Black McCain Supporter "James Tom Harris" Runs Out Of CNN Interview!


Now that I think about it, a Black McCain Supporter is pretty much a
. Eff it, he's a sellout & if he wins, I can't wait til Obama taxes the hell out if him. I pray he makes over $250K so he feels the pain. Personally, I'm glad that this presidency has been this much about race among other issues. People's true feelings about race are being tested. I love being a minority right now & a thick skin to go along with that.

Did anybody watch the rest of the video, did they not show a clip of a union president reading an email stating, "They can't vote for a Black Man?" Hmmmn, I wonder who sent that. . .


That is some greasy, grimey third world politics right there. You don't seem to be the only one who view taxation as way of punishing a percieved enemy. Iam sure that quite a few folks on the left look at taxation as way to punish people, who make a high income, for making a high income. Most are quiet about itbecause taxation as retribution is not a good way to sell a tax increase, so I actually respect your honesty in that respect.
Originally Posted by SharpiePoint

Just because one is black does he have to vote democratic? Just because one is black does he have to support a black candidate. Some of you on this forum are very ignorant and quick to judge one just because it is seen as turning 'against' your people if you vote for a white republican. Do your research regarding the one you support before you criticize someone because they don't support who you do.

Also they say it's 'cool' to vote because all young people should but whats the point if all the media urges one to be 'cool' by participating in the most ignorant thing in America, voting a 2 party system...

I don't think anyone cares who the man is voting for. From reading this man's hate feedback on his blog people are mad that he was pushing McCain tocontinue attacking Obama on the same lies about "palling with terriorist".

From what I gather people are more pissed off that a black man, at a rally full of people who were shouting racist comments about black people and/or muslimarabs, was asking the candidate to continue attacking the first black presidential candidate and thats where the uncle tom comments are coming from.

I don't think anyone cares who he's voting for.
I think his comments to continue attacking Obama is what pissed people off.

And his appearance on CNN just made him look worse because the man didn't even know how to properly express himself.
This is a stupid point anyway. Regardless of your race, you should vote for whoever you want without having to face any hate or hostility .However, although itseems like a lot of black voters are voting for Obama because he's black, that isn't the case at all. The majority of Blacks have always voted for thedemocratic candidate. Noone was saying that Harris was a sell out to his race but the guy on the left made a valid point that he was a sell-out by supportingthe most liberal republican candidate. I don't know if that's true since I don't know anything about Harris' history of who he supports but ifit is true then the guy is correct. I don't know how he could prove this though. Is he saying that before Bush, Harris didn't support theconservatives? I don't know but overall everyone should be voting on the values and policies of their desired candidate and nothing else.
I don't fault the man for voting for who he wants to vote for, but it is based on your beliefs. Let the man be it is his right as an American to vote forwho he wants. Some people look at the issues and vote for who they think is best, I have (I am voting for Barak), he simply agrees with McCain's views,but dude is a coward for walking out be a man and stand for what you believe in.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Aight so dude wants to vote for McCain. Clearly he's makin' his decisions based on the issues. What dude on the left wuz talkin' bout wuz garbage. I just look at it as people tryin' to find a way to call him a sellout. But then this raises another concern, now all of the sudden black people have a moral obligation to vote Obama b/c of his skin color? Based on the responses, that's the feedback I'm gettin'. But when reading other threads, black NTers get offended b/c people assume that his color has everything to do with their decision. (Not tryin' to spark race wars) I'm for Obama, but we need more voters like Harris, who are (hopefully) voting on the issues. Now, I could be all wrong. And the only way to prove that is to see his lifestyle. We all know there's a difference in the lifestyle of a white family, compared to a black one, compared to a latino one. But none of us will ever know. So really, nobody should be passing negative judgment. That is unless somebody on NT knows what he's livin' like.
QFMFT !!!!!!!!!!
I love how people here like to assume that as an obama supporter, you are blindly supporting this man with no regards to issue, and that only they, from up ontheir pedestal have clear enough judgement to. Hows the view from up there?
TBONE95860 wrote:

You should be voting on the ISSUES & BELIEFS of the candidates.

since when was race/racism/prejudice not an "issue" in America?
This dude is an idiot. Everyone should absoltley support they're candidates based on issues. But this man stands up in a arena full of white people, talksabout what he wants out of mccain and then expects everything to be dandy from then on out. He's man enough to state his opinion on mccains issues, butcowardly enough to leave aruptly from a interview. He should've kept his mouth shut. Now, mccain is using him as a pond to up his electorial votes whilehe's getting death threat emails.
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