Black Culture Discussion Thread




Being a dead beat dad is ****** up
These women having babies
By dudes
Who either from the jump
U know ain’t father material
Or who don’t wanna be a father
Is idiotic
Don’t have a baby by a deadbeat dude
Then get mad
When he actually is a deadbeat dad
U knew what type of dude he was from the beginning
U claim “oh I’m independent I don’t need him”
But quick to call child support
Quick to call that man and ask for money
Quick to tell him
What he can and can’t do with his kid
But expecting him to be there
When he told u from the beginning
He didn’t either want the kid
Or u seen he was a no good piece of ****
Y’all both have responsibility in those situations
And dead beat dads are ***** *** **** boys
So are dead beat moms to
They thing just cause the baby stay with them
They good moms
Nah it’s more to it than just collecting that child support
And food stamps

We need to stop looking for validation from others. Nollywood and Bollywood don't ask white people for representation. We can have our own "Hollywood", award shows too, call them the Leroys
. In all seriousness, what would be the difference between an Oscar and a Leroy? Other than the fact that one is validated by white people and the other by yourself? Same goes for representation in Hollywood, create your own #RulingClassMentality.
The Story Behind the Viral Photo of a Teacher in Ghana Showing Students Windows on a Blackboard

There has been global applause for a teacher in Ghana who posted photos of himself drawing on a blackboard with multi-colored chalk, the features of a Microsoft Word processing window. The students in his class can also be seen drawing it into their notebooks.

Social media exploded in admiration and wonder at his effort to explain how computers work—without computers.

Richard Appiah Akoto, 33, is the information and communication technology (ICT) teacher at Betenase M/A Junior High School in the town of Sekyedomase, about two and half hours drive north of Ghana’s second city, Kumasi. The school has no computers even though since 2011, 14 and 15-year-olds are expected to write and pass a national exam (without which students cannot progress to high school) with ICT being one of the subjects.

“This is not my first time [of drawing] it. I have been doing it anytime I am in the classroom…I like posting pictures on Facebook so I just felt like [sharing it]. I didn’t know it would get the attention of people like that”, says Akoto, who has been a teacher at the school for six years.

On Facebook, Akoto goes by the nickname “Owura Kwadwo Hottish” which was the name that went viral on both Facebook and Twitter. His photo was seen as both a bit of ironic fun about life in Africa but also as a source of inspiration particularly for Africans in the tech community like the Cameroonian tech entrepreneur Rebecca Enonchong, who tweets as @africatechie.

The photos gained prominence after a popular Ghanaian comedian (who is also a teacher) shared it with his 140,000 Facebook fans and later picked up by international websites and tech enthusiasts on the continent. After Enonchong tweeted about him she reached out to Microsoft on Twitter. This has culminated in a promise by Microsoft to “equip [Akoto] with a device from one of our partners, and access to our MCE program & free professional development resources on.” Akoto, however adds that the school needs about 50 computers in order for his classes to really fulfill its promise.

Although he has a personal laptop, he does not use it because the features differ from what is in the official syllabus which require him to teach his students among other things parts of a system unit and monitor, the steps in connecting them and how to boot a computer with a desktop as their reference. ”[So] if you bring a charged laptop to class and just press the power button, then all of a sudden, everything will be on”, that does not work, he says.

That written exam relies on students’ ability to remember what is in the syllabus, which has not been updated since its introduction. Last year, only one of his students managed to get an A.

“Definitely those in Accra [Ghana’s capital] will pass the exam because you cannot compare someone who is in front of a computer, who knows what he is doing with the mouse to someone who has not had a feel of a computer mouse before”, says Akoto.

While Akoto has been described as an inspiration for teachers in Africa, what he does is symptomatic of an under-resourced dysfunctional public school system. Across the continent, many poor parents are forced to choose private schools over free public primary schools due to this lack of resources in government-owned schools. In Ghana, there have also been calls for a national conversation about a fairer distribution of educational resources as many rural schools like Betenase struggle with infrastructure and teaching logistics challenges.
We need to stop looking for validation from others. Nollywood and Bollywood don't ask white people for representation. We can have our own "Hollywood", award shows too, call them the Leroys
. In all seriousness, what would be the difference between an Oscar and a Leroy? Other than the fact that one is validated by white people and the other by yourself? Same goes for representation in Hollywood, create your own #RulingClassMentality.

we have our own, its why the NAACP Image Awards were founded

but we cant shake our need to be included

we want our cake and eat it too
Man if all the money, power and influence is across the street, me giving myself a little participation trophy don't mean much.


Tough to watch. Can’t imagine not being there for my kids. Had my son in college and used to wonder what he was doing all the time (mom and I went to different schools) when his only options were eating and sleeping. He the reason I didn’t go left in my early 20s. Married to his mom now and we just had a girl in December.

Also, I hate that she would publicize that. You don’t have to prove to the world your baby’s father isn’t ****.
Being a dead beat dad is ****ed up
These women having babies
By dudes
Who either from the jump
U know ain’t father material
Or who don’t wanna be a father
Is idiotic
Don’t have a baby by a deadbeat dude
Then get mad
When he actually is a deadbeat dad
U knew what type of dude he was from the beginning
U claim “oh I’m independent I don’t need him”
But quick to call child support
Quick to call that man and ask for money
Quick to tell him
What he can and can’t do with his kid
But expecting him to be there
When he told u from the beginning
He didn’t either want the kid
Or u seen he was a no good piece of ****
Y’all both have responsibility in those situations
And dead beat dads are ***** *** **** boys
So are dead beat moms to
They thing just cause the baby stay with them
They good moms
Nah it’s more to it than just collecting that child support
And food stamps

She scorned and miserable. Women like this want the world to be miserable, just like them.

Either move on, or shut up. She chose her baby daddy
These facebook quotes really don't mean much. There's few logical steps and influences being skipped.

deafeatist attitudes like this is why we have our own awards but feel incomplete when we arent included in theirs

facebook quotes like that will never make sense to someone waiting on their oppressor to treat them as an equal


How was that defeatist? does it make you feel better to twist the quote to being defeatist? I'm talking about taking action with common sense you sitting over there salivating over empty facebook quotes. Good luck with all that hotep **** while the realistic folks actually take the steps to build out the progress for you.
We need to stop looking for validation from others. Nollywood and Bollywood don't ask white people for representation. We can have our own "Hollywood", award shows too, call them the Leroys
. In all seriousness, what would be the difference between an Oscar and a Leroy? Other than the fact that one is validated by white people and the other by yourself? Same goes for representation in Hollywood, create your own #RulingClassMentality.
This we have the BET awards and soul train awards that are often undervalued or skipped all together by Black celebs. Too many of us want white Validation because our awards, recognition, and platforms ain’t good enough for some Black folk. Stop seeking to be honored by folk who don’t like you.

It's more deeper than "shame on black folks" rants like this. Koreans/Arabs/Indians either already have the resources or are able to easily obtain resources to open up businesses at the drop of a hat, not only in their communities but in OUR COMMUNITIES.

Even if we become able to own resources or are able to easily obtain resources, we can take back the economics in our communities (which is the most important thing of course), but Koreans/Arabs/Indians will never in a 100 years let us have a piece of the economic pie of their communities. Not going to happen. Malcolm X talked about this. For the most part, you will not see them deposit their money in a black owned bank, pay rent to a black land owner, because that money will not circulate back to them. Will be great to circulate our own money among each other, as they do with each other, but we need to also get THEIR money that we have been giving to them for decades.

Of course, when we did have our own economically empowered neighborhoods, the usual suspects came and tore it down anyway. So it will have to be protected by our own law enforcement.

Separate: "Woke" black folks love shaming other black folks, "we spend money on this instead of that", "we need to get out an vote if you have time to do XYZ". Be the change you want to see and lead by example. Eventually, when enough people fall in line there will be no need to go on woke hotep twitter rants. To paraphrase Neely Fuller, Jr. No victim of white supremacy should be shaming another victim of white supremacy, we're all in the same prison under the control of the same warden.
Thanks for expanding on that more than I did, I was being lazy. Dudes immediately wanna jump to you're a sheep defeatist begging for a approval if you don't immediately jump to "yassss" to every tweet instead of approaching the issue logically. Ain't nobody talking about vying for their approval, but fact is they own every aspect of everything hollywood, everything. Even breaking down opening things in our own community, who do you think already owns those properties? You can't just wake up and type out us black people should be owning **** and voila, the 100s of years head start of the oppressors and the honorary whiteness given to other races vanishes. There are a few more logical steps required to get there is all i'm saying, not "aw shucks, why even try".
With outside funding.

I know Indians can borrow money from their own banks to study here. In Latino/Polish/Korean neighborhoods, I have seen Polish/South American/Korean banks; Africans have their own system of informal, interest-free fundraising, and that's how they can invest here. Since Islam prohibits charging interest on loans, it is easier for Muslims to find funding sources within their networks that operate with respect to those principles.

Immigrants generally face the same limitations that people with low/no credit history face in this country when dealing with the financial industry (no loans or very costly loans). The difference is, they can bypass it and find funding elsewhere.
How was that defeatist?

if the suggestion is “we need our own awards”

and the solution presented is “we already have our own awards”

saying our own awards “dont mean much” is defeatist

if you dont believe in yourself and someone tells you the power is in YOU

but you call it a facebook quote and “it wont matter much”, thats also defeatist.

but i dont expect someone with a defeatist attitude to understand what a defeatist attitude sounds like

Good luck with all that hotep **** while the realistic folks actually take the steps to build out the progress for you.

serious question, what would those steps be?

i cant stress this enough

i come from a family that had one of these businesses since the 1960’s

my family let our business slip away, but will tell you it was stolen from us

over 50 years of business and my grandparents never saw the value in teaching their kids about business or economics so my aunts and uncles never learned it.

i have a cousin that tours the globe singing. extremely smart, he passed the bar but liked performing and made more money.

that wasnt good enough for my grandparents. they wanted him to get a GOOD job and go to work everyday punching a clock
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