Black McCain Supporter "James Tom Harris" Runs Out Of CNN Interview!

all i want to know is how bad do we have it now where i continue to hear every day had good of a president Ronald Reagan was? Like are people serious?
I like the jab he tossed in at the end of the video,
Originally Posted by Air Messiah

Please don't cut this guy slack, there are black conservative media faces here and there or whatever, you don't hear them acting like this, this guy suppose to some sort of local radio personality so he should know how to handle himself.

This guy just came off as a joke, a pawn, a centerpiece.

In 2004 Bush paraded minority faces all night at the Republican National Convention, regardless of how I feel about Bush or the party it wasn't as blatant as how this James character came off as.

The McCain campaign is getting desperate and they are doing things they should have done 2 months ago. Everything is coming off as desperate and manipulative.

thank you!!!

republicans are dirty and they are showing it
Did Shelly ever call James a sell out???

I just heard him say that he is selling out, but James flipped talking about "he's namecalling"
He'll be on FOX news soon enough.

How exactly James could call someone else insecure is beyond me though.
I'm a conservative and could never vote for someone with liberal values.

I think some people (mostly republicans) need to review what it means to be a conservative. What the man was saying about this moron calling himself aconservative and voting for somebody who is not really a true conservative made perfect sense.

Conservatives are people who want to conserve the constitution... not people who are old fashioned and ignorant. There is a difference. The constitution wasestablished to prevent an overpowering central government. To allow citizens to live their life without the government shoving unnecessary things down theirthroat.

Prime example: No TRUE conservative can be pro-life. IF you are a conservative, you HAVE to be pro-choice. If you are not pro-choice, you can not be aconservative. Pro-life is a view of somebody who favors the government making the most personal decisions in a person's life for them.

I consider myself as true of a conservative as they come, and I stand firmly behind a vote for Obama this election.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

[Eminem] But I know something about you
You went to Cranbrook, that's a private school
What's the matter dawg, you embarrassed?
This guy's a gangster; his real name's Hariss[/Eminem]

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Aight so dude wants to vote for McCain. Clearly he's makin' his decisions based on the issues. What dude on the left wuz talkin' bout wuz garbage. I just look at it as people tryin' to find a way to call him a sellout. But then this raises another concern, now all of the sudden black people have a moral obligation to vote Obama b/c of his skin color? Based on the responses, that's the feedback I'm gettin'. But when reading other threads, black NTers get offended b/c people assume that his color has everything to do with their decision. (Not tryin' to spark race wars) I'm for Obama, but we need more voters like Harris, who are (hopefully) voting on the issues. Now, I could be all wrong. And the only way to prove that is to see his lifestyle. We all know there's a difference in the lifestyle of a white family, compared to a black one, compared to a latino one. But none of us will ever know. So really, nobody should be passing negative judgment. That is unless somebody on NT knows what he's livin' like.
QFMFT !!!!!!!!!!
thats the really %$@! i ever wrote and [Jeezy] I aint write this %$@! neither [/Jeezy]

can i get an AMEN?
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Aight so dude wants to vote for McCain. Clearly he's makin' his decisions based on the issues. What dude on the left wuz talkin' bout wuz garbage. I just look at it as people tryin' to find a way to call him a sellout. But then this raises another concern, now all of the sudden black people have a moral obligation to vote Obama b/c of his skin color? Based on the responses, that's the feedback I'm gettin'. But when reading other threads, black NTers get offended b/c people assume that his color has everything to do with their decision. (Not tryin' to spark race wars) I'm for Obama, but we need more voters like Harris, who are (hopefully) voting on the issues. Now, I could be all wrong. And the only way to prove that is to see his lifestyle. We all know there's a difference in the lifestyle of a white family, compared to a black one, compared to a latino one. But none of us will ever know. So really, nobody should be passing negative judgment. That is unless somebody on NT knows what he's livin' like.
QFMFT !!!!!!!!!!
Exactly. Why should black people feel obligated to vote for Obama just because of skin colour? Vote for the candidate based on their policies, nottheir skin colour.
Originally Posted by BasirWaahid

Now that I think about it, a Black McCain Supporter is pretty much a
. Eff it, he's a sellout & if he wins, I can't wait til Obama taxes the hell out if him. I pray he makes over $250K so he feels the pain. Personally, I'm glad that this presidency has been this much about race among other issues. People's true feelings about race are being tested. I love being a minority right now & a thick skin to go along with that.

Did anybody watch the rest of the video, did they not show a clip of a union president reading an email stating, "They can't vote for a Black Man?" Hmmmn, I wonder who sent that. . .

Am I the only one that lol at that?
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

honestly i'm an independent voter....but i can't see myself voting for McCain....i can't even relate to southern McCain voters....nothing but a bunch of ignorant/racists bastards

Everytime someone on this board says I'm the ignorant one, I'm going to keep using hypocritical a-holes like you as an example of the true ignorance onthis board.
Just because one is black does he have to vote democratic? Just because one is black does he have to support a black candidate. Some of you on this forum arevery ignorant and quick to judge one just because it is seen as turning 'against' your people if you vote for a white republican. Do your researchregarding the one you support before you criticize someone because they don't support who you do.

Also they say it's 'cool' to vote because all young people should but whats the point if all the media urges one to be 'cool' byparticipating in the most ignorant thing in America, voting a 2 party system...
Look dude has his choice, cool with me. But people are going to hate him even more now. Whenever you start yelling, and carrying on like a child you makeyourself, and your points trash. The guy on the left simply stated that he wasnt being conservative since Mccain isnt that conservative. Arguable point, yetthe James Harris starts to raise his voice and say he was insulted by a liberal. Why cant he stand up and argue his points? Makes him look like a douche.
You guys should see his interview with Don Lemon last week, it might change you're opinion on things.
Originally Posted by BasirWaahid

Now that I think about it, a Black McCain Supporter is pretty much a
. Eff it, he's a sellout & if he wins, I can't wait til Obama taxes the hell out if him. I pray he makes over $250K so he feels the pain. Personally, I'm glad that this presidency has been this much about race among other issues. People's true feelings about race are being tested. I love being a minority right now & a thick skin to go along with that.

Did anybody watch the rest of the video, did they not show a clip of a union president reading an email stating, "They can't vote for a Black Man?" Hmmmn, I wonder who sent that. . .
Even with Obama's absurd taxes, the after-tax income on an AGI of >$250K is anything but painful. Market sentiment is a funny thing,I'd bet on seeing a sustained stock market rally if Barry Obama is elected. Psychologically-driven movements ware off, but there should be similar long-runeffects. After all, the masses will spend any and all of the extra dollars they get back from middle-class tax cuts... look at the personal savings rate (orlack thereof) of the average American. That type of foolish consumer spending boosts the markets and puts capital gains, dividends, and interest payments inthe pockets of rich folks.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I'm a conservative and could never vote for someone with liberal values.

I think some people (mostly republicans) need to review what it means to be a conservative. What the man was saying about this moron calling himself a conservative and voting for somebody who is not really a true conservative made perfect sense.

Your point is irrelevant.
Who am I going to vote for instead of McCain?

McCain = most conservative of the two by a HUGEEE margin
And Obama is so far to the left it's

So what do you expect me (others like me) to do?
I've already said plenty of times McCain is NOT the best candidate and is NOT conservative enough for me.
Originally Posted by oXo yzarc oXo

mccain is a confused old man, and obama is a novelty ... so what "choice" do i really have?
Quoted for the most truth in this entire thread.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Aight so dude wants to vote for McCain. Clearly he's makin' his decisions based on the issues. What dude on the left wuz talkin' bout wuz garbage. I just look at it as people tryin' to find a way to call him a sellout. But then this raises another concern, now all of the sudden black people have a moral obligation to vote Obama b/c of his skin color? Based on the responses, that's the feedback I'm gettin'. But when reading other threads, black NTers get offended b/c people assume that his color has everything to do with their decision. (Not tryin' to spark race wars) I'm for Obama, but we need more voters like Harris, who are (hopefully) voting on the issues. Now, I could be all wrong. And the only way to prove that is to see his lifestyle. We all know there's a difference in the lifestyle of a white family, compared to a black one, compared to a latino one. But none of us will ever know. So really, nobody should be passing negative judgment. That is unless somebody on NT knows what he's livin' like.
QFMFT !!!!!!!!!!

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