Black Enlightenment Thread. (*Index Added**Book & Movie Club Update on Pg.1)

I Drink Your Milkshake wrote:
I don't feel like going through all the pages....

But did anyone peep the vid I posted about the 10 point platform of the Black Panther Party?

Then why enter?......

I did see the video, Black Panther Party was the best movement IMO, it attacked everything from children to taxes for blacks. Their platform was ignoredthough, and only their afros and picks received press.
Originally Posted by CJ863

So in truth the Egyptians are Arab? At what point in time were the Egyptians mainly of only African descent?

Before Imperialism there was no Egypt as you know. What does your term African Descent mean?....Meaning from Africa?
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by N O R E A G A


Now you know damn well if someone made a White Enlightenment thread all hell would break loose. NT is crazy sometimes.
I'd actually be interested in that discussion.

Nah thats not completely it....

Its just that whenever there is a thread like this there are individuals whom find ways to socially EXCLUDE others from conversation....

That's my whole problem with it. The problems facing Black people are not limited to only them, many people face it. You want to personalize things?Fine...But thats how you'll allow the oppressors to win. Divide and conquer.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I Drink Your Milkshake wrote:
I don't feel like going through all the pages....

But did anyone peep the vid I posted about the 10 point platform of the Black Panther Party?

Then why enter?......

I did see the video, Black Panther Party was the best movement IMO, it attacked everything from children to taxes for blacks. Their platform was ignored though, and only their afros and picks received press.
I didn't feel like DECIPHERING through all the posts AFTER mine to see if someone commented

Clearly I posted it to start some type of discussion, but when I did it was in the middle of another one so I wanted to know if it got completely overlooked. The point you made about it being ignored is precisely why I posted it. How ironic that it still got ignored
The BPP on a GLOBAL front, doesn't quite get the recognition they deserved. In terms of history, they were definitely one of the most fiercest of movements, which is the why the government attacked with such force because if peopleactually did LISTEN and ACT quicker it woulda been a problem....they got to rally up other minority groups but that was only the beginning of what could'vebeen. Dam

And why my mom told me most of the 20 year olds at her job didn't know who Angela Davis was?
I'd like to make a recommendation and maybe even provide some source material for certain people who have attempted to (dis)grace this thread with emptyideas.

Chapter 6 'Personae: White/Black Faces- Black Masks' is especially interesting to me, because it talks about blacks and success in entertainment.I've reached to conclusions about the entertainment business today, and why the mainstream image of a black artists, is so tightly regulated by the mediaand men in suits.
Kix4Kix: yes I mean from Africa... so basically the Egyptians that built the Egypt that we know were mainly Arab??? Sorry for the questions, im not well readon this subject at all...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by N O R E A G A


Now you know damn well if someone made a White Enlightenment thread all hell would break loose. NT is crazy sometimes.
I'd actually be interested in that discussion.

Nah thats not completely it....

Its just that whenever there is a thread like this there are individuals whom find ways to socially EXCLUDE others from conversation....

That's my whole problem with it. The problems facing Black people are not limited to only them, many people face it. You want to personalize things? Fine...But thats how you'll allow the oppressors to win. Divide and conquer.
that's a good point. But we cant tackle all the problems minorities face as a whole at one time. we have to start bit by bit & thenconnect them together during the discussion.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Kix4Kix: yes I mean from Africa... so basically the Egyptians that built the Egypt that we know were mainly Arab??? Sorry for the questions, im not well read on this subject at all...

No, they were Egyptians. I don't use the term Africa, as I and Haze lightly touched on previously about in this thread.
Black power or liberty is not divisive. Do people realize how many movements stemmed from civil rights???? Gays, women, and several other minorities gotinstant legislation, and social change based off the work done in the civil rights movement. When groups get rights, or unite separately it is better formankind. It is not us vs them, but us for ourselves as well as everyone else.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Black power or liberty is not divisive. Do people realize how many movements stemmed from civil rights???? Gays, women, and several other minorities got instant legislation, and social change based off the work done in the civil rights movement. When groups get rights, or unite separately it is better for mankind. It is not us vs them, but us for ourselves as well as everyone else.
kix4kix, not trying to stop beef. but i want to learn or get a better understanding form your point of view. why exactly do you think races suchas asians, jews, and middle easterns are achieving success, while others aren't? i'd love to hear your idea on this, in all seriousness.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Black power or liberty is not divisive. Do people realize how many movements stemmed from civil rights???? Gays, women, and several other minorities got instant legislation, and social change based off the work done in the civil rights movement. When groups get rights, or unite separately it is better for mankind. It is not us vs them, but us for ourselves as well as everyone else.
kix4kix, not trying to stop beef. but i want to learn or get a better understanding form your point of view. why exactly do you think races such as asians, jews, and middle easterns are achieving success, while others aren't? i'd love to hear your idea on this, in all seriousness.
First of all....asians, jews and "middle easterns" aren't "races".

You might want to brush up on that very basic point before you start making complex inquiries.
Well seeing that I am a Black Jew, I fail to see how Jews are a race. Neither are Middle Easterners.The answer to your question is quite longer than myresponse will be.

In short the ethnicities that do so well in America (Asian, African,"Middle Eastern", as well as Jews) are much better off in academia, wealth, andother facets due to the structure in which they were raised. It is not just blacks who take education for granted, Americans do. A mistake not shared by theethnicities you highlighted. The difference between Black and White Americans is that for the most part White Americans can afford to take their education forgranted.

Another key difference, is how these races are perceived by American society in general. Which is an entire dilemma in and of itself.
Why is it that you all don't use the term Africa? I've read elsewhere that some form the opinion that Africa doesn't really exist... (goes back toread previous pages in this thread)
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Well seeing that I am a Black Jew, I fail to see how Jews are a race. Neither are Middle Easterners.The answer to your question is quite longer than my response will be.

In short the ethnicities that do so well in America (Asian, African,"Middle Eastern", as well as Jews) are much better off in academia, wealth, and other facets due to the structure in which they were raised. It is not just blacks who take education for granted, Americans do. A mistake not shared by the ethnicities you highlighted. The difference between Black and White Americans is that for the most part White Americans can afford to take their education for granted.

Another key difference, is how these races are perceived by American society in general. Which is an entire dilemma in and of itself.
well, ABH, jews more or less are a race due to the close mixing of them. althought i see where you're coming from, MOST jews classifythemselves as both a religion and ethinic group.
what do you suggest we do to encourage education within the black community kix?
also it appears the groups i mentioned are more accepted into the blacks i know who are west indian, its not a matter of if you'll getan education, but rather WHERE, what profession you'll enter. it appears values are messed up.
You keep on bringing up how successful other "races" are that have immigrated to the US, suggesting that blacks are either lazy, enjoy playing thevictim role or just don't have the intelligence. What you don't acknowledge is the fact that all those other "races" have reference pointsthat allow them to strive for their goals. What do blacks have? "We came here to better our life's!" No. "I may not be able to practicelaw/medicine in this country but I will do whatever it takes to make sure my children will become lawyers/doctors here!" No. This is not taking intoaccount the fact that slaves were not allowed to become literate or really taught the English language. "Why can't they speak proper English? What isthis Ebonics? My parents can't speak English, but they made sure I learned the language!"

Blacks basically are in a situation where it's easy to ask "Why am here?" You are a product of your environment. All things considered thecondition of the black man isn't really that bad. It definitely would be much better if crack never hit so hard.
Africa as a continent exists, but what is the definition of a continent anyway?...Really a body of land: in other words Greenland can be a continent if wechoose. I don't use the term because it is an invention. It does not exist politically as the name suggests and connotes.

Countries were made by Imperialists who in most cases never even went to Africa. If you look at a map of Africa you realize how straight the lines are asborders?...The reason for this is because you literally had British, Belgium, Portuguese, and French men with rulers lining out their territory. You ever metan African who considered himself African?......I call myself an American why don't they call themselves African?...Because they consider themselves byTribe not by borders that have only existed for a couple hundred years. If you meet a Nigerian I bet you 10 dollars back home he isn't Nigerian.
Originally Posted by 0cks

You keep on bringing up how successful other "races" are that have immigrated to the US, suggesting that blacks are either lazy, enjoy playing the victim role or just don't have the intelligence. What you don't acknowledge is the fact that all those other "races" have reference points that allow them to strive for their goals. What do blacks have? "We came here to better our life's!" No. "I may not be able to practice law/medicine in this country but I will do whatever it takes to make sure my children will become lawyers/doctors here!" No. This is not taking into account the fact that slaves were not allowed to become literate or really taught the English language. "Why can't they speak proper English? What is this Ebonics? My parents can't speak English, but they made sure I learned the language!"

Blacks basically are in a situation where it's easy to ask "Why am here?" You are a product of your environment. All things considered the condition of the black man isn't really that bad. It definitely would be much better if crack never hit so hard.
i do agree with you in regards to crack. i agree slavery and the injustices that occured to blacks were AWFUL, but i just fail to see how thisis affecting now in 2009. i mean you have scholarships that are DESIGNED for low income students and financial aid. i see no reason why not to pursue aneducation.
on your point about being a product of your enviornment, how about asians in the same low income schools as blacks but still outperforming em? i'm nottrying to infer that blacks are lazy, i'm just asking WHY ARE THESE THINGS HAPPENDING?
so are you saying the reason other groups of people are finding sucess is because they haven't gone through the struggles of AAs?
There definitely is a gap Gekko. I am of Jamaican heritage, and I was raised not asking if I was going to college, but which University would be the right fit.It is implied in Caribbean households, where as Black Americans not so much.

What we have is a paradox in the black community. No wealth, and yet no stress on education. The reason for this paradox is that children must work, or hustlein order to provide. If all one knows is life without college why would one be disappointed if they did not go? For many College is just another 4 years of noincome.

Jamaicans, and your West Indian friends you mentioned know very well what it is like to not have education. Jamaican schooling cost money k-12, many of thereasons most came here is for a better life for their families, so why wouldn't they stress education?......Again going back to my take for grantedargument.

My family put it like this, My father(Jamaican) was born in Kingston where he could walk to the ocean everyday. His black %$$ can't even swim. Why do Ibring this up, because he took it for granted much like our youth take our education system for granted. Asians the same thing they come from countries wherethey can't even go to school.

Not to mention the racist drug laws put into place which handicap blacks of fathers. Everyone can make it, but when you see discrepancies we see with primarilyblack males ( look at black female vs male numbers in college I guarantee you will
Originally Posted by kix4kix

There definitely is a gap Gekko. I am of Jamaican heritage, and I was raised not asking if I was going to college, but which University would be the right fit. It is implied in Caribbean households, where as Black Americans not so much.

What we have is a paradox in the black community. No wealth, and yet no stress on education. The reason for this paradox is that children must work, or hustle in order to provide. If all one knows is life without college why would one be disappointed if they did not go? For many College is just another 4 years of no income.

Jamaicans, and your West Indian friends you mentioned know very well what it is like to not have education. Jamaican schooling cost money k-12, many of the reasons most came here is for a better life for their families, so why wouldn't they stress education?......Again going back to my take for granted argument.

My family put it like this, My father(Jamaican) was born in Kingston where he could walk to the ocean everyday. His black %$$ can't even swim. Why do I bring this up, because he took it for granted much like our youth take our education system for granted. Asians the same thing they come from countries where they can't even go to school.

Not to mention the racist drug laws put into place which handicap blacks of fathers. Everyone can make it, but when you see discrepancies we see with primarily black males ( look at black female vs male numbers in college I guarantee you will

i agree with that completely.
i was reading freakonomics ( i rec. this book to anyone) and a subject they discussed was the white-black gap. and a idea that was proposed by a harvardblack economist was the idea of "acting white"-how if you're intelligent and speak properly, and achieve in academia you are somehow selling yourblackness out. i don't think this is the sole reason, but i think this idea plays a good role.
When talking about fathers, i do agree 100%. without the proper guidance your child will end up a mess. and yes i don't agree with the drug laws. but i still dont see how selling drugs is being justified.
Man there are a lot of zombies out there that can't break the cycle and their kids won't either. I think thats the whole point of this thread. Youcan't expect a little snot-nosed 5 y/o sitting around thinking "Man I notice my speech is not that of most scholars so I really need to go out and getthat hooked-on-phonics packet from that infomercial!" Anyways, most immigrants are like the all-stars of their home country! They come here and do menialjobs only because they are not certified to do their proper profession here. Not really surprised that their kids go on to become professionals.

Not to mention blacks have been stripped of all their history of academia. So much that in effect we have been brainwashed into thinking smart=white. Sellingout if you are smart etc. Do immigrants have this problem? I think not...
Angela Davis actually came to my school a couple of weeks ago .

She's mad cool ... she spoke about everything current .
Selling drugs is wrong, so arrest ceo's of Pfizer, and several other drug companies that have killed more people than weed and crack ever will.....That isanother argument

Drugs are illegal therefore wrong, but do blacks sell more drugs? Of course not. Whites purchase more drugs, as well as sell more than blacks, not just bynumbers which is obvious, but by percentage. So why are only blacks in jail for these crimes??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Originally Posted by 0cks

Man there are a lot of zombies out there that can't break the cycle and their kids won't either. I think thats the whole point of this thread. You can't expect a little snot-nosed 5 y/o sitting around thinking "Man I notice my speech is not that of most scholars so I really need to go out and get that hooked-on-phonics packet from that infomercial!" Anyways, most immigrants are like the all-stars of their home country! They come here and do menial jobs only because they are not certified to do their proper profession here. Not really surprised that their kids go on to become professionals.

Not to mention blacks have been stripped of all their history of academia. So much that in effect we have been brainwashed into thinking smart=white. Selling out if you are smart etc. Do immigrants have this problem? I think not...
i agree with you completely. For this reason, African immigrants are highly successful. They are much more like Indian immigrants than AfricanAmericans.. I feel blacks could achieve much more if they would simply take the time to raise their kids properly and push education.
^for the last part of your statement kix ...

Its a way to trap our bodies .

_'s can't trap our minds tho !
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