Boston Celtics @ Dallas Mavericks TNT 7 PM CST

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Originally Posted by mario23407

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

But honestly, only one person said anything about Dirk. And then you spent the next like 5 posts talking about how Dirk and Dallas never get respect.

I can understand wanting respect, because Pierce is getting it for the first time in years, but calm down. Ya'll haven't really done anything to deserve it since game 2.

wth, has pierce done to get respect?

Carried Boston for almost 10 years with NO help at all.
Excuse me, carried them where??? Down the drain
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Yea , Mavs fans are extra sensitive about Dirk, and quick to accuse you of being racist if you call him soft. It's amazing. I'm trying to convince them that he's not soft because he's white, but he's soft because he shoots fadeaways with 6footers guarding him and they're like if he was black this, if he was black that, he'd get more calls, you'd like him more, he'd have 10 mvps, all kind of craziness. And it's ironic because Dallas is in... well, I'll leave that alone.

Look at the play when he drove, saw KG, and instead of taking it strong with intention to finish and/or draw a foul, he veered off to the side and threw up some left handed garbage. Look at the end of the last Bos/Dal game, he hits all these clutch shots and then at the end lets Rondo just take the ball from him and lay it up over him, game over.

People do make too much of his choking, in that they'll call him a choker and then talk up someone who is a far worse one, but Dirk does choke. And it's hilarious because he always chokes in gargantuan fashion, almost like some Hollywood writer is scripting it.

All star game, score 125-125, Dirk proceeds to air ball, turn the ball over, get dunked on, and get blocked by none other than 6'4 Dwyane Wade.

And the array of excuses you get for anything Dirk ever does is astonishing, especially at Dallasbasketball which is nothing more than a Dirk circle jerk disguised as a Mavs fan site. They literally said Dirk can't post up guards because it's a physical impossibility according to Newton's 3 law, say stuff like Dirk has a better post game than Boozer, always claim the other team is 5 teamming Dirk, claimed that LeBron's dunk wasn't on Dirk but was on Chris Paul, all kinds of nonsense.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Carried Boston for almost 10 years with NO help at all.
Yeah, and Dirk walked into the ideal situation in Dallas.

If career accomplishments are what earns you respect, there is no way Paul Pierce has accomplished more than Dirk.

Is he a better player? Maybe, but that's extremely debatable. But he has not accomplished as much in his career as Dirk has.

I agree to some extent. I wasn't the asshat making that comparison though. I do think Dirk has had a more favorable opportunity to grow with Mark Cubanas the owner compared to Boston who just recently got their act together. Pierce has been up in Boston doing work almost every season he's been playingwithout the fanfare, accolades or support that he probably would have garnered if it were a different market. Dirk has been a great player for his team, and Ilike him.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Originally Posted by mario23407

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

But honestly, only one person said anything about Dirk. And then you spent the next like 5 posts talking about how Dirk and Dallas never get respect.

I can understand wanting respect, because Pierce is getting it for the first time in years, but calm down. Ya'll haven't really done anything to deserve it since game 2.

wth, has pierce done to get respect?

Carried Boston for almost 10 years with NO help at all.
Excuse me, carried them where??? Down the drain

Huh? The Boston Celtics have sucked for the longest, but it certainly WASN'T because of a player like Paul Pierce. They would have been worse offwithout him on their team. Do you disagree with that or are you just trying to make stuff up to suit whatever non-point you're trying to make?
What is anyone supposed to say to that? Dirk is a 7 footer that doesn't post up on the blocks, and he's not gonna dunk on someone. OK.He's 7 feet tall, but he's not overwhelmingly built or a great athlete. So he's a 7 foot SF. If that makes him soft, then I guess he's soft...

He's choked before, Houston and Golden State being the two prime examples. There's no denying that. But like said, quite often it'sover-exaggerated. There's also been countless other times that he's come up big in clutch situations. But we don't hear about those.

And yeah, Bron got him somethin serious at the ASG. Are we really talking about the ASG? Who the %*#* cares? ... But Bron has also gotten Duncan, Rasheed, LuolDeng, on-and-on-and-on... So what? Getting dunked on =/= soft. If you've played basketball at a high level for any length of time, you've probably beenput on a poster before. Making an issue of that is flat out ******ed.
I agree to some extent. I wasn't the asshat making that comparison though. I do think Dirk has had a more favorable opportunity to grow with Mark Cuban as the owner compared to Boston who just recently got their act together. Pierce has been up in Boston doing work almost every season he's been playing without the fanfare, accolades or support that he probably would have garnered if it were a different market. Dirk has been a great player for his team, and I like him.
No I'm with you on Pierce, too. He's done his thing in Boston. I'm glad he's finally getting the chance to play on a legitcontender. Same with Ray and KG. If anyone other than Dallas wins the title this year, I truly hope those three are the ones with the rings on their fingers.But to say "Well, Pierce has carried the Celtics for 10 years" like Dirk didn't carry on of the worst franchises in the league out of the cellarand into one of the best teams/franchises in basketball is just unfair. Both dudes have done their thing, and both of them deserve their props and respect forwhat they've accomplished, regardless of whether or not they have rings on their fingers.
And yeah, Bron got him somethin serious at the ASG. Are we really talking about the ASG? Who the %*#* cares? ... But Bron has also gotten Duncan, Rasheed, Luol Deng, on-and-on-and-on... So what? Getting dunked on =/= soft. If you've played basketball at a high level for any length of time, you've probably been put on a poster before. Making an issue of that is flat out ******ed.
Nobody said it was an important. I was using it an example of a time when "Mavs fans" go into super defend Dirk mode and an unbelievablestate of denial. I could bring up exact quotes if you want me to, though I don't go there anymore and the topic may be off the board by now. It's justhilarious. They literally defend him with more vigor than most people do their actual family members. And these aren't smitten teeny bopper females, theseare grown %!+ men.
Nobody said it was an important. I was using it an example of a time when "Mavs fans" go into super defend Dirk mode and an unbelievable state of denial. I could bring up exact quotes if you want me to, though I don't go there anymore and the topic may be off the board by now. It's just hilarious. They literally defend him with more vigor than most people do their actual family members.
I been told yall to stay off team-specific forums. Dudes take it to all sorts of extremes. I know I've got a little homer in me nowand then, and I'm probably easier on Dirk than some, but I never take it to the extremes and asinine levels some of those dudes do.

DallasBasketball is the absolute worst.
they're worse than SpursReport, who I thought had to be the worse ever. I'd even go as far as saying they're worse than LakersGround.
Whoaaa.. Never meant to turn this into a Pierce >< Dirk post. All I was saying was that understood you're point about not getting respect. It'sjust that some of you take it to extremes, that you can't say ANYTHING bad about Dirk. DatZNasty pretty much summed up my point:

Yea , Mavs fans are extra sensitive about Dirk, and quick to accuse you of being racist if you call him soft. It's amazing. I'm trying to convince them that he's not soft because he's white, but he's soft because he shoots fadeaways with 6footers guarding him and they're like if he was black this, if he was black that, he'd get more calls, you'd like him more, he'd have 10 mvps, all kind of craziness. And it's ironic because Dallas is in... well, I'll leave that alone.

Look at the play when he drove, saw KG, and instead of taking it strong with intention to finish and/or draw a foul, he veered off to the side and threw up some left handed garbage. Look at the end of the last Bos/Dal game, he hits all these clutch shots and then at the end lets Rondo just take the ball from him and lay it up over him, game over.

People do make too much of his choking, in that they'll call him a choker and then talk up someone who is a far worse one, but Dirk does choke. And it's hilarious because he always chokes in gargantuan fashion, almost like some Hollywood writer is scripting it.

All star game, score 125-125, Dirk proceeds to air ball, turn the ball over, get dunked on, and get blocked by none other than 6'4 Dwyane Wade.

And the array of excuses you get for anything Dirk ever does is astonishing, especially at Dallasbasketball which is nothing more than a Dirk circle jerk disguised as a Mavs fan site. They literally said Dirk can't post up guards because it's a physical impossibility according to Newton's 3 law, say stuff like Dirk has a better post game than Boozer, always claim the other team is 5 teamming Dirk, claimed that LeBron's dunk wasn't on Dirk but was on Chris Paul, all kinds of nonsense.
PLEASE don't bother bringing up the garbage race argument...Dirk is a good and not GREAT player because he doesn't know how to finish.He avoids contact at all times and when he misses a lefty swooping shot he expects a bail-out call.

Take that %$+! straight to the rim like Game 7 against the Spurs in 06 and you'll get some respect IF there is contact.
As I said last game, there was no way dirk is getting a call late in the game....
He turned away from KG and tried to throw it up and in, and he does that more than just tonight. Go back and watch the replay from behind the hoopthat they showed if you dont believe me. YOU NEED CONTACT TO GET A FOUL CALL...

...unless you're Dwayne Wade, but thats a different story.

And for career accomplishments, other than the MVP trophy, wheres the difference in Pierce and Dirk? Dirk made the finals and got humiliated? Yeah, thats agood one. Pierce took a starting line-up of himself, Antoine, Tony Battie, Kenny Anderson, and a mix of god knows how many players of the fifth guy, to theECFs. I'd say thats pretty good, but thats just me..
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