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wake me up when George Zimmerman makes "Wipe Me Down"

If you're from the West Coast please log out.

Outside of Dom and/or Kendrick, ya'll whole scene is a joke.

You never met em cause u never been to the hood. Boosie will sell out any hood club in the USA. Bet that.Ive seen him sell out shows in Southside Chicago and Daytona Florida in a heartbeat. Of course NY doesnt show love, they hate everything that isnt from there. Boosie gonna be in some trues, leather sweats and all over print shirts in no time, watch. And as far as codeine, Boosie was introduced to da game by Pimp C so he was poin up before yall knew what it was. Some of yall cool, but for the haters
I am sorry I just don't understand your argument  I'm not rooting against the guy but wasn't the reason he was in jail so long because he tried to smuggle drugs in???    It's just crazy how we praise and condone ignorant **** now a days. Chris Rock said it best We celebrate the guy coming home from jail, but not the guy coming home from college. This whole Boosie thing comes off to be straight ******* in my opinion  from my black community 
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I do

But this not about him

Go make a thread on him if you wanna discuss that[/quote]
BINGO! I can't be happy that both black men were freed from the US Penal system? I just made a thread about Eddie Conway I hope it sees some posts.
Chris Rock said it best We celebrate the guy coming home from jail, but not the guy coming home from college.
Not true at all. All I ever see during Springtime on my feeds are people shouting out family members for graduating. Too many fathers show their kids getting grades on the ig accounts. Crenshaw Clothing just had a giveaway at the Slauson Store for children with a certain GPA. You guys gotta quit talking out of your *****.

When Mandela died people who didn't even fully understand what he did were posting up RIP's but that still wasn't enough for some of you. We celebrate everyone.

From the guy who freed a nation, to the guy who was wrongfully accused of killing a cop to the guy who raps and beat a murder charge. 1 in 15 black males are incarcerated. 4 times as likely to be sentenced and 8 times as likely to be convicted in comparison to other demographics.

Do you understand those averages?

Still we rise.
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I never thought I'd see the day that Dom represented what's good with West Coast rap. I don't agree or disagree and am more surprised he has a career in this when he was just some dude on this forum.
I hope you aren't referring to the apartment complexes on the NorthSide. ie: Uptown or the P.I. Errybody knows those area are all "suburban poor." That's hood rich but in a nicer area. In other words those are people who come from "real" situations but decided groceries and not hearing gunshots are more important than Jordans and Newports. Everyone knows nobody who lives in ATL is from ATL. Thus, you'll often times find people from every **** hole in America in these neighborhoods.

To the dudes saying Boosie is trash, why'd you come in here? To the dudes mad at him beating a murder rap, TAKE IT TO TRIAL.

Finna jam Trill Ent for the rest of the week
Your right I don't live in Atlanta . I live south of Atlanta in Peachtree City . The point I was trying to make is basically me being a black female I didn't get introduce to Lil Boosie until  I moved into a majority white neighborhood.  Someone in the thread mention mostly people who been through the struggle and lives in the south listin to boosie well I found that statement incorrect. 
Yea Chris Rock is slap out of touch with that one. My fam parties(HARD) for everyone of the grand children's graduation from HS and/or college.

Or maybe I have a family for of alcoholics that just find any excuse to drink.
If you're from the West Coast please log out.

Outside of Dom and/or Kendrick, ya'll whole scene is a joke.


Now that's just false, and what does region have to do with anything?
Y'all don't know, or understand boosie music if all you think he raps about is wiping himself down and killing people. But y'all just got hip to him, so imma let y'all have you're moment.

As far as content goes, y'all praise all the Gangsta rappers, and love their music. But when somebody who you don't particularly havr an ear for does it, he's George Zimmerman lmao.

Would love to see how all you guys listen is straight conscious rap.
The weakest way to defend a artist is to say y'all don't understand his music. I shouldn't haven't said below average. I was just being a ****. But there is nothing about him that shows why he has the following he has. At least for me. I just don't see it.
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Fools wanna free Boosie but keep Zimmerman locked up? Freeing a Fool promoting violence and drugs to millions of our youth is just as bad a releasing a fool who took an innocent life of one of our youth. Whenever you fools stop glorifying the bs that's killing you then maybe you'll realize who's killing who.
This dude got standing ovation in his sig though im dying
The weakest way to defend a artist is to say y'all don't understand his music. I shouldn't haven't said below average. I was just being a ****. But there is nothing about him that shows why he has the following he has. At least for me. I just don't see it.
How much of his music have you actually listened to?  I don't want to try and convince you one way or the other. Your opinion is your opinion and that's quite all right with me.  I just want to know that it's coming from an informed place
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