Black Culture Discussion Thread

Blacks stopped practicing group economics when segregation ended. My people couldn't wait to hand their hard earned money over to white businesses. 
this & when black wall street was burned down

My only gripe about black churches are I feel like they are quick to judge
We are being enlightened but we are only waking up on SOCIAL MEDIA platforms we not really being proactive & all the CHRISTIANITY brainwashing talk is pointless these days man because not many people even go to church anymore...Any black person these days that has any type of education background knows that nobody from the biblical era was white thats a fact all this talk of Blacks need to stop worshipping a WHITE JESUS is just out dated man....Even some whites know JESUS & rather anyone who lived at that time was from AFRICAN decent & looked AFRICAN....The thing that we have to practice is GROUP ECONOMICS that is the key to it all...There are plenty of other races that have accepted CHRISTIANITY but they are successful because they practice & they have mastered GROUP ECONOMICS & in order for us to get to the level we want we have to practice & master it....
Check this video if you Haven't Seen it..

I don't really think the social media thing is a problem, it's a new Era and this is what the youth uses heavily & it's very influential. If any change is going to come it's gonna be the youth to do it, We have the energy, the modern day savvy & the reality of current times to get this thing together.

social media can be a VERY powerful tool & it has been. That entire push to not shop on black Friday started on social media, & although i'm sure many people decided to go about business, black Friday sales were down 11% this year

I however do agree that sustainability & harboring black dollars btwn each other are highly important things to focus on.

Also I know Jay-Z gets A lot of flack for maneuvering amongst the groups he does, however his goal with Roc Nation was not only to help these artist/ball players get new ventures, but it also specializes in helping them sustain and grow their money. With the history of black millionaires losing their money on stupidity i think this is a VERY big step in the right direction if it is indeed successful.
RocNation Sports = CAA

Jewish man wins again

Just read up, it's pretty much a partnership between the two, however that doesn't take Away from Roc Nations focus on helping athletes (Which so far have been predominately black) keep their money and make investments.
Jay be stunting on us normies hard. Have us thinking hes making these giant moves. You do a little research, it dont be half as big as its made out to be.
Just read up, it's pretty much a partnership between the two, however that doesn't take Away from Roc Nations focus on helping athletes (Which so far have been predominately black) keep their money and make investments.

Ehh. I can read in between the lines. At the end of the day its still a bunch of rich dudes from another culture using Jay-Z as a figurehead. (This seems to be a reoccurring theme in Jay's career lately)

Wake me up when there's a real black owned sports agency. So far Bron and his crew are the closest to it.
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Jay be stunting on us normies hard. Have us thinking hes making these giant moves. You do a little research, it dont be half as big as its made out to be.

Anyone else saw KD's HBO special? Rich Kleiman runs RocNation Sports. So whenever we hear these stories about Jay supposedly negotiating players' business dealings himself...its complete ********.
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Jay get paid to be mascots for these dudes 

See this is where i have discrepancies when discussing guys like Jay, Diddy, Russell etc etc.

It's always such enthusiasm to put the work they've done down. In the last 3 post ive saw

His moves are never as big as their made out to be
He's being used

I understand that the business ventures they deal with aren't all black but we can't sit back and discredit them for forming PARTNERSHIPS in some of the most lucrative fields. Based off the discussions we've had in here i think we can all agree their is a humongous discrepancy btwn blacks & whites in corporate positions. How is that ever going to change if someone isn't in those corporate offices shaking things up and placing other people of color and from the culture in those positions.

So yes CAA is using Jay as a head figure, the same way he's using them & their lucrative history to claim validity in the sports world. This isn't some run of the mill Agency it is one of the most accomplished, Jay came directly from music & has a partnership with them. Because of that he can now get guys like Pecas (who was a Def Jam employee) into a prominent position in the sports world.

Same with Diddy & Revolt, i would love if he could have complete 100% control and it was 100% black owned but what we fail to realize is that we are still building an infrastructure in all these different worlds.

Guys like Jay, Diddy, Ye etc may be insanely rich to us, but in those fields their playing in

1) We know these guys don't want them in those positions but their too valuable to not let in
2) They don't have the funds to seriously compete with GROUPS of million/billionaires by themselves.

I just think judgement is extremely difficult on guys who are playing on a field nobody else has really tested before. These guys can't just jump out the window and completely turn away white business in a world where 95% of the people are white. Imo it's a process and the more moves they make the easier it gets for more & more black men to start getting in these positions & making the money it takes to really fund their own ****.

On a smaller scale however all of those guys i just named have businesses that are 100% black owned & operate with several black people employed, they just aren't on the same financial level of an NBA team, A full cable Network, A designer clothing brand etc etc, these fields can't just be taken over in a day.
Why clamor to be "let into" industries instead of creating your own?

Black people in the US currently possess enough economic power to create their own EVERYTHING. So while pointing out our so called "stars" that are alleedgly paving the way...if they are amassing all this power and wealth..yet collectively as a people...nothing is changing...what does that tell you?

You can't POSSIBLY believe these people are where they are if they had ANY intentions of using their resources to curve the black plight. Throughout history...that's been clearly demonstrated so what makes us think it isn't happening now?

All of these so called bosses are still getting handed checks with someone elses signature on them. Theres always a man behind the curtain with the Jay-Zs, Diddys, and Oprah's...and if you really think that they'd be able to spur real change in the world amongst our might wanna reassess that.
Yea JAY just a puppet for these dudes all he really does is piggyback off rich white business men those partner ship deals are a joke....But I'm digging this THREAD salute to OP for starting it & all the othe Brothers like myself that's continuing to drop dope info & knowledge... Good to see more Black people in their 20's & 30's that are awakening.....On another topic how some of ya'll feel about the WILLIE LYNCH LETTER cause I'm seeing now online people trying to discredit it's authenticity...
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Blacks have spending dollars Yes....

however how many black owned cable Networks (Cablevision, Comcast etc etc), How many black owned media companies, how many black owned legal groups, Appliance manufacturers, etc etc basically any industry needed to create these multi billion dollar companies are controlled by whites, those same whites control ALL of the legal system & Regulate 95% of the rules in those industries.

You are speaking as if these guys decided to start their own ventures independently and 100% out of their own pockets, that they would get 100% black support or hell even 50%.

A few guys with a couple of hundred million dollars simply don't have enough resources or legislative power to completely create an opposition towards a system that was built on slave labor and 3-4 generations of wealth & government dominance.

I'm not saying that these guys are leaders of all black people or civil rights, but by them creating lanes where blacks can earn millions in a capitalistic society I would argue that goes a LONG way in helping to cure the black plight.

We are in agreement that black business has to be a mainstay & focus in order to get the wheels turning. Well Jay-Z has black business, Oprah, Diddy, The smith's etc etc. Yes they may take checks from white people in one en devour, that check then gets flipped into more money which gets put into smaller companies & businesses, which help create more jobs for blacks & more opportunity.
Lately the thing is this city is Dusse' this and that. I'm like you people are clowns, acting like Dusse' was started by Jay-z. :smh:
Even worse its a liquor company man, why does everything have to be liquor. Put money into software development
camps, clearly the future is tech based. I never respected Jay,Opera, Diddy honestly because I truly feel they are lost in
the politics even worse that the average person. None of them can speak their mind on issues that affect the communities
their from without backlash.

Who actually out there writes and cuts checks and doesn't have to listen to anybody? That's the true trail blazer.

edit: @tyisny I see what your saying.
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Yea JAY just a puppet for these dudes all he really does is piggyback off rich white business men those partner ship deals are a joke....But I'm digging this THREAD salute to OP for starting it & all the othe Brothers like myself that's continuing to drop dope info & knowledge... Good to see more Black people in their 20's & 30's that are awakening.....On another topic how some of ya'll feel about the WILLIE LYNCH LETTER cause I'm seeing now online people trying to discredit it's authenticity...

Question then if you as a young black man, decided to get a business loan from a bank (That we know support things that are in Direct violation of black people) to start a prosperous business. Are you then piggybacking off the white man also? Would you like if someone threw down all your accomplishments and said yea i know you did work and busted your *** but it's the white man who gave you opportunity.

That's what we do to every rich black person despite how much they have done to put other black men & women in a position too create their own opportunities and grow even more.
Blacks have spending dollars Yes....

however how many black owned cable Networks (Cablevision, Comcast etc etc), How many black owned media companies, how many black owned legal groups, Appliance manufacturers, etc etc basically any industry needed to create these multi billion dollar companies are controlled by whites, those same whites control ALL of the legal system & Regulate 95% of the rules in those industries.

You are speaking as if these guys decided to start their own ventures independently and 100% out of their own pockets, that they would get 100% black support or hell even 50%.

A few guys with a couple of hundred million dollars simply don't have enough resources or legislative power to completely create an opposition towards a system that was built on slave labor and 3-4 generations of wealth & government dominance.

I'm not saying that these guys are leaders of all black people or civil rights, but by them creating lanes where blacks can earn millions in a capitalistic society I would argue that goes a LONG way in helping to cure the black plight.

We are in agreement that black business has to be a mainstay & focus in order to get the wheels turning. Well Jay-Z has black business, Oprah, Diddy, The smith's etc etc. Yes they may take checks from white people in one en devour, that check then gets flipped into more money which gets put into smaller companies & businesses, which help create more jobs for blacks & more opportunity.

But what the point creating lanes if we cant create an opposing power.

Why cant these men come together and create a super company? With all the knowledge, money, resources and connections, they should literally be able to buy hip hop. Put together a fully self sufficient record company. Everything from art work to distribution done in house.
But what the point creating lanes if we cant create an opposing power.

Why cant these men come together and create a super company? With all the knowledge, money, resources and connections, they should literally be able to buy hip hop. Put together a fully self sufficient record company. Everything from art work to distribution done in house.

IDK how true this is til this day but there was talk that Irv, Suge, J Prince & i believ Dame tried to put together their money and start a distribution label & shortly there after the Feds raided each individual office.

Irv confirmed that they were talking about it but never confirmed the fed part.

I remember pondering to myself years ago this same question, until i took into account just how much has to fall right for something of that nature to happen.

First we have to take into consideration that your assembling an all black group of relatively young multi millionaires and pitting them against an ENTIRE INDUSTRY of Jews who have held these positions at the top for Decades and asking them to create a rival that could potentially lose the jewish people billions upon billions of dollars a year. Monetarily They would be crushed.

Two your asking for these guys to literally throw every penny they have (not just cash flow, but investments, properties, etc etc) towards fighting a system where just one guy on that side realistically has more money, Power, & connections then their entire group combined.

Your also not taking into account every other singular industry that is involved in the popularity of artist and the selling of music, The heads of those advertising companies JEWISH, The Heads at Viacom (BET, MTV, VH1 etc etc) Jewish, The owners of Ticketmaster/ Live nation Jewish, The conglomerate that owns Radio .... u guessed it JEWISH.

Basically every category that is needed to properly promote and get music to the masses is owned by the same kind of people, How would a small black conglomerate operate & make money with no infrastructure there to support them?

I didn't even scratch the surface on the entire Legal system and how strenuous a fight that would be, and as we've seen recently the legal system does not play fair AT ALL.

So while i do want 100% black owned businesses i do see clearly just how much those blacks at the top still have to go into these spaces and try & get more money, try and get more people in powerful positions.

Ya'll trying to show up to a gun fight with a needle. We have amassed a huge amount of influence over America as far as black celebs but it's gonna take A LOT of us in the infrastructure of SEVERAL industries in order for big time moves like that to be made.
Dont you think that defeated attitude is making things worse?

From what you just told me, seems like we need to start smaller or start thinking outside the box. In 2014 do we really need companies like Viacom, ticketmaster ect? The internet is open source.
Blacks have spending dollars Yes....

however how many black owned cable Networks (Cablevision, Comcast etc etc), How many black owned media companies, how many black owned legal groups, Appliance manufacturers, etc etc basically any industry needed to create these multi billion dollar companies are controlled by whites, those same whites control ALL of the legal system & Regulate 95% of the rules in those industries.

You are speaking as if these guys decided to start their own ventures independently and 100% out of their own pockets, that they would get 100% black support or hell even 50%.

A few guys with a couple of hundred million dollars simply don't have enough resources or legislative power to completely create an opposition towards a system that was built on slave labor and 3-4 generations of wealth & government dominance.

I'm not saying that these guys are leaders of all black people or civil rights, but by them creating lanes where blacks can earn millions in a capitalistic society I would argue that goes a LONG way in helping to cure the black plight.

We are in agreement that black business has to be a mainstay & focus in order to get the wheels turning. Well Jay-Z has black business, Oprah, Diddy, The smith's etc etc. Yes they may take checks from white people in one en devour, that check then gets flipped into more money which gets put into smaller companies & businesses, which help create more jobs for blacks & more opportunity.

But what the point creating lanes if we cant create an opposing power.

Why cant these men come together and create a super company? With all the knowledge, money, resources and connections, they should literally be able to buy hip hop. Put together a fully self sufficient record company. Everything from art work to distribution done in house.

You can't buy the wood and make a bird house without time and work. This system is more than getting money together and creating something, especially if you're Black. You gotta play your part, learn, and make moves without drawing attention.

One thing that bothers me is the lack of opportunities given by leaders of the Black community. Not saying they're entitled to but u don't see it. When we speak on Black civil rights and the like, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get mentioned. If they were to die, who is next to carry the touch? Same with Diddy, Jay, etc. Are they molding somebody to take over one they are too old or dead?

Too many of us don't take notes to do what they've done, improve, and do it better. You got some that praise cats like Birdman and shun Jay.
By the way yall talk in this thread whats the point of being a black leader, if the white man have every single facet of life?

If one did rise up to become a leader, the white man would just shoot them down.
Dont you think that defeated attitude is making things worse?

From what you just told me, seems like we need to start smaller or start thinking outside the box. In 2014 do we really need companies like Viacom, ticketmaster ect? The internet is open source.

It's not a defeated attitude it's a realest attitude. Your not going to in the matter of 10-20 years surpass businesses that have 3-4 generations in, along with all the connects in the business & legal world. It's asking for superman.

I think the current system right now is good (Can use a hell lot more of collaboration btwn blacks) & is steadily being improved. Use that corporate money to flip and gain control in those worlds. Also make smaller investments, in property, small business, their own children in order to have 100% owned business in general. We need starting points, We created them in the 60/70's and had them literally burned to the ground.

This time we have to learn from those mistakes, & realize that we have much more buying power than before.

Also while the Internet is a valuable tool, the music industry is called that for a reason their are several factors that make it a billion dollar industry & that can't be accumulated through straight album sales & small shows.

Arenas, Endorsements, Radio spins, merchandise etc etc are all factors
By the way yall talk in this thread whats the point of being a black leader, if the white man have every single facet of life?

If one did rise up to become a leader, the white man would just shoot them down.

That's literally what's been done in the past verbatim. Malcolm, Martin, Huey etc etc.... They have proven time & time again that they have no problem opposing you & if you somehow get enough people behind you to start influencing laws and real change you HAVE to die.

With that said the Panthers/ NOI had it right with creating our own schools, our own communities, task force etc etc... Except these days we have more blacks with the ability to fund that then ever before. So it's not a matter of being hopeless it's a matter of studying what went wrong last time and expanding on the ideas of that period.

We have to slowly build up the foundation to control our own and that takes A LOT of money & knowledge. This task isn't gonna be done overnight but i believe that if it's gonna be a success those at the top are gonna play a huge role in helping piece it together.
Bruhs look up the documentary "7 AM" it comes out in Jan nationwide support it if it comes out in your city. It's a Hidden Colors type flick mainly dealing with Black economics
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