Black Culture Discussion Thread

Yea the idea Lucky posted is EXACTLY what we need to put together. That's going to take care of a lot of the problems and is truly the catalyst for rapid change and progression in my opinion. I also think that this is a forum that could begin putting something like that together. :pimp:

Let's get it.
luckyluchiano luckyluchiano Would be interesting to see how much in collections black churches collect on an annual, monthly, and even weekly basis.

No doubt it's something outrageous with absolutely zero to show for it in regards to what it's done to help the plight of our folks. :smh:
Churches get paid...preachers be swaying the poor to tithe extra on some god gonna get ya out your situation **** :lol:
Who are we gonna trust with all that money?

That's probably the biggest issue sounds good on paper but many will probably not trust putting their money into something like this due to past corrupt leaders, then comes into play who will be running these things and managing distribution of funds. It would be easiest to use existing establishments ie. Using a select few private HBCUs for universities so they get direct funding and we set curriculum, ie Howard will be the school of Business, FAMU school of engineering and pharmacy, etc. Like I said something like this is easier said than done, but at the end of the day is much better than us donating money to BS charities and stuff, you could maybe call this a "black tax", once you turn 25 you have to pay the "tax" . Idk the idea makes sense but we as a people don't have a code of conduct so it's tough getting others on the same page.
Trust is the biggest problem indeed, that is the only time that i think a black "leader" would be useful. I don't think a leader is needed as much as a bigger portion of people being enlightened to what's really going, but what orginization do we really have that hasn't been corrupt in the form of finances.

Because if this was to happen the SECOND something went wrong money wise black people would pull out, despite damn near every other facet of their life robbing them too.
I'd rather place a collection of people in charge instead of one person. A majority rule type thing when it comes to making decisions.
Yea we just have to create an organization that will be responsible for collecting the money. We can then set up meetings with mebers in the hope of creating some type of voting/democratic system in regards to how the money will be appropriated. A potential issue I see is person A saying their money should go into "this" whereas person B says they want there money going into "that".

One thing people need to realize though is that this won't be perfect. We're going to make mistakes, we're going to learn from them, and become more efficient in our methods and tactics going forward. But the more important fact is the intent and direction we're moving in. If people can understand that, then there shouldn't be too much head-butting over that.

I mean in a sense, we're trying to blaze through uncharted/unprecedented paths WHILE dealing with the obstacles and all out opposing forces that will do everything in their power to prevent/destroy this idea.
Basically, a non scholastic fraternity, like the Free Masons?

I wonder how hard it is to start something like that. Probably wanna start small. Get one up and running and contributing in a small community. Then, once we get the "formula" down, so to speak, branch out to other communities.
In the beginning, someone or a small group of people would definitely have to come out of their pockets and get things going. Once people see what's being done, then people will donate and support the cause.
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Basically, a non scholastic fraternity, like the Free Masons?

I wonder how hard it is to start something like that. Probably wanna start small. Get one up and running and contributing in a small community. Then, once we get the "formula" down, so to speak, branch out to other communities.

But we'd actually be doing something, lol There are Greek Orgs with 100k members and cats paying 500-1k a pop per yr for member dues, and the communities aren't seeing a damn thing from it.
A ECONOMIC foundation is the 1st thing that us BLACK FOLKS need to gather wealth & power....Only Black Intellect I listen to nowadays is DR.CLAUDE ANDERSON only man with a logical plan to turn things around & that is to unite & practice group economics & develop wealth...BLACK FOLKS own only 1% of the wealth in this country the same amount we owned 150 yrs ago on the eve of the CIVIL WAR....All that "WE WERE KINGS & QUEENS" & that "BLACK FOLKS WORSHIPPING A WHITE JESUS" is silly & a waste of breath anybody with a HIGH SCHOOL education knows JESUS wasn't white... That talk is not helping BLACK FOLKS while we are talking all that other races are practicing group economics & taking over we need to own & control wealth...Money controls this planet & us BLACK FOLKS are the only race of people that brag about spending money instead of coming together & making something happen....
last sentence is so real.......kinda crazy when you think about it 
It is though man these rappers sound so ******ed man look back at some of these songs & sayings it's all about basically going broke & forever being a ECONOMIC SLAVE bro
See how backwards all this sounds?? Now to some it may be a song bout to 85% of us young black folks from the ages 21-35 this is a reality & they all literally throw their money to other RACE to help uplift them & keep us on the bottom of the ECONOMIC TOTEM POLE..
It is though man these rappers sound so ******ed man look back at some of these songs & sayings it's all about basically going broke & forever being a ECONOMIC SLAVE bro
See how backwards all this sounds?? Now to some it may be a song bout to 85% of us young black folks from the ages 21-35 this is a reality & they all literally throw their money to other RACE to help uplift them & keep us on the bottom of the ECONOMIC TOTEM POLE..
lol man this is so true....

Have you read "Black Labor White Wealth" by Claud Anderson ? I haven't yet, but I have the book
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lol man this is so true....

Have you read "Black Labor White Wealth" by Claud Anderson ? I haven't yet, but I have the book
Bruhhh!! I been waiting to get that It will definitely be my next book..But peep I heard a podcast where DR.CLAUDE said in PENNSYLVANIA they have took his books outta of the Library...smh
Ok so guys, what are some black brands we can buy into

Im putting my money where my--er--keyboard is, I will actually go buy through black companies if I knew which ones to buy from.  I still have xmas shopping to do.  Im serious about this I wanna know some black stores to buy from.
I have spent a dozen years studying the Economy, Finance, American History, General History and politics as well as a feverish two years catching up on Black History. From what I can see, economic empowerment can only do so much. Black people need power, influence, a seat at the table, real protection within the American state.

The Jews, the Irish, the Germans, the Italians, The Polish, the Japanese all tried to simply work hard, save their money and invest their modest wealth wisely. They all got turned back or delayed until they were granted full citizenship by the broader white community. Only once they got the protection of the state and its rewards: land grants, FHA assistance, VA College grants, The Interstate Highways and civil service jobs, did those communities begin to truly flourish.

Perhaps one must study Economics to its fullest extent in order to understand its relative weaknesses. Politics, power, pull, protection and influence all determine economic outcomes of various groups. Black people need political muscle, juice, punch, strength at all levels in order to be economically empowered.

Like Drake, we start at the bottom. Joe Washington wants to start a very small business. He cannot because his State has licensing laws that require him to pay a few thousand dollars simply to cut hair. He needs to come up with $10,0000 in order to start his business but he cannot because he sold crack in the 1980's so he is a "felon" (he sold crack in 1983) and is black listed for all time from mainstream employment. He works free lance as a roofer but he is always being bled white from municipal traffic fines. He tries to save but his soft roll on a right turn cost him $500 and his expired tags cost him another $300. The Irish Cops who control his suburban town will make sure to always take a few Benjamins here and there.

Suppose that, Joe actually does save up his money and he actually starts a chain of stores. Let us suppose that his black owned business does not go over well with the cops. Joe owns several stores and several city blocks. Our Patrolmen's Benevolent Association does not like the fact that several blocks are black owned. The PBA decides to apply to the "broken windows" theory to its law enforcement during the day. Everyone who is stopped is harnessed and ticked by day and yet by night, saturation patrols suddenly stop. In fact, the PBA leaves your stores vulnerable to be looted and vandalized. Police can kill with their own guns and they can doom you by withdrawing all protection and leaving you to the mercy of real criminals.

Finally, Joe Washington breaks into high finance. Somehow his stores all succeed and he makes so much money they he is issuing mortgage loans, trading stocks and he is buying and selling bonds and he is highly intertwined with major insurance companies. The Crash of 2018 comes. This time the Federals actually will prosecute. They can string up Joe Washington and make him the scapegoat for the 2018 Crash. The FDIC euthanizes his subsidiaries in South Central LA, South Chicago, Oakland, Atlanta and DC Metro. The head of the Black Capital Firm (BCF) is hanged publicly. American will experience years of moribund economic performance, declining wages and foreclosures but at least Joe Washington got his due! Goldman, Citi, BoA and Wells escaped unharmed, bailed out, bolstered, strengthened and and recapitalized but BCF got their's!

Black people would be wise to start their own banks, law firms, retail shops and other business undertakings but ultimately, black folks need political muscle. Aligning with genuine progressives of any race and playing King makers in Democratic primaries are crucial to any attempts at black economic empowerment.
Rex... I get your point... But your post was terribly written and your hypotheticals are borderline rants
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Rex... I get your point... But your post was terribly written and your hypotheticals are borderline rants

I concur, I am simply trying to show the fact that no amount of thrift, intelligence and organization can overcome political weakness. I have been taught a few ways to organize rhetorical thoughts, one of which is narrative, I figured it was best for my purposes.

Ironically, the the black folks who advocate for economic empowerment unintentionally empower White Supremacists. Whites Supremacists can say "ah, you see, black people are inferior because they do not yet understand finance and business." Black people are capable of accumulating and managing capital but if the American State wants to obliterate Black banking, it can do so.

As I have already asserted, black people need political power before they can exercise serious economic power.
Black people have political power lol

It's economics, when you have economic pull then your political figures will be worth something.

And you can't compare the struggles of immigrants who willingly came to America to that of blacks native to America
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Warning if you are not one who likes bad language this isn't for you, but Azealia Banks GOES OFF on cultural appropriation going on to the point of tears. I'm really liking these interviews of artist being truthful about the state of things.
I concur, I am simply trying to show the fact that no amount of thrift, intelligence and organization can overcome political weakness. I have been taught a few ways to organize rhetorical thoughts, one of which is narrative, I figured it was best for my purposes.

Ironically, the the black folks who advocate for economic empowerment unintentionally empower White Supremacists. Whites Supremacists can say "ah, you see, black people are inferior because they do not yet understand finance and business." Black people are capable of accumulating and managing capital but if the American State wants to obliterate Black banking, it can do so.

As I have already asserted, black people need political power before they can exercise serious economic power.

I think it's a mixture of both, we obviously need lawmakers & judges.... however money is what runs those systems.
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