Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School District

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

i sure would love to use the gym at the luxury apartment building down the block from me, but you know what? i don't live there and don't pay the fees that the tenants of that building do to have access to those privileges

it's ok though because i feel like i'm entitled to it and no matter what you say i deserve to use the elliptical

all i really want is a better life for me and my 22 inch pythons

you don't agree with me? you must be sheltered and blind

is it under the guise of a "public" gym, which recieves federal funding?

also, does your father live there and pay the fees, but never uses the gym?

if so, whats the harm of you utilizing his gym fee and getting his money's worth from the equipment?

and if so, can the public gym thats funded, partly, with your money, and mostly with your father's money, call you out on using their equipment, then slap you with a felony tresspassing?

sorry, i just had to make your example more relate to the situation you meant to correlate it with....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

i sure would love to use the gym at the luxury apartment building down the block from me, but you know what? i don't live there and don't pay the fees that the tenants of that building do to have access to those privileges

it's ok though because i feel like i'm entitled to it and no matter what you say i deserve to use the elliptical

all i really want is a better life for me and my 22 inch pythons

you don't agree with me? you must be sheltered and blind

is it under the guise of a "public" gym, which recieves federal funding?

also, does your father live there and pay the fees, but never uses the gym?

if so, whats the harm of you utilizing his gym fee and getting his money's worth from the equipment?

and if so, can the public gym thats funded, partly, with your money, and mostly with your father's money, call you out on using their equipment, then slap you with a felony tresspassing?

sorry, i just had to make your example more relate to the situation you meant to correlate it with....
she should have done what my mom did,

and move to the area with the white school district

so when they try to start problems you could show them you real room
in your real house

like yeah *+!$# i live here
Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

i sure would love to use the gym at the luxury apartment building down the block from me, but you know what? i don't live there and don't pay the fees that the tenants of that building do to have access to those privileges

it's ok though because i feel like i'm entitled to it and no matter what you say i deserve to use the elliptical

all i really want is a better life for me and my 22 inch pythons

you don't agree with me? you must be sheltered and blind

is it under the guise of a "public" gym, which recieves federal funding?

also, does your father live there and pay the fees, but never uses the gym?

if so, whats the harm of you utilizing his gym fee and getting his money's worth from the equipment?

and if so, can the public gym thats funded, partly, with your money, and mostly with your father's money, call you out on using their equipment, then slap you with a felony tresspassing?

sorry, i just had to make your example more relate to the situation you meant to correlate it with....

This is how all fools on NT should be dealt with
nah, im pretty sure my changes to your example made it correlate more with the OP....

thanks, tho.
I can't believe how many people in here are taking the county's side

YES she was wrong but her father lived there

AND 10 Days in jail REALLY???
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

i sure would love to use the gym at the luxury apartment building down the block from me, but you know what? i don't live there and don't pay the fees that the tenants of that building do to have access to those privileges

it's ok though because i feel like i'm entitled to it and no matter what you say i deserve to use the elliptical

all i really want is a better life for me and my 22 inch pythons

you don't agree with me? you must be sheltered and blind

is it under the guise of a "public" gym, which recieves federal funding?

also, does your father live there and pay the fees, but never uses the gym?

if so, whats the harm of you utilizing his gym fee and getting his money's worth from the equipment?

and if so, can the public gym thats funded, partly, with your money, and mostly with your father's money, call you out on using their equipment, then slap you with a felony tresspassing?

sorry, i just had to make your example more relate to the situation you meant to correlate it with....

basically the same logic i was gonna use
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

i sure would love to use the gym at the luxury apartment building down the block from me, but you know what? i don't live there and don't pay the fees that the tenants of that building do to have access to those privileges

it's ok though because i feel like i'm entitled to it and no matter what you say i deserve to use the elliptical

all i really want is a better life for me and my 22 inch pythons

you don't agree with me? you must be sheltered and blind

is it under the guise of a "public" gym, which recieves federal funding?

also, does your father live there and pay the fees, but never uses the gym?

if so, whats the harm of you utilizing his gym fee and getting his money's worth from the equipment?

and if so, can the public gym thats funded, partly, with your money, and mostly with your father's money, call you out on using their equipment, then slap you with a felony tresspassing?

sorry, i just had to make your example more relate to the situation you meant to correlate it with....

Ah... thats where we disagree homie.

Just because one district has more left over funds does NOT mean that they are obligated to use that money on others that illegally use and obtain those resources. If that were the case, you should just suggest we be a completely socialist nation. Elimnate and dissolve the boundaries of every state and county. Then tally up ALL the money and distribute it evenly.

But you know what? That'll never happen. Some counties want more preference. Then those same districts will show they're able to be more self sufficient without the aid of other districts...and they'll secede. This is what always happens. Autonomy gives rises to these stories.

Just because I paid for it and don't use it dont mean that its yours all of a sudden. That just means I ain't using it. I'm still paying taxes to live in a nicer place. Its the sacrifice. If you want to pay lower taxes, go ahead, but your public works wont have that money to draw upon and overall improve society that much more.

Oh and about the jail thing... What should be her punishment then? Pay back the 30k? I doubt she has it. In this country you either pay back or serve time. If not 10 days then how long? No one ever got off paying a portion of the their debt or without paying a significant portion of that debt. Probation? Maybe that county had enough with people trying to sneak past jurisdictions to steal their resources and wanted to make an example. But using resources equivalent to 30k and going on probation seems like somewhat of a misnomer.

Ya'll don't get it man If you live in a nicer part of town, would you want to use your money to fund those that FUNDAMENTALLY were stealing from your towns resources? People have no problem when 1-2 people break the law but when thousands start doing it then there becomes a serious discrepancy in the accounting of those resources.
Elimnate and dissolve the boundaries of every state and county. Then tally up ALL the money and distribute it evenly.
well, my example was just to dissolve district boarders and do the funding by state....

but, yeah, that sounds good to me.

public school is public....for the public...sponored by the public...

why should it be just the immediate public, if its public, its public....

i dont tell suburbanites to not use my public transportation...

people in dublin dont contribute to columbus transportation...nor do they contribute to sidewalk improvement

should we slap them with felonies for using the bus and walking on the sidewalk, as well?

im not saying anything about leftover money.

their grandfather paid taxes into the district, therefore he has the RIGHT to send children into the district to be educated....

they caught them up because the daughters dont live with him....i dont see how they can PROVE that, how much time do you have to be somewhere to technically live there? 4 nights a week?

im not gonna keep repeating myself for each new poster who comes in my posts in here...

we're ALL americans who live in america....

they dont publish us at 35th in the world, then put an asterik like "oh, but subruban american schools are ranked 29, the public schools are ranked 60th) nah, its 35th in the world...

people are being denied their AMERICAN rights to an equal education and district and county lines are used for an excuse.

even WITHIN the same district...

   If you want to pay lower taxes, go ahead
its not a want thing.

people are STUCK in these predicaments they were BORN into...

you see it as a "shes stealing and owes"

i see it as "she used the right of access to the school district afforded to her father who payed taxes into the district"

literally if her daughters stayed with her father, what, a couple of days a week, THIS WOULD BE COMPLETELY LEGAL

like, how is that not processing in your head, dude?

she didnt make up an address where NO taxes were paid into the district for her daughters....

she didn't SNEAK her kids into the district

she used her fathers address, an address which PAYS INTO THE DISTRICT

we're basically arguing over the amount of hours the daughters spent at their grandfather's house...

and however many hours under that, is worthy of recieving a felony and jail time for...

i think it speaks on how destroyed our educational system is

when you have 80 percent of people posting in here saying "my parents did the same thing to me"

how old are you, dame, if you dont mind me asking...

since youre so serious and stern about your tax dollars being appropriated in the correct fashion and that nobody is "getting over" on your dime....(even if it means using a common loophole to get your children a quality education)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

   If you want to pay lower taxes, go ahead
its not a want thing.

people are STUCK in these predicaments they were BORN into...

you see it as a "shes stealing and owes"

i see it as "she used the right of access to the school district afforded to her father who payed taxes into the district"

literally if her daughters stayed with her father, what, a couple of days a week, THIS WOULD BE COMPLETELY LEGAL

like, how is that not processing in your head, dude?

she didnt make up an address where NO taxes were paid into the district for her daughters....

she didn't SNEAK her kids into the district

she used her fathers address, an address which PAYS INTO THE DISTRICT

we're basically arguing over the amount of hours the daughters spent at their grandfather's house...

and however many hours under that, is worthy of recieving a felony and jail time for...

i think it speaks on how destroyed our educational system is

when you have 80 percent of people posting in here saying "my parents did the same thing to me"

how old are you, dame, if you dont mind me asking...

since youre so serious and stern about your tax dollars being appropriated in the correct fashion and that nobody is "getting over" on your dime....(even if it means using a common loophole to get your children a quality education)

Maybe because the mother and father are the direct legal guardians? They're the ones who are supposed to directly bear the brunt of the educational responsibilities. Depending on the district, guardianship should be or could be defined in other terms.

Btw, I have nothing against education. I just hope those kids graduate in the top 10 for all this crap their mother went through. However, I lived, as i've stated, in a community where white kids and black kids cheated nearby county systems as I was forced to stay in the same district. I couldn't IMAGINE how it would feel to be the county treasurer and have to come to realize that all the money you're paying out is NOT coming back to you in some way. Even if my uncle paid taxes into a city on the other side of the state... that doesn't represent the fact that I shuold be allowed to go to school there too. UNLESS I do the paperwork establishing him as a direct legal guardian.

However we've come to a distinct understanding of your perception of government. Do you REALLY think counties should be dissolved? Thats basically what this comes down to. Should Counties and Towns be dissolved into one single country with no boundaries? That is what you're effectively saying.
when it comes to education and healthcare, two things i believe shouldnt be run "for-profit"

two things i believe we have a right to as americans

yeah, dissolve the county and district lines

when it comes to the funding of hospitals and schools....why not?

these things are supposedly PUBLIC

but they arent public...they're zoned off by districts and counties...

why should the bexley school system (a self-contained suburb INSIDE of the city of columbus) be overfunded while a school directly down the street doesnt have heat...

are they not both american schools?

are they both not ohio schools?

are they both not in columbus? (one is TECHNICALLY in bexley, which is in columbus)

it seems like another way to separate classes and provide UNEQUAL educations to different populations of americans.

im not saying dissolve the state lines, that actually makes logistical sense...

but like i said, whats the difference between my school and the dublin school down the block?

mine is public to an entire city

theirs is public to a specific zone

they're ALL american kids.
im listening to a mother say, in the office, right now

"i think im gonna bring him back into columbus public next year, because i was told the street we're on is right on the outside of columbus public. "

her kids go to dublin schools.

am i running in the office complaining about her decision to send her kids to columbus public schools when they live in dublin?

are people in dublin hitting her with a felony because her kids are in their district?

this reminds me of my job downtown at a sneaker store.

the cops would post up downtown to arrest people jay walking (crossing the street to catch connecting buses)

the reason they did this on THIS block, and not, say the next one is because on this block, 90 percent of people catching these buses were non-white...

a block up, 90 percent of people crossing were white and corporate...

they were stopping kids crossing the street, checking their IDs for warrants, and searching them for drugs

one day, i saw a kid get stopped, searched and they found crack.

he did jail time.

down the street, this white guy in a suit, could very well be carrying crack...he's certainly jaywalking, why wasnt he stopped and searched tho?

because they cops knew what population they wanted to target and used the law to unjustly prosecute a specific population of people....they wanted to stop and search the black kids hanging outside of the mall...

they werent out to stop jaywalking...

somehow i feel like this ISNT about "stealing our school district's funding" because, if it was, the fact that the grandfather's address was used would clear the woman of wrongdoing...they technically got their funding that they're so worried about losing...

the mere fact that "making an example out of her" was even used, shows that she was being targeted, and the punishment she recieved wasnt the normal punishment...she is being made an example of...

meanwhile, i dont think there is a school in america where this isnt common.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

when it comes to education and healthcare, two things i believe shouldnt be run "for-profit"

two things i believe we have a right to as americans

yeah, dissolve the county and district lines

when it comes to the funding of hospitals and schools....why not?

these things are supposedly PUBLIC

but they arent public...they're zoned off by districts and counties...

why should the bexley school system (a self-contained suburb INSIDE of the city of columbus) be overfunded while a school directly down the street doesnt have heat...

are they not both american schools?

are they both not ohio schools?

are they both not in columbus? (one is TECHNICALLY in bexley, which is in columbus)

it seems like another way to separate classes and provide UNEQUAL educations to different populations of americans.

im not saying dissolve the state lines, that actually makes logistical sense...

but like i said, whats the difference between my school and the dublin school down the block?

mine is public to an entire city

theirs is public to a specific zone

they're ALL american kids.

Answer these

Did she break the law?

Since the court already says she broke the law, what should be her punishment then?

What should the punishment be to those that also send their kids to school out of district under the current law?

You also didn't address my stance on legal guardians. She would have had to forge the paperwork if she didn't establish the grand-kids as direct guardians of those kids.

I will support race issues accordingly. However this is objectively a violation of county law and district mandates. If you want to talk bout jay-walking thats fine but don't expect me to tie that in with this issue. You're conflating race with a blatant violation of the law.

No offense but part of what you're going into could start another Civil War essentially BTW
im not saying drop state lines, im saying drop district lines when it comes to PUBLIC schools and hospitals.

youre right, and im pretty sure i said it like the 3rd page, she probably didnt give up her parental rights to the grandfather NOR move in because she would have lost her financial aid and whatever assistance she was getting, if any.

yes, she broke the law. to the degree of a felony?

just like the business man also jaywalked....he broke it too, so did the kid crossing the street...

one dude's jaywalk is a non-issue, the other dude's jaywalk is a 10 year felony charge...

one mother's flasifying of school records is rewarded with a better education for her kids while another's is awarded with 2 counts of felonies...

i think the punishment was beyond OD

if a dude in dublin gets shot in the stomach, he doesnt go to dublin hospital, know why? there isnt a dublin hospital. he comes to a hospital in columbus. yes, he has private insurance, but insurance companies didnt build nor do they run hospitals....

should we give people felonies for using hospitals funded with OUR tax money, not theirs?

should we give felonies for suburbanites using our sidewalks and streets?

should we?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

im not saying drop state lines, im saying drop district lines when it comes to PUBLIC schools and hospitals.

youre right, and im pretty sure i said it like the 3rd page, she probably didnt give up her parental rights to the grandfather NOR move in because she would have lost her financial aid and whatever assistance she was getting, if any.

yes, she broke the law. to the degree of a felony?

just like the business man also jaywalked....he broke it too, so did the kid crossing the street...

one dude's jaywalk is a non-issue, the other dude's jaywalk is a 10 year felony charge...

one mother's flasifying of school records is rewarded with a better education for her kids while another's is awarded with 2 counts of felonies...

i think the punishment was beyond OD

if a dude in dublin gets shot in the stomach, he doesnt go to dublin hospital, know why? there isnt a dublin hospital. he comes to a hospital in columbus. yes, he has private insurance, but insurance companies didnt build nor do they run hospitals....

should we give people felonies for using hospitals funded with OUR tax money, not theirs?

should we give felonies for suburbanites using our sidewalks and streets?

should we? She probably didn't do the right paperwork nor did she choose to play by the rules. Shes already on financial aid. Life is rough. SO JUST DO IT LEGALLY! I want people to live a good life too but damn how much is enough???

She broke the law. Thank you. Thats it.

Now suggest a punishment. She def doesn't have that 30k to repay either. Probation for missing $30k???...uh...

Life and limb does not and never will be equating to matters of society. Ever. You know this so don't make that distinction.

Should we change the laws? Maybe. But are the inhumane? Not along the lines of jim crow. You couldn't change being black. You can change where you live. Thats what it comes down to.

Do you even know why districts exists?
sure, to segregate nice, mild-mannered homeowners from savage, lazy, criminals in the city, bro.

why else?
does anyone here truly believe that if a white male or a white female did the exact same thing they'd receive the same amount of punishment?
Yes she broke the law, yes I think a fine is acceptable, but jail time? Taking away this woman's chance and probably her drive to be a teacher? That's ridiculous.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

does anyone here truly believe that if a white male or a white female did the exact same thing they'd receive the same amount of punishment?
Probably not, but we would need to know the racial breakdown of the other 30-40 people "caught" and then also the ramifications that those people chose instead of a jury trial (and if different offers were made to Whites vs Blacks). People are quick to cry foul not knowing the whole story.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

does anyone here truly believe that if a white male or a white female did the exact same thing they'd receive the same amount of punishment?
Probably not, but we would need to know the racial breakdown of the other 30-40 people "caught" and then also the ramifications that those people chose instead of a jury trial (and if different offers were made to Whites vs Blacks). People are quick to cry foul not knowing the whole story.
I refuse to make this a race issue without knowing that. 

But Dirty to be fair, no I don't. This country is racist as hell but there IS a respect for the law to be taken into account here. 
Props to my guy Dr. Steve Perry....if your familiar with Black in America series on CNN then you should know of him,since his part aired he has been an educational correspondent with CNN 
He touched on this on twitter 2day, myself and alot of other ppl im sure were hitting him up about it. today he says AC360 will be talking about this glad this will be getting sum national attention.


DrStevePerry Dr. Steve Perry 

Kelly William-Bolar is a hero! Shez nvolved 2 d pt where she will do what she has 2 do for her kidz educa. Jail 4 "taking" a public educa?


DrStevePerry Dr. Steve Perry 

No1 shud b forced 2 go 2 failed schlz. THAT z the crime. We've fought 2 "Free" rappers, wherez d chant 2 free Ms. Bollar?


DrStevePerry Dr. Steve Perry 

Watch AC360 2nite. They're on this.


Soledad_OBrien Soledad O'Brien

@DrStevePerry anchoring @AC360 tonite. Yes! We're talking about Kelley Williams-Bolar. 
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

She was convicted on two counts of tampering with court records after registering her two girls as living with Williams Bolar’s father when they actually lived with her. 
All I need to know. She broke the law. Sorry.

End of story ... People like to sensationalize (happened with Vick too) but the law is the law ...
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Props to my guy Dr. Steve Perry....if your familiar with Black in America series on CNN then you should know of him,since his part aired he has been an educational correspondent with CNN 
He touched on this on twitter 2day, myself and alot of other ppl im sure were hitting him up about it. today he says AC360 will be talking about this glad this will be getting sum national attention.


DrStevePerry Dr. Steve Perry 

Kelly William-Bolar is a hero! Shez nvolved 2 d pt where she will do what she has 2 do for her kidz educa. Jail 4 "taking" a public educa?


DrStevePerry Dr. Steve Perry 

No1 shud b forced 2 go 2 failed schlz. THAT z the crime. We've fought 2 "Free" rappers, wherez d chant 2 free Ms. Bollar?


DrStevePerry Dr. Steve Perry 

Watch AC360 2nite. They're on this.


Soledad_OBrien Soledad O'Brien

@DrStevePerry anchoring @AC360 tonite. Yes! We're talking about Kelley Williams-Bolar. 

why does he tweet like a moron if he has a Ph.D.?

Originally Posted by msaba07

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

She was convicted on two counts of tampering with court records after registering her two girls as living with Williams Bolar’s father when they actually lived with her. 
All I need to know. She broke the law. Sorry.

End of story ... People like to sensationalize (happened with Vick too) but the law is the law ...

vick got 2 years and was kicked out of football

a white linemen for my favorite team, new england, got arrested with hundreds of illegal perscription drugs...

turns out, he was apart of a multi-state drug ring
he turned states evidence....

never missed so much as a PRACTICE...

, sensationalize anything, eh?
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