BRIGHT WHITE notifications

Jun 21, 2009
Here Methodical Management Methodical Management Nelson C Nelson C

It’s killing us. It eventually fades out but only after a few seconds.

Device/browser information is helpful.

I’ve not encountered this on any of my devices.

It might also be useful to know your alert preferences:

The other thing it's doing (for me, Android) is if I have 7 notifications and click on one, it immediately drops to 1 and the other 5-6 threads drop underneath one I haven't clicked on in weeks. (Vs ones I click every day)

I just assumed it was a new add on from NT.
I haven’t changed my alert settings. Happening on IOS using chrome as browser
The other thing it's doing (for me, Android) is if I have 7 notifications and click on one, it immediately drops to 1 and the other 5-6 threads drop underneath one I haven't clicked on in weeks. (Vs ones I click every day)

I just assumed it was a new add on from NT.

It’s not a new add on.

We do have an add on to improve alert behavior - because for some incomprehensible reason the default software behavior was to immediately clear ALL notifications once viewed, regardless of read status - but that’s been in place for years.

To keep the community safe, it’s essential that we install security patches ASAP. This sometimes can cause little glitches like these to occur, and I’ll work with our developer and any associated third-party developers as needed to resolve this one.

The best thing we can do is to try and identify some common denominator among those encountering this issues, so that it can be successfully replicated by the developer(s).

Even if you haven’t changed your settings lately, it would be helpful to establish what those settings are to see if there might be a link there.
This is my notification settings. I haven't touched them in forever


I’m using NT on my iPhone.

I’ve changed my NT setting maybe twice is 20 years and at no time recently.
Happening for me on desktop(windows). It doesn't bother me at all, but it's definitely there.
I also have not changed my alert settings this year.

Using firefox.

My alert preferences: (and all the options for alerts after this are checked yes except for replies to a watched thread & no push for posts in a watched forum, replies to a watched thread, or reacts to your message, or media item)

I’ve never changed my notification settings 🤷

Maybe changed them to not go to my emails but that was yearsss ago
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