California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen!!!!!

So, you don't want your kids around transgendered kids?  Not sure I understand...
I wouldn't, it'd confuse the hell outta my kids and give me a hard time explaining it to em.

What is confusing about some people being different?

Some children dont grasp things as well as others.

Growing up we got ahold of some porn in middle school and watched it. Some of the girls in the room were actually un-comfortable and they were older than me.

Kids mature at different times. This situation forces those that mature slower to mature faster by "shock" treatment. Sometimes this can be bad for a young developing mind.

Some young kids can curse and do bad stuff in movies and tv but understand it's just acting other kids may not grasp that concept.
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Oh right, they're weird because they were born a certain way and can't control how they feel.
Do you consider anything that differs from your thought process to be weird? 
That's not natural let be honest, and how would consider that to be a normal thought process?

You must've had two dads. Lmfao.
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Some children dont grasp things as well as others.

Growing up we got ahold of some porn in middle school and watched it. Some of the girls in the room were actually un-comfortable and they were older than me. Kids mature at different times. This situation forces those that mature slower to mature faster by "shock" treatment. Sometimes this can be bad for a young developing mind.
What you mean bruh bruh?
Some children dont grasp things as well as others.

Growing up we got ahold of some porn in middle school and watched it. Some of the girls in the room were actually un-comfortable and they were older than me. Kids mature at different times. This situation forces those that mature slower to mature faster by "shock" treatment. Sometimes this can be bad for a young developing mind.

What you mean bruh bruh?

My uncle had some porn, my cousins and I found it, we watched with our friends. While we were middle and high schoolers and it didnt phase some of us, there were some high school girls that saw it with us that cried cause they didnt understand it. At 13 I was not equipped to properly explain what grown people were doing to a girl that was 2-3 yrs older than me. All I was worried about was that they stopped crying so no one found out we watched it.
waits for women to cry about how men are taking away their award/titles now too...

although if they did i would see their reasoning
Ok so she won. I wonder what the school was like before she won. Did everyone vote for her to make her feel good or were to pressured to not look like bigots or trying to be first like they did.

Now she does look like a female and a decent one at that though still the trans had to been popular to win.
dudes actin like 16 year olds are 3rd graders that have been sheltered since they popped out of the womb. If youre a parent and cant find the words to explain gender identity issues to HIGH SCHOOL kids you should have never been/become parents in the first place. If these things are hard for you to explain I feel sorry for our future and your children.
It's always 2 extremes in these threads.

Personally I don't understand transgendered people and why they choose to do what they do. I could see how this is a touchy situation and could be confusing to some kids.

However their not hurting me nor bothering me so I respect their right to be who they are and they should be tolerated and respected despite going against what would be considered social norms.
Naw bruh, how a fake "woman"..well "girl" actually, gonna win homecoming queen? That's a slap in the face to all the real, naturally born girls who participated.

I'm all for gay rights, equality, marriage, etc, but I cannot get with this transexual movement b.s. Especially the ones, and there's a lot of them, that portray themselves as real women, even when you ask them.
Naw bruh, how a fake "woman"..well "girl" actually, gonna win homecoming queen? That's a slap in the face to all the real, naturally born girls who participated.

I'm all for gay rights, equality, marriage, etc, but I cannot get with this transexual movement b.s. Especially the ones, and there's a lot of them, that portray themselves as real women, even when you ask them.

The last part you mentioned is a recipe for disaster. You'll have transgender people that look exactly like women and can pull it off and they won't tell guys their talking to who they really are and when the guy eventually funds out its a problem and understandably so from the guys point of view after being misled.

I remember reading about a guy who was dressing like a girl and played the part perfectly. He would let guys smash but only let them put it in his butt and would always say he was on his period. They eventually found out the she they thought they were smashing was really a he and beat him to death. The reaction is extreme but at the same time it he/she misled straight guys into putting it in her butt thinking their were smashing a girl.
Naw bruh, how a fake "woman"..well "girl" actually, gonna win homecoming queen? That's a slap in the face to all the real, naturally born girls who participated.

I'm all for gay rights, equality, marriage, etc, but I cannot get with this transexual movement b.s. Especially the ones, and there's a lot of them, that portray themselves as real women, even when you ask them.

seems like your should support the transexual movement...
the whole point of it is making it easier for them to be honest about who they are and stop posing as something they're not.
Not sure how this is hurting or confusing other kids since they're the ones who voted her in...:lol:
Naw bruh, how a fake "woman"..well "girl" actually, gonna win homecoming queen? That's a slap in the face to all the real, naturally born girls who participated.

I'm all for gay rights, equality, marriage, etc, but I cannot get with this transexual movement b.s. Especially the ones, and there's a lot of them, that portray themselves as real women, even when you ask them.
i can dig this...

let them gay dudes cook... but when it comes to actual transgendering...

that goes against the "i was born this way" movement... and is kinda creepy...

how you know yourself better than your chromosomes, famb?

dudes actin like 16 year olds are 3rd graders that have been sheltered since they popped out of the womb. If youre a parent and cant find the words to explain gender identity issues to HIGH SCHOOL kids you should have never been/become parents in the first place. If these things are hard for you to explain I feel sorry for our future and your children.
same thing I was thinking.  Like, these are 16 year olds not babies
dudes actin like 16 year olds are 3rd graders that have been sheltered since they popped out of the womb. If youre a parent and cant find the words to explain gender identity issues to HIGH SCHOOL kids you should have never been/become parents in the first place. If these things are hard for you to explain I feel sorry for our future and your children.
Explain it then little ms.perfect.
dudes actin like 16 year olds are 3rd graders that have been sheltered since they popped out of the womb. If youre a parent and cant find the words to explain gender identity issues to HIGH SCHOOL kids you should have never been/become parents in the first place. If these things are hard for you to explain I feel sorry for our future and your children.
Explain it then little ms.perfect.

that dude always felt like he was really a girl inside, and is more comfortable with himself now that he feels that he is a girl on the outside too.

aren't you 18? you're the same age as the kids who voted for this person to win homecoming queen. and it seems like you have formed an opinion.
Some of you guys actually support them being women too. I can't wait till one of these slip up and not check for an atoms apple lmfao.
that dude always felt like he was really a girl inside, and is more comfortable with himself now that he feels that he is a girl on the outside too.

aren't you 18? you're the same age as the kids who voted for this person to win homecoming queen. and it seems like you have formed an opinion.
Nope just trying cut out the bs with logic. So tell me then genius, did you figure out why they wanna be girls soo bad?
The last part you mentioned is a recipe for disaster. You'll have transgender people that look exactly like women and can pull it off and they won't tell guys their talking to who they really are and when the guy eventually funds out its a problem and understandably so from the guys point of view after being misled.

I remember reading about a guy who was dressing like a girl and played the part perfectly. He would let guys smash but only let them put it in his butt and would always say he was on his period. They eventually found out the she they thought they were smashing was really a he and beat him to death. The reaction is extreme but at the same time it he/she misled straight guys into putting it in her butt thinking their were smashing a girl.

Man, I can't speak on what happens in other communities, but in the black community, especially in urban cities this is common place. There's even clubs in DC now that are known for having "fake" women, majority of whom won't tell you.

seems like your should support the transexual movement...
the whole point of it is making it easier for them to be honest about who they are and stop posing as something they're not.

Here's the issue tho, they're not lying because they feel they aren't allowed to admit their trans, they lie because they really believe they're women. And I'm not talking about ones who look like women, I'm talking about ones who are obviously men, but still front like they all women :smh:
Man, I can't speak on what happens in other communities, but in the black community, especially in urban cities this is common place. There's even clubs in DC now that are known for having "fake" women, majority of whom won't tell you.
Here's the issue tho, they're not lying because they feel they aren't allowed to admit their trans, they lie because they really believe they're women. And I'm not talking about ones who look like women, I'm talking about ones who are obviously men, but still front like they all women :smh:
And dudes support them trying to role play , and act like they won't be mad when the girl tells them their transgender. **** with that liberal bs.
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