Brazilian kids snatching up people's stuff as they walk by...

I don't see thugs, I see kids surviving in a harsh reality.

The "thugs" are the people they are bringing the goods back to.
Was just about to post that. Yea they stealing and i would knock them frail dudes to another dimension, but i aint necessarily hating. 

They dont steal for fun or greed like Wall Street,politicians or insurance companies. They got mouths to feed and being hungry and deprived drives men to do unthinkable things. 
I was in Rio for Carnival a couple weeks ago. I had my iphone out taking pics and surprised I never got got. Rio is beautiful tho.
You can get hustled/robbed just about in any major city if you're not careful. It's not hard to go about your business and NOT make yourself a target.
When I was in the Bahamas b, I was on defense like a mfer. Everytime dudes would walk up looking suspicious I had them fist balled up.

Yup the cops are crooked

When I was in the Bahamas b, I was on defense like a mfer. Everytime dudes would walk up looking suspicious I had them fist balled up.

Yup i went on a cruise in '13 we got off the boat and had about 4 hours or so on the island. I told my wife (gf at the time) and parents to just be mindful of their surroundings
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