Black Culture Discussion Thread

That marching is find and dandy but what next?
one of the rare times we both have the same thoughts....

marching is easy....

political and economic collectivism takes much more work.... 

the tea party made more substantial moves with much less protests.
That marching is find and dandy but what next?

the engagement of people really being concerned with the issues at hand. There are still people who don't think they can ever have a solution to the problem, there are people who want to do something but may not know how, Marching brings people together with like minded goals and gives them an opportunity to share ideas and maybe devise a plan for the next action.

Prior to this the cops would have probably laughed at the notion of thousands of people coming together at once led by minority teens or 20 somethings and their not being any violence or crime. That idea is abolished because i went down there and witnessed all of these people come together for one cause. I literally watched dudes who were hanging on the corner in Brownsville, join in on the marches and actually get to chop it up with people from different backgrounds, what would usually be looked at in the hood as "corny" or "preachy" became something positive to do. It helps people want to get involved because they see it first hand rather then hearing about it. Some of these guys grow up in areas where the only place they see unity is in gangs doing the wrong thing. being able to "join" something for a better cause can help get some people on the right track.

It also keeps the issues in the headlines, keeps the topic buzzing, we constantly downplay how much small things can mean.

The black Friday boycott, we all heard people say it's stupid, many people didn't wanna participate, off that single thing sales dropped 10%.
The critique of that racist *** Exodus movie, It did WAY below what they expected and the problem was highlighted.
In the matter of 3-4 days through social media, 50-60K lined the streets to march over injustice.

By no means do i expect marching to stop all the problems but it plants the seeds to develop stronger bonds and ideas towards changing this system.
the engagement of people really being concerned with the issues at hand. There are still people who don't think they can ever have a solution to the problem, there are people who want to do something but may not know how, Marching brings people together with like minded goals and gives them an opportunity to share ideas and maybe devise a plan for the next action.

Prior to this the cops would have probably laughed at the notion of thousands of people coming together at once led by minority teens or 20 somethings and their not being any violence or crime. That idea is abolished because i went down there and witnessed all of these people come together for one cause. I literally watched dudes who were hanging on the corner in Brownsville, join in on the marches and actually get to chop it up with people from different backgrounds, what would usually be looked at in the hood as "corny" or "preachy" became something positive to do. It helps people want to get involved because they see it first hand rather then hearing about it. Some of these guys grow up in areas where the only place they see unity is in gangs doing the wrong thing. being able to "join" something for a better cause can help get some people on the right track.

It also keeps the issues in the headlines, keeps the topic buzzing, we constantly downplay how much small things can mean.

The black Friday boycott, we all heard people say it's stupid, many people didn't wanna participate, off that single thing sales dropped 10%.
The critique of that racist *** Exodus movie, It did WAY below what they expected and the problem was highlighted.
In the matter of 3-4 days through social media, 50-60K lined the streets to march over injustice.

By no means do i expect marching to stop all the problems but it plants the seeds to develop stronger bonds and ideas towards changing this system.

It was a rhetorical question. I'm saying how many more marchers until blacks in large numbers start making moves.
It was a rhetorical question. I'm saying how many more marchers until blacks in large numbers start making moves.

there's no telling but once again the groundwork has to be created. We took damn near 100 years to get up to the civil rights movement. The CIA & FBI destroyed all of that in a 10-20 year run. We are building from the ground up once again.
there's no telling but once again the groundwork has to be created. We took damn near 100 years to get up to the civil rights movement. The CIA & FBI destroyed all of that in a 10-20 year run. We are building from the ground up once again.

Interesting perspective that might have changed my outlook on everything, and maybe even ease my frustrations when it comes to my sentiments that are similar to luckyluchiano luckyluchiano . Maybe we are indeed building from the ground up, as opposed to picking up where those before have left us. Maybe that's the approach to take.
Def wondering what's next...

Also I think that chick in Walmart with the loud speaker is an idiot. It was the pic floating on social media yesterday
I use to be one of those people who really didn't get protesting. However going to something like the million march really helped change my perspective. As long as you have a large number of people a protest can shake things up.

what comes next as far as an entire shift i can't call. But in the time being just getting people involved and interested in trying to stop the problem is a step in the right direction.
Realistically cats gotta realize our gen is only going to be able to lay the new foundation, our kids will have to build upon that, things won't even be "gravy" till our grand/great grand kids gen. Our generation isn't necessarily starting from scratch but we must take the things our people before us fought for and use that to build a new path because that whole love your enemy combaya mess failed terribly.
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Yea let me rephrase that, we aren't exactly starting off in a worse position that are ancestors who legally weren't allowed to do anything & the civil rights movement did make progress. (Although as we can see it still hasn't gotten us fairplay)

However i do think we are rebuilding the Psyche of the black community. America has made it a focus for EVERYONE to chase individual success & individual goals. All races deal with people like this but when you add that mindset to people who are already at the bottom & need to stick together the most, we get the issues we have today.

There was a point where it was a movement to be proud of being black and discuss issues, nowadays that isn't the norm, but slowly but surely i see younger blacks starting to feel as if they should do more. Recently we have been able to highlight instances where its CLEAR as day that not much has changed in regards to the system. The severity yes, but the aim is still the same. So once again we must start building communities together and helping one another get to the next level. With the climate of america and what's promoted as success however, that becomes difficult.
Between crack epidemic, mandatory minimums, cultural appropriation, intelligence ops on black leaders we def are picking up the pieces.
 cultural appropriation
We need to talk about this ****.

It's at an all time high right now.
Y'all need to be on tumblr.  That topic has been raging for at least 2 years there.

Text conversation between me and my dad:

Me: Dad, I'm coming home late because the library is now open 24hrs for finals.

Dad: I understand. I'm just worried about you walking around the neighborhood so late.

Me: It's fine.  There are cops everywhere thanks to the influx of our new neighbors.*

Dad: Ok. But sometimes it's the cops one has to also consider.

This is obviously a standard conversation between a black father and son but it hit me hard because I'm not in middle school anymore. He hasn't worried about me walking around since I was 14...thats crazy to me that we have to have this conversation at my age and in the year we currently are in.
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Someone on another site I post on asked the question about What if blacks who were like minded in regard to Economic empowerment created some type of "Card of Membership" and having that card gives you access to/support from the other members financially when making moves or something like that.

Anyways this was my "response", it sounds good on paper but def easier said than done.

"Now say we had a Black Empowerment Program or what ever you want to call it, say membership dues were 50 bucks per month, with the USA having 40 million blacks, say 500k-1million blacks were down for the cause that would = 25mill-50million per year. This can all be divided into providing/creating a Central Bank, where we can go to get small business loans, Schools (primarily we could focus on elementary-middle school age, after that our kids would have such a strong foundation they can survive in any public high school),farms (so we can grow our own Non GMO Organic foods and Grass fed non hormonal meats), down payment assistant grants for members wanting to buy homes,and a Super PAC for political donations.

Now say out of the 40 mill blacks in America 10-15 million are down for the cause working adults we are now looking at 500 million-750 million. With that much we can expand and have more social programs such as Tech schools to teach low income blacks trades so they can get off welfare/not be govt dependent, and our youth "not cut out for college" ie. a 1 yr program where you are taught a trade then placed in one of the black businesses that is partnered with the program. We can also focus on creating a University Program too."
What yall think about these black sorority chicks being outraged by the vh1 show? I think its a joke considering they sit around and watch the other ignorant shows vh1 runs. All the shows are creations of Mona Scott. Don't protest one cause it's shaded against your personal interest
Someone on another site I post on asked the question about What if blacks who were like minded in regard to Economic empowerment created some type of "Card of Membership" and having that card gives you access to/support from the other members financially when making moves or something like that.

Anyways this was my "response", it sounds good on paper but def easier said than done.

"Now say we had a Black Empowerment Program or what ever you want to call it, say membership dues were 50 bucks per month, with the USA having 40 million blacks, say 500k-1million blacks were down for the cause that would = 25mill-50million per year. This can all be divided into providing/creating a Central Bank, where we can go to get small business loans, Schools (primarily we could focus on elementary-middle school age, after that our kids would have such a strong foundation they can survive in any public high school),farms (so we can grow our own Non GMO Organic foods and Grass fed non hormonal meats), down payment assistant grants for members wanting to buy homes,and a Super PAC for political donations.

Now say out of the 40 mill blacks in America 10-15 million are down for the cause working adults we are now looking at 500 million-750 million. With that much we can expand and have more social programs such as Tech schools to teach low income blacks trades so they can get off welfare/not be govt dependent, and our youth "not cut out for college" ie. a 1 yr program where you are taught a trade then placed in one of the black businesses that is partnered with the program. We can also focus on creating a University Program too."
Sounds brilliant to me.
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What yall think about these black sorority chicks being outraged by the vh1 show? I think its a joke considering they sit around and watch the other ignorant shows vh1 runs. All the shows are creations of Mona Scott. Don't protest one cause it's shaded against your personal interest

The SGrho on the show went to my school. I think it's dumb Greeks ain't doint nothing nowadays as a collective and if you going to protest this protest everything. It's ironic they find this to make their orgs look bad when the instagrams and Twitter pages of these same people would make their founders frown.
Now that is something that would really be revolutionary.. hard to get done but it's an initiative that could be worked on & developed.

What's funny is there is millions of blacks who go to church every Sunday and put in 10-15 bucks in offering EVERY Sunday, lol that's 40-50 a month right there from at least 5million people.
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