Bruh...Tyga....Hair Gains....Vol. Jamie Would Be Proud

So wait....if you hair is greasy from say sweat, ya'll just use water and that is it? I shampoo every day. I mean i am sure my lack of hair isn't from shampooing but if I can hold what I have still, I'd do it just to do it.

A through rinse without shampoo will suffice. Shampooing daily isn’t good for the hair or scalp.
What is everyone's shampoo method? I used to shampoo 1-2x a day, but I have dropped it to once every couple/few days and seen some nice thickening.

You're damaging your hair with the chemicals they put in that trash. Try massaging your hair with coconut oil or some other natural oils/waxes. They'll clean your hair and nourish your scalp too.
Shampooing everyday is bad fir your scalp breh

Some people have oily skin conditions and need to remove oil from their scalp more frequently than others to prevent build up which is not necessarily good for your scalp either.

It's all about knowing your body and finding the right balance. Not saying these factors contribute entirely to hair loss but there are certain maintenance techniques and lifestyle behaviors that can expedite hair loss.

True be told if you're going to lose your hair it's just going to happen regardless of what you do, but you don't want to be giving it an assist either though.
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Thanks for all the feedback. Repped you all. I figured it was bad to shampoo daily.

I have oilier scalp/skin and I work out 1-2x everyday plus add the daily use of the pastes/hairspray in my hair I just thought that I need to daily shampoo. Would hot or cold water really suffice every couple days?
Thanks for all the feedback. Repped you all. I figured it was bad to shampoo daily.

I have oilier scalp/skin and I work out 1-2x everyday plus add the daily use of the pastes/hairspray in my hair I just thought that I need to daily shampoo. Would hot or cold water really suffice every couple days?

If your hair starts to feel too oily then a drop or two of shampoo won’t hurt. Also using conditioner helps keep my hair smelling good and feeling fresh on non-shampoo days.
Thanks for all the feedback. Repped you all. I figured it was bad to shampoo daily.

I have oilier scalp/skin and I work out 1-2x everyday plus add the daily use of the pastes/hairspray in my hair I just thought that I need to daily shampoo. Would hot or cold water really suffice every couple days?

I suggest doing some trial and error based off of your own research, and develop a regimen that works for you. Our biological make-ups are all different so you just got to find your own balance.

Advice and suggestions from others are not a bad thing. You just have to take it with a grain of salt and tweak it accordingly when necessary.
Full circle moment for this thread

Tyga today basically trying to claim that he had a hairline transplant :lol: :lol:

Seth Curry
Prime Time is rejuvenated, Tyga out here flourishing and nobody knows why, but LeBron sitting on damn near a billi and can't seem to get it right? I guess money isn't always the answer.
his scalp looked bad at the all star game... so bad, my daughter and wife was clowning him, he needs a baldy badly.
his scalp looked bad at the all star game... so bad, my daughter and wife was clowning him, he needs a baldy badly.

Yeah he had a thinning streak going down the middle of his head. It was like a reverse mohawk or something.

The problem is that even if Bron wanted to rock the baldy he would probably be too concerned about the visibility of the scarring left from his procedures.
I don't know why LeBron doesn't go with the R Allen/Kobe. He can rock that and just get it cut twice a week. Keep it super low. Ray Allen had it mastered. Just kept going lower and lower until he said eff it and went bald.
I don't know why LeBron doesn't go with the R Allen/Kobe. He can rock that and just get it cut twice a week. Keep it super low. Ray Allen had it mastered. Just kept going lower and lower until he said eff it and went bald.

Bron needs to stop that mess he’s doing. When the camera hits him at the wrong time, the section of his hair that’s fading away looks like a big fidget spinner
bronny just needs to go to columbia for the stem cell treatment, he’ll come back north with 720’s lmao
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