Calif. Sheriff's Deputies Shoot, Kill 13-Year-Old

on a real tip, that ish looks real.  when every day of your life you're faced with the possibility of some whacko, kid or not, shooting at you with something like that your hairs do go up.  just drop the gun, kid.  
Man why do they have to shoot to kill tho? Like I see how real that gun looks..and he didnt comply, but he was 13 son cmon. Not sure if I sound naive here but why not shoot him in the leg/arm if anything.
training to shoot to kill is the only way cops survive.  **** gets real outchea, and cops are in super fast, super heavy situations that pretty much pass actual, rational thought by and in those moments you're relying on instinct purely.  you can't train a guy who is gonna be in those situations on a daily basis to aim for the foot, famb.  i was in the military, army.  it was, 'either you're ready to take a life when it matters or you're dead,'.  i learned that from benning and it was drummed into my brain every single day of my service.  and it's true and i don't doubt that it's the same for cops.
think of it this way, if im pointing a gun at a cop for whatever reason and he shoots me in the arm/leg the natural reaction would be for me to start firing back at them

meanwhile... dude in dallas got shot and killed by a police officer... the office said the man attacked them...


he didnt know there was video surveillance...

sooooooo.... yeah... dude got fired today...

meanwhile... dude in dallas got shot and killed by a police officer... the office said the man attacked them...


he didnt know there was video surveillance...

sooooooo.... yeah... dude got fired today...
until there is evidence that would put the report into question it would be irrational to choose to believe your own made up story
until there is evidence that would put the report into question it would be irrational to choose to believe your own made up story
na irrational would be to blindly follow those in power who have no one to answer to so long as they stick together under their blue code.

everyone doesn't record every interaction with the police.

How many haven't been caught.
as of right now the police report is all there is to follow. if there was something else that said other wise then we would debate about which source is more credible, but there isnt and the police story is all we have

you're sounding like ninjahood with the "nah im going to ignore all the information and wait for the imaginary NYPD camera footage to come out and prove that the bikers were right!"

just because you dont like cops doesnt mean its logical to make up another side of the story to discredit them
as of right now the police report is all there is to follow. if there was something else that said other wise then we would debate about which source is more credible, but there isnt and the police story is all we have

you're sounding like ninjahood with the "nah im going to ignore all the information and wait for the imaginary NYPD camera footage to come out and prove that the bikers were right!"

just because you dont like cops doesnt mean its logical to make up another side of the story to discredit them
who said who didnt like cops?

all i said was lets not take a human being's word at face value, especially if there is a potential that certain aspects can have said human being under fire...

i say the same thing about humans... whether its a yamb, my homeboy, a judge, or a cop.

you think that "sworn oath" stuff is strong enough to keep folks from lying? :lol:
as of right now the police report is all there is to follow. if there was something else that said other wise then we would debate about which source is more credible, but there isnt and the police story is all we have

you're sounding like ninjahood with the "nah im going to ignore all the information and wait for the imaginary NYPD camera footage to come out and prove that the bikers were right!"

just because you dont like cops doesnt mean its logical to make up another side of the story to discredit them
who said who didnt like cops?

all i said was lets not take a human being's word at face value, especially if there is a potential that certain aspects can have said human being under fire...

i say the same thing about humans... whether its a yamb, my homeboy, a judge, or a cop.

you think that "sworn oath" stuff is strong enough to keep folks from lying?
when people are in every cop related thread talking bad about cops then... you can figure it out

no one is saying that cops never lie or that there is nothing shady happening, however in this situation there is nothing that suggests the cops are lying other than people bringing up past totally unrelated examples of cops lying. bringing up a unrelated case of a shady police report doesnt mean anything
Man why do they have to shoot to kill tho? Like I see how real that gun looks..and he didnt comply, but he was 13 son cmon. Not sure if I sound naive here but why not shoot him in the leg/arm if anything.

You shoot to kill because he has a weapon,

By trying to use these movie tactics of shooting someone in the hand, arm, finger, etc
You risk the possibility of missing and getting injured your self.

I'm 100% sure the person willing to point a firearm at a police office isn't trying to shoot the gun out there hands.

I agree with everything you wrote. People are questioning why you do not try to shoot a person's leg or hand, because those are more difficult targets and you don't want to try low percentage shots against a person with a weapon. You see a person with what looks like an automatic weapon, you will take them down if they don't surrender.
No one remembers these same clowns agreeing with police who shot up a truck with two asian women inside of it because they suspected it was dorner. "They were scared of dorner " so that was the excuse to kill 2 women who obviously did not match a description of a black man inside of a car that did not match the description of his vehicle.
I don't think anyone agreed with that bro. More like they were reaching for reasons how it could have happened. No one co-signed the shooting of two innocent people.

I do however remember people co-signing Dorner killing innocent people, simply because the victims were police.
and the fact that we constantly find reasons to justify how an innocent person doing nothing wrong ends up dead is a major problem and it's sad that no one can see it.
and the fact that we constantly find reasons to justify how an innocent person doing nothing wrong ends up dead is a major problem and it's sad that no one can see it.
how is walking down a street with soemthing that looks exactly like an AK and not putting it down when the police tell you to "doing nothing wrong"

in what country would it be okay to do that?
when people are in every cop related thread talking bad about cops then... you can figure it out

no one is saying that cops never lie or that there is nothing shady happening, however in this situation there is nothing that suggests the cops are lying other than people bringing up past totally unrelated examples of cops lying. bringing up a unrelated case of a shady police report doesnt mean anything
re read this part bro...

if that's the case, then EVERY body in the world would have a clean slate when it comes to dealing with new people...

a crip from a gang kills your brother in california...

i guess you're just going to look at a crip in minnesoata and say "meh... its all good"..

naw... yeah, you might take time to get the know the crip.. but off the top, you're going to associate him w/ the crip that killed your bro...

we do with with race, yambs, personalities..

lets not be naive here, famb... you're acting like people are wrong for questioning whether the cops told the truth completely... when we've seen cops pull some of the most shady stuff...
how is walking down a street with soemthing that looks exactly like an AK and not putting it down when the police tell you to "doing nothing wrong"

in what country would it be okay to do that?

Did he aim it at the officer?

He did nothing wrong because it was a harmless ******g toy. :x
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when people are in every cop related thread talking bad about cops then... you can figure it out

no one is saying that cops never lie or that there is nothing shady happening, however in this situation there is nothing that suggests the cops are lying other than people bringing up past totally unrelated examples of cops lying. bringing up a unrelated case of a shady police report doesnt mean anything
re read this part bro...

if that's the case, then EVERY body in the world would have a clean slate when it comes to dealing with new people...

a crip from a gang kills your brother in california...

i guess you're just going to look at a crip in minnesoata and say "meh... its all good"..

naw... yeah, you might take time to get the know the crip.. but off the top, you're going to associate him w/ the crip that killed your bro...

we do with with race, yambs, personalities..

lets not be naive here, famb... you're acting like people are wrong for questioning whether the cops told the truth completely... when we've seen cops pull some of the most shady stuff...
its like listening to the weather man, if he says its going to rain tomorrow then im going to expect it to rain tomorrow.

yeah you can come along and show me examples of weathermen who have been wrong before, but that has nothing to do with today's weather forecast so im going to continue believing what he says and expect it to rain tomorrow.

now if it doesnt rain tomorrow then that's new evidence which shows that he is wrong, but UNTILL that evidence actually shows up there is no reason to believe him to be wrong.

yes people stereotype others and form judgments before getting to know people, in this case i assume that the police report is correct because there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

in the case of the crips, before they do anything to anyone i know i already know not to mess with them so my brother getting killed would not change my perspective that gang members are a waste of human life
how is walking down a street with soemthing that looks exactly like an AK and not putting it down when the police tell you to "doing nothing wrong"

in what country would it be okay to do that?
Because it was a toy.

Did he aim it at the officer?
so officers are supposed to assume all guns are toys until bullets come out? it turned out to be a toy but there was no way for them to know that it was a toy at the time
Of course not, every innocent kid should be killed for playing with replica toy guns.

better safe than sorry.

there's no other solution.

super soakers, water guns, paint ball guns, plastic guns. Kill every kid in possession of them. Make the world a better place.

That's your idea of a fair world right?
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its like listening to the weather man, if he says its going to rain tomorrow then im going to expect it to rain tomorrow.

yeah you can come along and show me examples of weathermen who have been wrong before, but that has nothing to do with today's weather forecast so im going to continue believing what he says and expect it to rain tomorrow.

now if it doesnt rain tomorrow then that's new evidence which shows that he is wrong, but UNTILL that evidence actually shows up there is no reason to believe him to be wrong.

yes people stereotype others and form judgments before getting to know people, in this case i assume that the police report is correct because there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

in the case of the crips, before they do anything to anyone i know i already know not to mess with them so my brother getting killed would not change my perspective that gang members are a waste of human life

using your weatherman analogy... if the weather man says its going to be dry tomorrow...

and it rains...

well... the next time he says its going to be dry ...

you bring an umbrella b/c he's been wrong before...

yeah, you may not need it... but what's wrong w/ bringing it JUST IN CASE...

same w/ the cops... yeah... cops are cool...

but they've been WRONG before...

what's wrong w/ bringing a little cynicism JUST IN CASE...
The only thing he did wrong was use horrible judgment. If a gun is pointed at a cop, cop isn't waiting to hear "pop" before he blasts off.

Don't know if the kid in this case actually pointed the gun at police though.
its like listening to the weather man, if he says its going to rain tomorrow then im going to expect it to rain tomorrow.

yeah you can come along and show me examples of weathermen who have been wrong before, but that has nothing to do with today's weather forecast so im going to continue believing what he says and expect it to rain tomorrow.

now if it doesnt rain tomorrow then that's new evidence which shows that he is wrong, but UNTILL that evidence actually shows up there is no reason to believe him to be wrong.

yes people stereotype others and form judgments before getting to know people, in this case i assume that the police report is correct because there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.

in the case of the crips, before they do anything to anyone i know i already know not to mess with them so my brother getting killed would not change my perspective that gang members are a waste of human life

using your weatherman analogy... if the weather man says its going to be dry tomorrow...

and it rains...

well... the next time he says its going to be dry ...

you bring an umbrella b/c he's been wrong before...

yeah, you may not need it... but what's wrong w/ bringing it JUST IN CASE...

same w/ the cops... yeah... cops are cool...

but they've been WRONG before...

what's wrong w/ bringing a little cynicism JUST IN CASE...
hey, if thats the way you think then i cant stop that and i dont have anything wrong with that. if something does come up and proves the report to be a lie then im fine with admitting that i was wrong about this. 

however, as of right now there is no proof, so yeah you can say yeah maybe they're lying and there's more to this, since there is a small chance for that to be true

but if you're coming in here blaming the cops based off something unrelated then yeah, its illogical 
Of course not, every innocent kid should be killed for playing with replica toy guns.

better safe than sorry.

there's no other solution.

super soakers, water guns, paint ball guns, plastic guns. Kill every kid in possession of them. Make the world a better place.

That's your idea of a fair world right?
you really struggle to grasp simple concepts 
hey, if thats the way you think then i cant stop that and i dont have anything wrong with that. if something does come up and proves the report to be a lie then im fine with admitting that i was wrong about this. 

however, as of right now there is no proof, so yeah you can say yeah maybe they're lying and there's more to this, since there is a small chance for that to be true

but if you're coming in here blaming the cops based off something unrelated then yeah, its illogical 
ok...i can respect that...

but i'm not blaming the cops based off something unrelated...

i'm asking "is this the complete story" based on them being human beings that eat, drop deuces, and lie just like everyone else in the world...
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