Black Mother Jailed For Sending Kids to White School District

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

It comes down to M O N E Y

Like I said before. It sucks but until you can cover those fees then shut the %*$% up.

All that valiant effort solved NOTHING.

Charge her with a misdemeanor if you want. Whatever. Lets just get this out of the way. SHE BROKE THE LAW. A GOOD LAW AT THAT.

While the BASIS for the law can be suspect, the law is in place to allow for services to be paid for.
A good law? When you have schools that are clearly not as good as others it will drive people to break the law. Solution: MAKE BETTER SCHOOLS AND FUND THE BAD SCHOOLS. That is the problem the schools that arent performing well arent doing any better and they need to find someway to improve the performance of the schools. Usually though schools represent there communities which is way bigger issue....
It sucks but until you can cover those fees then shut the %*$% up.
heres how it works

everyone who lives in a district, votes upon levys which fund the schools in that district...

regardless if you have children who attend the schools of the district or not, you must pay these taxes...


those "fees" that you demand be 'covered" or we "shut the *$+@ up", were paid the children's grandfather.

your argument could hold some weight if the lady just made up an address and her father didnt infact live in and pay into the district...

but he does....

where does the state 'draw the line" at where the kids live?

how did they even prove that the kids dont live with the grandfather?

my guess is that the mother's government assistance hinged upon that....

maybe they shoulda had more bake sales, then the public school would have been well-funded, huh?




this dude forreal said bake sales...

(ftr, im in my second year working within the public school system, 5th year, pulling *+%# out of the air like that isn't going to fly...if anything, itll get you made fun of.....)
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

She was convicted on two counts of tampering with court records after registering her two girls as living with Williams Bolar’s father when they actually lived with her. 
All I need to know. She broke the law. Sorry.

Seriously??? You can't possible believe that the crime warrants the severe punishment the woman received. There are people who do this everyday and all that happens is they have to remove their child out of said school immediately. I have never heard of anyone serving jail time for this offense. What's even more despicable is that the judge acknowledged the fact that this sentence would cripple this woman from pursuing a degree that she was already working toward and STILL handed down the harsh punishment. Some people are just pathetic. Honestly, I can say that I'm one of the few who got lucky in terms of education. Even though I lived in my elementary school's district, it was a well known fact that they would "wait-list" whatever kids they wanted to and take only enough minorities to meet their quota. They would tell everyone else that they didn't have enough room to accomodate them. If my uncle didn't work for the school board and have some connections, I never would've set foot into that school. It was considered one of the best elementary schools in my city. It's sad that everybody doesn't have the same opportunity to take advantage of what that school gave me but my parents made damn sure that I took full advantage of it. The whole process is just ridiculous.

What is wrong with us as a society?? Have we become so complacent that we uphold every ridiculous decision that is made no matter how unjust it is?? If this was back in the day, there probably would be full-out uproar over this.
nah, no uproar, they black, remember?

i agree, tho, something is wrong with us as a society....

evidenced by the "haves" coming in here to say "serves her right"

Sure, the Grandfather paid school taxes...based on how many students are in the district, etc.

You start adding kids to the school system that are/were unaccounted for in the budget and that is where the problem starts.

How many kids you want to add to the school district that the current budget of money and resources hasn't factored for? Just these 2 kids? Nah man, you let them slide you have to let them all slide.

Say you got kids in a school that you pay taxes for them to go to. You are saying you are cool with people from outside of the district coming into your school system that haven't been paying the taxes like you have?

Regardless of what the majority of you think, there are a great deal of people who work their +%*%+ off, struggle, save and sacrifice to buy a home in a good school district. But according to y'all they all just snobby people who want to shut out the poor right? They should have no problem with their taxes increasing to support kids being brought in from other areas?
waddup high horsers. If i was paying taxes i personally wouldnt care what kids went to what schools.
Originally Posted by oidreez

waddup high horsers. If i was paying taxes i personally wouldnt care what kids went to what schools.
"IF' is the key word there. If you don't currently pay school taxes your opinion in void.

I pay 12k a year in taxes for my house and the school taxes are 70% of that. I don't have any kids in the schools either.

Taxes around here are nuts and people are fed up with it. Taxpayer DO care who goes to the schools and what is being spent there.
he paid into the district the same taxes you paid tho.

so 12k or whatever you got waxed, he got waxed too

they base the taxes off ASSUMED enrollment


once the NUMBERS come in, they readjust funds...

do i want to just let these 2 slide? where does it end?

how about, if your grandfather lives in the district and pays taxes, you should be able to rock with HIS address....

how about that?

(meaning, if this lady made up a fake address, id support this argument....BUT HE PAYS TAXES LIKE EVERY OTHER CHILDREN'S PARENTS PAID INTO THE DISTRICT)

why don't these districts being crippled with out-of-district kids take Dame Theory's advice and just have bake sales to make up for it?

in fact, breaking the funding of school districts up LOCALLY (not even at a state level) is a tactic to renforce socio-economic think beverly hills schools are overcrowded and underfunded? in the same vein, you think Gary, Indiana schools are undercrowded and overfunded?

when did america develop this "!!+% you guys, i made it" attidude?

what happened to empathy?

you dont want your tax dollars "wasted" on some inferrior out-of-district alien kid?

lol, whats the difference between children, dude? they're all CHILDREN

some at a bigger disadvantage than others....

i mean, look at this

i work for columbus public schools...

i got laid off and rehired in a new position

last year i worked at the poorest school in the city, teaching children how to read. many of these kids did not know how to even identify letters, let alone sounds...

i got transfered to a school that got a perfect 100% on the school grade card, have 98 percent of their students passing state tests, and is one of the more "well funded" public schools in the district...

same school system

one school is literally falling apart and has been infested with millions of roaches and lbs of black mold since it flooded to the third floor in the 1930s....

the other is LITERALLY shining....

is this because of school bake sales?


is it because the people at this school are in a higher tax bracket? nope, same school district, everyone pays into every school...

why is it?

because education is run like a capitalist buisness....

those schools getting 1st graders in that can barely speak english, let alone identify letters....

are actually LOSING FUNDING because these kids are testing so low...


this school with 98 percent proficient population is actually getting MORE FUNDING because their 3rd graders who were 98 percent passing and now 4th graders who are 98 percent passing..

they dont even count a "by-year improvement" meaning, if i get a 3rd grader who has the mental compacity of a 2 year old.....and i get him to read on a 1st grade level....this is considered a failure...unless he reads on a 3rd going to 4th grade level, he made absolutely no progress in the eyes of the system...

this is vastly off topic, but im trying to explain the systematic failure of our public school system....

these districts and zones and codes and the such are BS.....they were put in to RENFORCE the class and status that has been in this country since europeans came.

why not run these school systems on a state-wide level?

OHIO schools?

since they recieve aid federally, as well, why not run them on a FEDERAL level?

oh, yeah, the government is evil...and capitalism is the best way to run ANYTHING in the history of humanity...


(also,the school im currently at is literally a block away from dublin, a columbus suburb. we have parents that pick and choose which district their kids will attend.....and it isn't, at least...)
Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Originally Posted by oidreez

waddup high horsers. If i was paying taxes i personally wouldnt care what kids went to what schools.
"IF' is the key word there. If you don't currently pay school taxes your opinion in void.

I pay 12k a year in taxes for my house and the school taxes are 70% of that. I don't have any kids in the schools either.

Taxes around here are nuts and people are fed up with it. Taxpayer DO care who goes to the schools and what is being spent there.

you right but like the article says the grandfather of the children is paying taxes into the school but no, they slap him with grand theft....
And that's why it doesn't even make sense to take this case and make it the example, it's their grandfather and he was paying taxes. This is stupid.
Originally Posted by Marvel Man

ohio, lets remove it from the country.
Its making america look bad.

says the dude from D.C., of ALL places...


I don't know if this was asked already, maybe it's a California thing, but the school doesn't allow permits?

My school district was LAUSD, but I went to high school in Torrance, which is TUSD.
We didn't have to pay a tuition or anything, all we needed was a permit (consent from our "home" school/consent from TUSD)
The rules for us "permit kids" at the school were a bit stricter than for those who lived in the district:
- No grades lower than a C (You'd be put on a probation period if you got a D)
- No more than two/three U's on a report card
- Any fights, you're gone

If a kid lived outside the district and didn't have a permit, they'd just be kicked out and sent back to their "home" high school.
SMH at at the immature racism in this thread. A lot of you guys are blind and sheltered. You've never had to step foot at a school in the hood. Try obtaining an education when 70% of your classmates don't care to, she did the right thing, she went out of her way to get a better education for her child.

If anything it's the school districts fault for not allowing students to do transfers for majority to minority.

I refuse to argue because the reality is a lot of you guys have never had to even attempt this. To be honest, my mom did, I was blessed to go to a decent high school. I went to Lamar, I could have went to a school in the hood, I would have no had issues, but my mom and grandma said nah, you're going here and I did and it was positive. My alternatives were either Madison or Yates, and those from Houston already know that going to Lamar is a lot more comfortable than going to your "zoned" school.

But yeah, ya'll need to focus on the positive end of the story, she wanted a better education for her children, got caught, chances are if her kids are academically on point I'm sure another school will take the kids.

The punishment is the ignorant part.
I agree the punishment is outrageous and way too harsh.

But, at the same time she gambled and lost.

I commend her for what she was trying to do but it was illegal and she got caught.

I hope she is handed a lesser fine and gets the felony conviction dropped.

Fine and community service would suffice.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

This happens all the time. I'm from a county that when I was in HS experienced MASSIVE white flight and even a few years after I graduated lost accreditation for a year. I saw parents pulling kids out and moving to other counties all the time.

People were getting in trouble for this all the time. Its not about the education...its about the money. If one or two people do it, they go undetected...however when you've got a couple hundred thinking they can fool the system, you're missing out on critical tax dollars and other appropriation of resources to meet that need.

Its just the way it goes. She broke the law. I feel for her for trying to do right for her kids, but the best thing to do would have been to make her kids excel wherever they are. If you need to move your kid, chances are its not the school sometimes, its your kid.

Not saying all school systems are better than we think, but individual effort needs to be analyzed.

This is wrong. You absolutely CAN NOT compare the quality of education of schools in suburban areas to overcrowded underfunded urban schools. It is NOT equal and is why this woman was trying to put her kids into another school. Better schools = better quality education = better chance to be successful. Come on now...
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by philly5fan

So many rich, snobby brats on NT

Man, shut up. She was convicted of 2 felonies related to acts that lead to her illegally obtaining benefits worth $30K. If you look at it from a legal aspect it doesn't seem so out of whack. I mean if it was Medicare fraud would we be more accepting? Y'all swear blacks can do no wrong.
I didn't read the whole story or the whole thread but much of the discussion on page 2-3 focused sounded like someone (their dad) lived in the district and paid taxes in the district but the kids did not live there. I find the argument that because he paid taxes there he could send his children who didn't live with him to the schools there foolish. I live in NYC and Pays NYC income tax (an additional ~4% over state and federal taxes). Would it be fair/right/legal (not saying it doesn't happen all the time) if I claimed I lived in CT or NJ with a friend or family member? what if I stayed there a few times a month should I get all the services (inc. police/fire etc) in NYC for not paying taxes there while living there practically full time? What if I buy a vacation house in florida that I go to for 3-4 weeks a year, should I not pay NY state or NYC taxes? How is that viable? There are strict tax rules regarding residancy and i'm sure town/school rules regarding residency ie how many days you have to live somewhere to be counted.Ask Derek Jeter who was sued by NYC for claiming he didn't live here. Our municipalities and states are in enough trouble as it is right now and trying to cheat the system isn't helping. 
What everyone is forgetting is there are CHILDREN involved in this, NONE OF YOU, know how it feels to get kicked of out an elementary school, because you didn't live close enough. I mean now after getting out of jail, gotta get her kids back, put them in the crappy school and Im assuming if she has a job, that's all done for. I mean everyone keep defending the letter of the Law, but when the Law deliberately ruins lives, how can you even sit there and say " she broke the law, she deserve it blah blah blah", I mean after reading threads about 16 year olds getting GT-R's I Cant really expect much from some of you, You guys have no concept of life.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by philly5fan

So many rich, snobby brats on NT

Man, shut up. She was convicted of 2 felonies related to acts that lead to her illegally obtaining benefits worth $30K. If you look at it from a legal aspect it doesn't seem so out of whack. I mean if it was Medicare fraud would we be more accepting? Y'all swear blacks can do no wrong.
what does her race have to do with it? sending her child to a better school is "doing wrong"?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

It sucks but until you can cover those fees then shut the %*$% up.
heres how it works

everyone who lives in a district, votes upon levys which fund the schools in that district...

regardless if you have children who attend the schools of the district or not, you must pay these taxes...


those "fees" that you demand be 'covered" or we "shut the *$+@ up", were paid the children's grandfather.

your argument could hold some weight if the lady just made up an address and her father didnt infact live in and pay into the district...

but he does....

where does the state 'draw the line" at where the kids live?

how did they even prove that the kids dont live with the grandfather?

my guess is that the mother's government assistance hinged upon that....

maybe they shoulda had more bake sales, then the public school would have been well-funded, huh?




this dude forreal said bake sales...

(ftr, im in my second year working within the public school system, 5th year, pulling *+%# out of the air like that isn't going to fly...if anything, itll get you made fun of.....)

You quoted the wrong dude. I didn't say anything about bake sales
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by philly5fan

So many rich, snobby brats on NT

Man, shut up. She was convicted of 2 felonies related to acts that lead to her illegally obtaining benefits worth $30K. If you look at it from a legal aspect it doesn't seem so out of whack. I mean if it was Medicare fraud would we be more accepting? Y'all swear blacks can do no wrong.
what does her race have to do with it? sending her child to a better school is "doing wrong"?
No, but falsifying documents is. What's so hard to understand? She wanted to fight based off "morals".
She was given the opportunity to correct the situation without going to jail and chose to not accept it.

they got 2k kids in suburb A, with one school for them to all go to.

the district has, say 10k people in it, paying into a pot for the school.

each person pays 100 bucks, so you got 1,000,000

1,000,000 for one school in this country


in the city district, they have, say, 100k people in it....

they have, say 20k kids

they cannot house them all in ONE school, they can only do 2k kids in each school (for the sake of argument)

so, they have 10 different schools with 2k kids in each.

each of those 100k people, they pay, say 50 bucks each.

that's 5,000,000.....for 10 schools tho....

so the city school gets half the funding of the suburban school

with EVERY kid in the district, regardless, going there...

whereas the suburban district can send IEP kids to specialized, usually state-funded, not bring their overall performance down....

in addition to the fact that the suburban school has more funds, their student's socio-economic background is one of a higher grade than city public schools, obviously...they are ALL homeowners...

the city school is riddled with low-to-no-income kids....that need food, books, paper, basic supplies...i had kids coming to school with no jacket on. i doubt this is an issue in suburban school districts...where would these kids in sleeveless t shirts get a coat from on a 3 degree day? the school...which used its OBAMA CARE STIMULUS MONEY YOU CRY ABOUT to purchase coats for kids who didn't have them.

did we sit there and talk down on the mother and let her kids stay outside in below freezing temperatures to prove a point? because EYE personally have a nice northface on and im warm, screw her, her mom should put the weed down and be a REAL mom, huh?

You think suburban school districts have to use a percentage of their funding to purchase jackets and toys for christmas?

to say my EXPLAINATION OF REALITY is paradoxical is funny, cause it IS paradoxical, we're ALL americans, they're ALL "public" schools (well, if you live in the district.) why not have all the districts all pay into a pot and every public school in the state uses the pot?

oh, cause then poor people in their poor schools will recieve equal funding as middle class people in suburban schools, and somehow, that would be wrong and unamerican....

i sure would love to use the gym at the luxury apartment building down the block from me, but you know what? i don't live there and don't pay the fees that the tenants of that building do to have access to those privileges

it's ok though because i feel like i'm entitled to it and no matter what you say i deserve to use the elliptical

all i really want is a better life for me and my 22 inch pythons

you don't agree with me? you must be sheltered and blind
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