Calif. Supreme Court to take up GAY MARRIAGE BAN...... possibly overturn the vote???

Originally Posted by LAzianBoi


i had a gay teacher before.. and everytime they pat ur back or put there hands on ur shoulders u gota think twice for realz.. i didnt do %@** in my chem class and he gives me a B+/ just something wrong with that.,..

yes on prop 8.. thats wht the MAJORITY of what people want..

come on fam honestly? you were that wierded out that ur teach was gay? if you don't mind me asking where do you live? what if your kid grows up to be ahomosexual? is something wrong with them? This was a terrible prop and truly a step back for this state....
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by LAzianBoi


i had a gay teacher before.. and everytime they pat ur back or put there hands on ur shoulders u gota think twice for realz.. i didnt do %@** in my chem class and he gives me a B+/ just something wrong with that.,..

yes on prop 8.. thats wht the MAJORITY of what people want..
I personally think they should overturn it, %#@* what a bunch of bible thumping ******s voted for anyway.
you're about as dumb as it gets. whether welike it or not, "bible thumping ******s" are the majority in this democratic republic. go move to someplace else if you don't like it.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

I'm not from/in Cali, but I hope the law stays in. I think the only thing worse than gay marriage is gays getting artificially impregnated.
*don't give them ideas*

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

screw them. They make me sick with these past two weeks crying, moaning, whining, protesting, inciting riots, and acting like a bunch of babies because they lost. Damn sore losers!
i'm glad i'm not the only one..
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I have a question for you all. Lets say a gay couple are members of a church, they want to get married in this church, the church says no, so the couple takes it to the courts and they force the church to marry them or the leader of the church will face penalty. What would your reaction be?
I can almost guarantee that in no way would the church give in & let the gay couple marry there. In that situation i would not support the gay couple, just like how i wouldnt force my beliefs/way of life on someone else. I believe that nobody else should be able to force their beliefs/way of life on me. If the courts mandated that the church marry the couple of face penalties, i would be completely against that ruling.
Government cannot force a religious institution to marry couples. Separation of church and state.
Man do ya'll know where we live? Unconstitutional? The patriot act?
Thanks for the laughs guys.

But seriously
. I know you two were laughing when you were thinking that. Man the Iraq war? All the other shady stuff?
Them dudes in the suits aint worried about a piece of paper or what me or you think.

RKO it's not that i cant be talked to, but in my beliefs you are living in a fantasy world that i personally think is hilarious and you, and many like you are the lost souls that cant be reached. Back to the point, this country no matter if you think so or not is NOT a christian country. Your ignorant belief system should never and i mean never be able to pass a law discriminating against other Americans. It's not the rest of our faults you guys cant get your heads out of these ridiculous bible pages long enough to realize your hateful ways. This brings me back to my original point saying that the extreme religious people shouldn't even have a vote. You all obviously can NOT separate church from state and I personally don't want your views dictating laws that are passed in a country that is made up of many different views, religions, races etc...
No if I say all of this in reverse then its NT members lined up to take shots at me. I see how it works.

So what are you trying to say? If a gay couple brought this matter to court, that the government would force the church to marry them? Is that what you're saying? You just sound OD paranoid right now. On some Big Brother tip. Of course I don't agree with the Patriot Act or the Iraq War but I can't see the government forcing a church to marry people. If that happens, America has deviated from being the country of freedom that we're known as.

Ok I said what if. Hello? Man.
if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

RKO it's not that i cant be talked to, but in my beliefs you are living in a fantasy world that i personally think is hilarious and you, and many like you are the lost souls that cant be reached. Back to the point, this country no matter if you think so or not is NOT a christian country. Your ignorant belief system should never and i mean never be able to pass a law discriminating against other Americans. It's not the rest of our faults you guys cant get your heads out of these ridiculous bible pages long enough to realize your hateful ways. This brings me back to my original point saying that the extreme religious people shouldn't even have a vote. You all obviously can NOT separate church from state and I personally don't want your views dictating laws that are passed in a country that is made up of many different views, religions, races etc...


And why are your views more important than mine?

My views are that of equality and when i say equality i mean equality for all with no bearing on race, sexual orientation, and so forth. Thats why.

Why exclude religion?

People vote certain ways on issues based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race...why exclude religion?

You sound very unAmerican
what all you gay haters don't understand is that if "the voice of the people" is always heard black people would still be getting taught indifferent schools. There are legal ramifications to getting married. Like for instance if one of them is in a car wreck then their partner can visit them inthe hospital. They wana be able to transfer property, pay different taxes there are many reasons.

The elephant in the room in religion. This isn't looked at as a civil rights issue because of crazy loo koo Catholics/Christians. Yes I am generalizing butwhatever.... if the shoe fits
Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
All heterosexuals are allowed to marry, regardless of religious belief. But homosexuals are not allowed to because they are two people of the samesex. Two consenting adults that love one another want to get married but it's not being allowed because some bigots believe that homosexuality is wrong.Fine, believe what you want but don't strip away a group's civil rights. Guys marring animals? Inanimate objects? Gay marriage is about PEOPLE. Peoplethat love one another. You guys seriously take this too far

and RKO, you're just back pedaling. What are you talking about? "What if?" What?
Originally Posted by DL2352

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
All heterosexuals are allowed to marry, regardless of religious belief. But homosexuals are not allowed to because they are two people of the same sex. Two consenting adults that love one another want to get married but it's not being allowed because some bigots believe that homosexuality is wrong. Fine, believe what you want but don't strip away a group's civil rights. Guys marring animals? Inanimate objects? Gay marriage is about PEOPLE. People that love one another. You guys seriously take this too far

and RKO, you're just back pedaling. What are you talking about? "What if?" What?

What I said it was said under what if scenarios. If you didn't know well it was. Scopin.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

RKO it's not that i cant be talked to, but in my beliefs you are living in a fantasy world that i personally think is hilarious and you, and many like you are the lost souls that cant be reached. Back to the point, this country no matter if you think so or not is NOT a christian country. Your ignorant belief system should never and i mean never be able to pass a law discriminating against other Americans. It's not the rest of our faults you guys cant get your heads out of these ridiculous bible pages long enough to realize your hateful ways. This brings me back to my original point saying that the extreme religious people shouldn't even have a vote. You all obviously can NOT separate church from state and I personally don't want your views dictating laws that are passed in a country that is made up of many different views, religions, races etc...


And why are your views more important than mine?

My views are that of equality and when i say equality i mean equality for all with no bearing on race, sexual orientation, and so forth. Thats why.

Why exclude religion?

People vote certain ways on issues based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race...why exclude religion?

You sound very unAmerican

Well im glad that comes out in my posts, because i am pretty UNamerican. When America overwhelmingly chose Barrack Obama to be it's next President it didhowever go a little way towards making me feel a little better about being an American however. It's going to take a lot more then that though, the fact ofthe matter is most of this country is still living with their heads shoved so far up their own butts that on a world level it's very embarrassing to admiti am an american. Most of America feels like we are better then the rest of the world simply based on where we were born. That is something i strongly disagreewith. You, me, my mom, your mom, none of us are any better then the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens our "boys" have murdered in cold blood.Until the majority of the country agrees with me on this i will continue to be embarrassed to be an American.

As far as religion, i dont exclude religion. However, i think i have already made my point in this thread. Im very much against someone in the religiousmajority voting against another group of people who happen to be in the minority based solely off their own personal religious beliefs that not necessarily theminority agrees with or believes in. The fact that you think your religious believes should have any bearing what so ever in the voting process, especially onan issue of this nature goes very far in proving my point. YOUR religious beliefs should NOT dictate someone else's rights in this country especially ifthey dont share your religious beliefs.

This really shouldnt even be that big of a debate, if you cant see what im saying you never will. It's very very sad. Just like it was very sad when themajority of californians voted in favor of taking away basic civil rights of people they dont even understand.
Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
that is the dumbest logic that people continue to use. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HUMAN BEING AND AN ANIMAL/INATIMIATE OBJECT.

if you cant understand that difference then any school you went to should be shut down immediately.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
SMH. That point is one of the dumbest things I have ever read.
Not really...marriage is based on the fact that a male marries a female and vice versa...if it is changed...the fundamental base ischanged...therefore,if the fundamental base is changed...then who will hesitate to morph(change) the meaning of marriage to anything as pleased...

Change is needed,but do not change a custom that has been going on for centuries....
That being said.

No they should not overturn the vote...the people have spoken whether it was black/hispanic/asian/white etc...this was the decision of the PEOPLE for thePEOPLE...
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

RKO it's not that i cant be talked to, but in my beliefs you are living in a fantasy world that i personally think is hilarious and you, and many like you are the lost souls that cant be reached. Back to the point, this country no matter if you think so or not is NOT a christian country. Your ignorant belief system should never and i mean never be able to pass a law discriminating against other Americans. It's not the rest of our faults you guys cant get your heads out of these ridiculous bible pages long enough to realize your hateful ways. This brings me back to my original point saying that the extreme religious people shouldn't even have a vote. You all obviously can NOT separate church from state and I personally don't want your views dictating laws that are passed in a country that is made up of many different views, religions, races etc...


And why are your views more important than mine?

My views are that of equality and when i say equality i mean equality for all with no bearing on race, sexual orientation, and so forth. Thats why.

Why exclude religion?

People vote certain ways on issues based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race...why exclude religion?

You sound very unAmerican

Well im glad that comes out in my posts, because i am pretty UNamerican. When America overwhelmingly chose Barrack Obama to be it's next President it did however go a little way towards making me feel a little better about being an American however. It's going to take a lot more then that though, the fact of the matter is most of this country is still living with their heads shoved so far up their own butts that on a world level it's very embarrassing to admit i am an american. Most of America feels like we are better then the rest of the world simply based on where we were born. That is something i strongly disagree with. You, me, my mom, your mom, none of us are any better then the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens our "boys" have murdered in cold blood. Until the majority of the country agrees with me on this i will continue to be embarrassed to be an American.

As far as religion, i dont exclude religion. However, i think i have already made my point in this thread. Im very much against someone in the religious majority voting against another group of people who happen to be in the minority based solely off their own personal religious beliefs that not necessarily the minority agrees with or believes in. The fact that you think your religious believes should have any bearing what so ever in the voting process, especially on an issue of this nature goes very far in proving my point. YOUR religious beliefs should NOT dictate someone else's rights in this country especially if they dont share your religious beliefs.

This really shouldnt even be that big of a debate, if you cant see what im saying you never will. It's very very sad. Just like it was very sad when the majority of californians voted in favor of taking away basic civil rights of people they dont even understand.

And if I don't share the gays beliefs, I should just fold?

Or if I don't agree with a senior citizens beliefs I should fold?

Or if I disagree on an issue that has to do with Latinos, I should fold?

Why should their beliefs take precedence over mine?

That's weak dude. I dunno about you, but I stand up for what I believe in.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

If it is overturned it would set a really bad precedent

Yes just like overturning slavery did huh! We all know that America went to hell when women became eligible to vote!!

Stop your ignorance is hurting this board!!

You mad?

Obviously taking what I said and putting words in my mouth.

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
that is the dumbest logic that people continue to use. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HUMAN BEING AND AN ANIMAL/INATIMIATE OBJECT.

if you cant understand that difference then any school you went to should be shut down immediately.
There is no difference between an object/animal and a human if you're atheist.
i dont have a problem with gay marriage...but, what i do have a problem with is liberal judges overturning what the people want and voted for...

**+*%#! liberals/ gay rights activists never could except losing fair and square.

They talk all this @%@!#%%* about "freedom and rights" and then when they dont get what they want, these concepts are all of a sudden overturned intheir favor.

Just shows how hypocritical these idiots are.
Originally Posted by kmn2008


**+*%#! liberals/ gay rights activists never could except losing fair and square.

They talk all this @%@!#%%* about "freedom and rights" and then when they dont get what they want, these concepts are all of a sudden overturned in their favor.

Just shows how hypocritical these idiots are.
I've been sayin' that for years. Goes right along with, "Your only open-minded if you're open-minded in the exact same way aseveryone else."
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
that is the dumbest logic that people continue to use. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HUMAN BEING AND AN ANIMAL/INATIMIATE OBJECT.

if you cant understand that difference then any school you went to should be shut down immediately.
There is no difference between an object/animal and a human if you're atheist.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by FeelMode

RKO it's not that i cant be talked to, but in my beliefs you are living in a fantasy world that i personally think is hilarious and you, and many like you are the lost souls that cant be reached. Back to the point, this country no matter if you think so or not is NOT a christian country. Your ignorant belief system should never and i mean never be able to pass a law discriminating against other Americans. It's not the rest of our faults you guys cant get your heads out of these ridiculous bible pages long enough to realize your hateful ways. This brings me back to my original point saying that the extreme religious people shouldn't even have a vote. You all obviously can NOT separate church from state and I personally don't want your views dictating laws that are passed in a country that is made up of many different views, religions, races etc...


And why are your views more important than mine?

My views are that of equality and when i say equality i mean equality for all with no bearing on race, sexual orientation, and so forth. Thats why.

Why exclude religion?

People vote certain ways on issues based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race...why exclude religion?

You sound very unAmerican

Well im glad that comes out in my posts, because i am pretty UNamerican. When America overwhelmingly chose Barrack Obama to be it's next President it did however go a little way towards making me feel a little better about being an American however. It's going to take a lot more then that though, the fact of the matter is most of this country is still living with their heads shoved so far up their own butts that on a world level it's very embarrassing to admit i am an american. Most of America feels like we are better then the rest of the world simply based on where we were born. That is something i strongly disagree with. You, me, my mom, your mom, none of us are any better then the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens our "boys" have murdered in cold blood. Until the majority of the country agrees with me on this i will continue to be embarrassed to be an American.

As far as religion, i dont exclude religion. However, i think i have already made my point in this thread. Im very much against someone in the religious majority voting against another group of people who happen to be in the minority based solely off their own personal religious beliefs that not necessarily the minority agrees with or believes in. The fact that you think your religious believes should have any bearing what so ever in the voting process, especially on an issue of this nature goes very far in proving my point. YOUR religious beliefs should NOT dictate someone else's rights in this country especially if they dont share your religious beliefs.

This really shouldnt even be that big of a debate, if you cant see what im saying you never will. It's very very sad. Just like it was very sad when the majority of californians voted in favor of taking away basic civil rights of people they dont even understand.

And if I don't share the gays beliefs, I should just fold?

Or if I don't agree with a senior citizens beliefs I should fold?

Or if I disagree on an issue that has to do with Latinos, I should fold?

Why should their beliefs take precedence over mine?

That's weak dude. I dunno about you, but I stand up for what I believe in.

And there we have it. The glaring difference between you and I. You stand up for what YOU believe in. Where as I (who also stands up for what I believe in)stand up for Human Rights, and in doing so i don't take into consideration my own personal take on it. Let me add that i dont agree with being gay at all,BUT i am smart enough to realize that MY opinion on their lifestyle should have no ill effect on their lives which is why i voted NO on prop 8 because it isobviously an equality issue and i am a firm believer in Equal Human Rights, and now it is quite obvious you dont.
Originally Posted by kmn2008


**+*%#! liberals/ gay rights activists never could except losing fair and square.

They talk all this @%@!#%%* about "freedom and rights" and then when they dont get what they want, these concepts are all of a sudden overturned in their favor.

Just shows how hypocritical these idiots are.
Losing fair and square? This is about people's rights man. PEOPLE. They lost the vote by the slimmest of margins so naturally they're notgoing to sit back and just accept it. And they're idiots too huh
Wait why does this keep happening? Everytime these post start they go mass pages and its a bunch of arguing.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Wait why does this keep happening? Everytime these post start they go mass pages and its a bunch of arguing.

Act like you dont know
It's because Religion has had an obvious effect of clouding your judgement to the point that you religious folks dont think allHuman Beings should have the same rights.

BTW, RKO i know it seems like i keep coming at you and just for the record i'm not coming just at you, its people that share your religious beliefs imcoming at equally.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by 916JORDANboy

if gays were allowed to marry, what would stop polygamists from having more than one wife? or guys being able to marry animals? or *gasp* inanimate objects?
that is the dumbest logic that people continue to use. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A HUMAN BEING AND AN ANIMAL/INATIMIATE OBJECT.

if you cant understand that difference then any school you went to should be shut down immediately.
There is no difference between an object/animal and a human if you're atheist.
Just when I thought 916Jordanboy's comment was the dumbest thing posted in this thread, you max out the ignorance meter and beat his comment. Dude you sound like a straight fool.
Then prove me wrong then. Humans - A Soul = A Chunk of Meat.
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