk. I refuse to think your the Antione Dotson type. Why do many gay men act so out right 'gay". Like why not just be a man who enjoys d in the butt?
Although we disagree....... REPPED! I knew you was skept when you said he/she was attractive.

NTers claim to be this and that for e-fame. I commend you for coming out on this board which I think is harder then a lot of people think.

With that said you have to get into detail for us ignorant folk. I refuse to think your the Antione Dotson type. Why do many gay men act so out right 'gay". Like why not just be a man who enjoys d in the butt?
that sir, question of the decade. We probably won't even get a real answer. I humbly rep you my good man.
Although I have nothing against them, men need to stay men, and women need to stay women. And why are these type of stories always in California?
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Although I have nothing against them, men need to stay men, and women need to stay women. And why are these type of stories always in California?
This phenomenon isn't new. There were various societies that had more genders than just male and female. Every gender had a role in said society that was beneficial to the whole society.

Some of those types of societies still exist.

Given that, the notion that men must men and women must be women doesn't hold a lot of water. 
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Damn dude is so homophobic he wont even type the word colon. Why cant a colon just be a colon why you trying to change it into a hyphen. :rolleyes
You know.. I saw this thread last night while I was incredibly lifted, and laughed my *** off.

With that said you have to get into detail for us ignorant folk. I refuse to think your the Antione Dotson type. Why do many gay men act so out right 'gay". Like why not just be a man who enjoys d in the butt?

Its called effiminacy, its a trait that make gay men act out right "gay"/ have feminine mannerism, theirs nothing they can do about it
Well, it has to do with the males turning into females. No one seems to have a problem with females turning into males. It's such a big deal now because we have kids saying that they're girls when they're boys at ages of 6. Transgender operations are happening frequently. Women are angry because the transgender males are being classified as females so they get to compete in women sports, go to women bathrooms, etc. Men are angry because straight up we don't want to be tricked, with the advancement of surgery, these dudes look legit like girls and I feel like it's really disrespectful if a transgender person tricks a person. I just really don't understand why they can't stick it out with their body and mess with the same sex because that's all they're really doing in reality. Maybe its my own ignorance, but I feel like they're just causing unnecessary problems to themselves and others around them.

Da realest ish said in this thread. Repped.
its weird how its usually the ignorant/uneducated that are telling others how to live their lives.
Bring back segregation.

mine as well

We all know everything went downhill afterwards.

See how that sounds? I'm sure white people swore next thing they are gonna be letting animals go to the same schools as us. I'm sure someone made that argument.
If a man has a sex change, and their drivers license/birth certificate/ social security says they are now a woman .. they are suppose to run for homecoming king?

Funny you guys reasoning is you don't want your kids to be subject to these things. It'll be such a shame for your kid to make genuine friendships without caring what they have USED to have between their legs :lol: oh the horror
If a man has a sex change, and their drivers license/birth certificate/ social security says they are now a woman .. they are suppose to run for homecoming king?

Funny you guys reasoning is you don't want your kids to be subject to these things. It'll be such a shame for your kid to make genuine friendships without caring what they have USED to have between their legs :lol: oh the horror

Can a kid really decide if they're transgender though? In high school, it's fine if a child makes that choice, but do you really think a person can really decide if they should be a transgender in middle school and under
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