Black Culture Discussion Thread

I live next door to Cameroon and the skin bleaching thing is very real. I'd say 50-65% of the women I see everyday do it. All ages (no children tho) I never hear the men encourage it but they sure don't give a damn.

Its absolutely disgusting because certain parts of the body never change. Their elbows and knuckles be dark as hell compared to the rest of their body :x

Whats worse is that if you stop using the cream, it'll ruin your skin so once you start you can't stop. It looks like they've been burnt or something. Not to mention the people who are allergic to the products :x

I also recently heard that dudes have been doing it too. SMH

But then you got the natural dark and light skin beauties. :pimp:
I live next door to Cameroon and the skin bleaching thing is very real. I'd say 50-65% of the women I see everyday do it. All ages (no children tho) I never hear the men encourage it but they sure don't give a damn.

Its absolutely disgusting because certain parts of the body never change. Their elbows and knuckles be dark as hell compared to the rest of their body :x

Whats worse is that if you stop using the cream, it'll ruin your skin so once you start you can't stop. It looks like they've been burnt or something. Not to mention the people who are allergic to the products :x

I also recently heard that dudes have been doing it too. SMH

But then you got the natural dark and light skin beauties. :pimp:

It's crazy that women are still bleaching their skins to look lighter, and on the other scope of things the slim/skinny look that was so beloved by white women ten years ago is slowly being abandoned Due to the White Celebs who have been doing all this surgery in order to gain a body shape that many black women were persecuted for a decade ago. funny how the world runs.
It's messed up but I kind of understand why black women bleach their skin. If you Google 'pretty girls' the results are all white girls. We know how susceptible women are to insecurity about their looks and a lot of black women feel neglected and not pretty. Because white girls and light skin are seen as the paragon of beauty.

To me skin whitening, AKA mangling yourself to look lighter, is just another symptom of white supremacys goal of instilling self-hate in the black mindset. I'm more into focusing on the problem than the symptom of the problem.
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I'm cool with interracial marriage but this ish is disgusting and disturbing in all manners.
Cameroonian chicks who bleach usually are the kind of women local, well to do folks stray away from. They're the local expensive garden tools

It never amazes me the civility and class the enslaved Africans demonstrate throughout history. Even after going through the horrors of plantation life, Jordon Anderson was the personification of class. Slave owners were savages, yet when the Africans got their freedom all they wanted to do was get an equal shot. We still haven't got an equal shot in this country, which is disheartening.

It is as if our civility goes against us. All of our interactions with Europeans/Arabs have been negative becasue we couldn't resort to the violence and savagery they were willing to put us through. Coming off the heals of Columbus day and reading the atrocities he committed against indigenous people in the Americas, it just goes to show how greed and jealousy has fueled the system of white supremacy we experience today.
Jimmy iovine is culprit number 1


It became that when Jewish heads of labels recognized that rap was popular and could therefore be highly profitable. We let outsiders come in and take part of our culture, & by outsiders i mean men who don't give a **** about the neighborhoods talked about in songs, don't give a **** about the culture and are only here to make money.

And now we're in a catch 22 because they have so much power thru the labels and radio that we now have a generation of rappers who are negated from making positive music in fear of not getting a push. Luckily however there are the Kendricks, Drake's, Cole, Wale's etc etc out here making good music and being highly successful while doing it.

With all that stated it's disgusting to me that people are always harping on 20-30 year old entertainers being the cause of the problem yet not talking about the heads of the labels funding this, not talking about the judicial system that's failing, a school system that's failing, a culture in america in general that promotes stupidity. No less continue to blame the rapper who is a product of all these things and call him the downfall of young americans. Let's also completely disregard the fact that their is a HUGE percentage of children who listen to rap and don't exhibit criminal behaviors.
There's a billboard in my area that says 'over 5,000 Jews in (city) live in poverty.  Help them out by donating at ______' 

The nerve of this sign is ridiculous.  Right underneath the damn billboard black people are in poverty or near it every day of their lives.  we certainly don't own any movie studios, television networks, jewelry stores, pawn shops, sports teams, etc.  and yet we are supposed to donate to their poor.  we have to take control of our own destiny man, the disrespect is just everywhere.
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There's a billboard in my area that says 'over 5,000 Jews in (city) live in poverty.  Help them out by donating at ______' 

The nerve of this sign is ridiculous.  Right underneath the damn billboard black people are in poverty or near it every day of their lives.  we certainly don't own any movie studios, television networks, jewelry stores, pawn shops, sports teams, etc.  and yet we are supposed to donate to their poor.  we have to take control of our own destiny man, the disrespect is just everywhere.
nah i refuse to believe thats a real story
Here's a Celeb telling the 100% God's honest truth about ferguson since apparently America only cares about name & status.

SHUT UP OR PROTEST....the end. Well said, yet many just don't want to hear facts, instead prefer to regurgitate what the media wants them to hear |I
Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white? All I know are.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014
Everybody-attacks last tweet. Of course Egyptians are Middle Eastern, but far from black. They treated blacks as slaves.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014
Okay, there are many shades of color. Nothing racist about that, so calm down!
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014
Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white? All I know are.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch)

November 29, 2014

Everybody-attacks last tweet. Of course Egyptians are Middle Eastern, but far from black. They treated blacks as slaves.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch)

November 29, 2014

Okay, there are many shades of color. Nothing racist about that, so calm down!
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch)

November 29, 2014
I've been saying this forever they know these people were not white but this is & always been propaganda of WHITE SUPREMACY....These people were on the continent of AFRICA man no way in hell they were white....I peeped this guy's tweets & the sad thing is that they were BLACK FOLKS getting mad with the dude saying dumb ishhh like "I DIDN'T KNOW HE KNEW HOW ANCIENT EYGPTIANS LOOKED??" or "HE'S BEING RACIST " etc...These new age NEGROS are pathetic man but This has been going on since forever why are all the biblical figures white?? thats why most people have gotten away from CHRISTIANITY for that reason..
View media item 1280829I'm a Christian but I use my common sense & I know better than to believe that any of the people described in the bible were white....Whites were the real savages until the MOORS came in & showed them how to be civilized human beings...
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Why you bashing blacks for saying that? You lost me on that....they might not have always been woke but it's progress that they are now seeing the ********
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Why you bashing blacks for saying that? You lost me on that....they might not have always been woke but it's progress that they are now seeing the ********
Because anytime we say anything in regards to biblical figures or anybody that was a important historical being black white people get mad & say we're being racist or playing the race card it's not racism its the truth...
Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white? All I know are.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014
Everybody-attacks last tweet. Of course Egyptians are Middle Eastern, but far from black. They treated blacks as slaves.
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014
Okay, there are many shades of color. Nothing racist about that, so calm down!
— Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) November 29, 2014
Any minority of african descent that go see that movie is a ******* idiot

Unless they didn't know it was white washed
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Any minority of african descent that go see that movie is a ******* idiot

Unless they didn't know it was white washed
Not gonna lie I'm might see, Christian Bale is my homie, he never disappoints. Imitation is the best form of flattery. 
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