I've recently joined a few black gun owner groups on Facebook because I'm preparing to buy some weapons of my own. Also recently spoke to one of my frat brothers about the New Black Panther Party since he's a member of them. Time for black people to get on code.
This is a very powerful image & I feel like we need to have this sort of presence in all black neighborhoods.
I'm sorry, but honestly, who cares.

EVEN IF Arbery wasn't jogging and was found to have snooped around or robbed the house, does that justify this clan of father and son to actively pursue and look for trouble by confronting Arbery? They weren't the ones being robbed and they didn't know for certain it was Arbery. I don't see how any rational person would say that Arbery's murder (it's a murder not self defense, full stop) was okay (screw that prosecutor).

Think about it. Rather than report (supposed) suspicious activity that they didn't even witness, these two thugs think it's within their right conduct vigilantism and, with guns in hand, drive in pursuit of Arbery. The audacity to think that just reeks of privilege.

I hope justice is served b/c I'm sick and tired of seeing all these bad guys winning. It frustrates me to no end.

Sorry for ranting.

On a side note, the only thing that gives me solace when I read this thread is reading aepps20 aepps20 's gems.

Thank you for your kind words. My mission is to call out liberal conjecture and innuendo where ever I see it. LIBS must be stopped. my mortal enemy is RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . His is da soy guy to my America first guy, he's da Methodical Management to my jrose5 jrose5 . The sad thing is that we are first cousins that both love our grandmother aka Big Mama or Bigger Mother and fear Uncle Zelle because he's a drunk with a propensity to steal Big Mama's bingo winnings.
I've recently joined a few black gun owner groups on Facebook because I'm preparing to buy some weapons of my own. Also recently spoke to one of my frat brothers about the New Black Panther Party since he's a member of them. Time for black people to get on code.
This is a very powerful image & I feel like we need to have this sort of presence in all black neighborhoods.

I've recently joined a few black gun owner groups on Facebook because I'm preparing to buy some weapons of my own. Also recently spoke to one of my frat brothers about the New Black Panther Party since he's a member of them. Time for black people to get on code.
This is a very powerful image & I feel like we need to have this sort of presence in all black neighborhoods.

welcome brother, check out the legal gun thread here. very knowledgeable heads in there.
Ya'll can be emotional and overreact, make it racial, but I'll continue to examine the facts as they are. What was she doing in her house?

THAT'S THE REAL QUESTION THAT NEEDS ANSWERING. If she didn't have her deed in hand, how do we know it was her house? Libs make everything about racist except when it comes to their use of the "Karen" slur.
The person they were looking for was already in custody.
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Amen Trumpy Cent. "Sleeping" yeah ok. Was she in pajamas?

She wasn't dressed like a nurse so how do we know she was really nurse? She administers drugs to patients so how do we know that the search warrant though for a different house wasn't still valid? That presents and interesting legal question work to Dwalk or Delk.
The hell is that thread? Haven't seen it in ages.

it falls off page 1 pretty often

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