Black guy hair cuts

 This is what I need next, after my edge grow back smh
This is how I'm rocking my hair currently, bottom pic. Mine is longer on the top though. Had the Usher cut (south of France or burst fade) but switched it up when I literally saw 3 dudes get the same exact cut where I work a few days later.
How would I go about getting curls like this? I've had waves for a decade, but my hair isn't naturally the texture above. As I remember it before I started brushing it's nappier, thicker, and the curls were tighter than the above.

If I want curls like those what kind of products do I gotta use, what kinda routine do I gotta do?
awwwwwww ****! 


and what kind of cut did Chris Webber get in that pic? :nerd: :nerd:
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about to cop nudred for my fro.

it's just some holes in a sponge tho...
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That makes me want to grow it again & cop a sponge to see what it do. :smh:

Yall ****** me up
On my way to Wally World now! I'll try to post some before and afters later.

After 20 seconds of research I found a vid of this chick that uses a regular sea foam sponge from any ol store to get the same effects. Makes me wonder what other hair techniques we've lost since our forced migration.
I'm a sucker for chicks like her. Will try when I get home though. Repped.
Honestly, I looks like nappy hair with a fresh line up. Looks like he tapered the sides a little too.

It looks like he used the sponge method on the top and then just got it tapered and faded up.

I've been looking for a new haircut. Been rocking with the low cut waves forever. Looking to switch it up for 2014
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anyone? im lookin to hit the shop within a week. wanna know what this is...

Honestly, I looks like nappy hair with a fresh line up. Looks like he tapered the sides a little too.

Honestly, I looks like nappy hair with a fresh line up. Looks like he tapered the sides a little too.

It looks like he used the sponge method on the top and then just got it tapered and faded up.

I've been looking for a new haircut. Been rocking with the low cut waves forever. Looking to switch it up for 2014

ite bet ima go to my local spot and grab some dish sponges and try it jk
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