Black Culture Discussion Thread

This is heartbreaking. How little compassion to fly that **** in the face of a black person doing his job in front of a ******* black museum. I'm not a fan of certain political figures but if I saw them around I wouldn't be a piece of **** to them because you know, humans just shouldn't communicate that way. in what world is this OK? Those people are allowed to vote and allowed to have children.

I'm not black but the **** black people have to put up with in this country forces the little hope for humanity I have left out of me.
Wakanda was REAL....A Super Advanced Technological Black Civilization Once Existed!!!

How many people know about the story of Atlantis? The super advanced technological civilization that existed thousands of years ago that was first mentioned by Plato.

Well what most people don't know was that the civilization of Atlantis was in fact BLACK. Even though the Greeks were the first to popularize it, Atlantis was actually considered the parent civilization to Ancient Egypt. Ever wonder why there are black faces everywhere around the Ancient World? And why every Ancient Civilization has its origins in blackness? Well Atlantis is why.

This is a great book on the Black Civilization of Atlantis:


Here is also an interview with Graham Hancock. An author who has popularized the idea that Atlantis was a real civilization in recent year.


Judge Joe Brown GOES IN on Everything & Everybody

bad audio in the beginning as it's recorded in a crowded room, as people leave the audio gets better

real interesting stuff starts at 15 minute mark

2 minute mark it starts with long talk about Wesley Snipes tax fraud case

:12 Trump investigation

:15 Asked about Quincy Jones recent comment
goes IN on entertainment industry
straight men are minority in Hollywood
they are no friends in hollywood
lawsuit against ABC by contestant on reality show......highest court award her over 600 million

:18 asked about film Black Panther
talks hollywood agenda character in Gods of Egypt is in Black Panther

:19 gay activists in hollywood and how they went after him when his show was on the air
how they set people up with fake assault allegations, almost happened to him

:22 "Cosby, Chappelle, and Joe Brown" were said to be the only straight black men in that town who didn't jus read a script that somebody else wrote

:26 history of hollywood casting couch.........before it was homo
straight men have to watch each other's backs in hollywood from predators, like it's jail

:30 ways they steal money from people in hollywood

:33 talks about hollywood trying to bring the ******* to australia and how they weren't going for it
he does a great Aussie impression.....they get it in over there and cops let them have fair ones and catch fade in bar room fights and no hard feelings after

:37 how mafia gangsters sued to run hollywood and how there were more principles then than now

:40 MAKE SURE YOU READ YOUR MOVIE STUB TICKETS.....hollywood trick to inflate or deflate sales of films by swapping tickets

:43 Hollywood's reason for releasing Black Panther film now

:44 lesbian and or feminst agenda demonstrate in hollywood
: 47 Doc McStuffins cartoon decoded...emasculated Black husband character

:49 he hated the Obamas official portraits

:52 he ***** on Jim Hendrix

:53 talks about recruiting to college the men who were key Black Panther Party members in Los Angeles
gang that formed BPP (slausons) had earlier beef with gang that formed US Organization (businessmen)

:54 FBI recruited Karenga to inform and original Kwanzaa gathering was plot to gather information

:55 traces beginning of the heavy use of "N" in the hoods of LA
origins of hip hop in NY and LA, he was a dj spinning records back in the day

1:00 he does his ACTUAL radio dj promo rap from his on air days
rappers have misguided image of masculinity

1:10 Black Panther film is a cash grab by Hollywood that won't lead to anything substantive
This reminds me of a conversation I had with someone from Greece a few years back. We were talking about sports.

I think Giannis Antetokounmpo had just got drafted. That year. I asked him what he thought about him.

"He's not Greek."

Dude was born in Athens


Doesn't matter if you're born on their soil, speak their language, take their names, if they racist they won't claim you.

I honestly wish he/media would play up his roots a little more but whatever
Man this Jewish ran industry crafty as hell.....that part where he gave that family a stack was cringe worthy...

"Heres a random money and ya family look needy as hell"
"This shallow currency will make everything better for you all"

Like got damn a black man and his family an automatic needy charity case????
That family couldn't be a symbol of happiness pride and strength???
That money stack is the necessary help they need???

They really trying thier best to shove Drake down our throats....
Meanwhile Trick Daddy and Luke were doing things for the Miami community for past 25 camera!
Deeper then passing out stacks of currency and writing checks for a music video.

This whole Drake thing just come off I don't know.
The golden child with some big Jewish industry power behind him...
Forced on us so hard...any objective opinion of him being pushed on us as vulture or opportunist backed agenda would be demonized as "hating" by the gullible masses.
Meanwhile the winning of hearts and minds through deception is indeed a well proven tactic to gain the majority.

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Man this Jewish ran industry crafty as hell.....that part where he gave that family a stack was cringe worthy...

"Heres a random money and ya family look needy as hell"
"This shallow currency will make everything better for you all"

Like got damn a black man and his family an automatic needy charity case????
That family couldn't be a symbol of happiness pride and strength???
That money stack is the necessary help they need???

They really trying thier best to shove Drake down our throats....
Meanwhile Trick Daddy and Luke were doing things for the Miami community for past 25 camera!
Deeper then passing out stacks of currency and writing checks for a music video.

This whole Drake thing just come off I don't know.
The golden child with some big Jewish industry power behind him...
Forced on us so hard...any objective opinion of him being pushed on us as vulture or opportunist backed agenda would be demonized as "hating" by the gullible masses.
Meanwhile the winning of hearts and minds through deception is indeed a well proven tactic to gain the majority.

i get where u coming from
but let him live
he did something good for the community and people
and seemingly with no strings attached
let em live
People doing the most for black panther... sometimes I have to chill tho and remind myself to just let people enjoy thing.

People doing charity on camera is cringe worthy to me. But Drake seems to be doing a good thing and making a lot of people happy, so I can't argue with that. Also the new music is hot.

Curious of others thoughts on Shannon Sharpe lately on FS1. I think dude is really bright and I appreciate his perspective. The Hen & Milds thing is even funny, can't front.... but where's the line?


Lot of brothas drink Hen. Lot of us smoke milds too... stocking cap I'll give you that too.

But we don't do it at work, at 9am EST on national television. Dude is 50 years old...

I actually like the show. it's more enjoyable than First Take. But how far is dude willing to go for ratings? and when is it flat out ****'n?
People doing the most for black panther... sometimes I have to chill tho and remind myself to just let people enjoy thing.

People doing charity on camera is cringe worthy to me. But Drake seems to be doing a good thing and making a lot of people happy, so I can't argue with that. Also the new music is hot.

Curious of others thoughts on Shannon Sharpe lately on FS1. I think dude is really bright and I appreciate his perspective. The Hen & Milds thing is even funny, can't front.... but where's the line?


Lot of brothas drink Hen. Lot of us smoke milds too... stocking cap I'll give you that too.

But we don't do it at work, at 9am EST on national television. Dude is 50 years old...

I actually like the show. it's more enjoyable than First Take. But how far is dude willing to go for ratings? and when is it flat out ****'n?
It's nothing like ****in in my opinion. It looks like an act of protest to the idea that the only respectable Black men are those who fit in the suit-and-tie mold. Obviously, few of us are important enough to do what Sharpe does without risking our livelihoods. The thing is, few of those who have the status of Sharpe go to bat for those who cannot afford to speak up too loud against those who attack their cultural identity.

So, I guess the question he is asking through his act is "do you respect Sharpe less for wearing his blackness on his sleeve?"
"It looks like an act of protest to the idea that the only respectable Black men are those who fit in the suit-and-tie mold."

could you elaborate on this a bit more? I'm not sure how pouring up liquor on set in a wave cap helps reinforce the fact that black men can be respectable even if they're not wearing a suit & tie.
ill be the one to say it
we can do all this for a film
and i respect it
i really do
but we cant get out to vote
specially when it affects our livelihood

i understand that seeing black folk kinda gravitate to something a trivial as a disney comic book movie en masse seems comparable to mobilizing to vote, but it's apples and orange race cars...showing out at the show is a whole different thing to going out to vote, a movie requires nothing of you really other than picking a showtime...

whereas the way voting is done in the u.s. (one day, a weekday, when people have to work) is an inconvenience for many people, which isn't to excuse it but it is a reality, it also requires some attention to the candidates, to weigh pros & cons, and to make choices that may positively/negatively impact you & community or you vs your community or maybe it is process from which people might feel is entirely removed from having any impact at all...

these thing aren't the same...

Man this Jewish ran industry crafty as hell.....that part where he gave that family a stack was cringe worthy...

"Heres a random money and ya family look needy as hell"
"This shallow currency will make everything better for you all"

Like got damn a black man and his family an automatic needy charity case????
That family couldn't be a symbol of happiness pride and strength???
That money stack is the necessary help they need???

They really trying thier best to shove Drake down our throats....
Meanwhile Trick Daddy and Luke were doing things for the Miami community for past 25 camera!
Deeper then passing out stacks of currency and writing checks for a music video.

This whole Drake thing just come off I don't know.
The golden child with some big Jewish industry power behind him...
Forced on us so hard...any objective opinion of him being pushed on us as vulture or opportunist backed agenda would be demonized as "hating" by the gullible masses.
Meanwhile the winning of hearts and minds through deception is indeed a well proven tactic to gain the majority.


interesting you think they actually randomly gave a random amount of money to random families, and randomly gave out scholarships to random people? you don't think they worked with anyone in those places to it set all up? granted anytime things like this are filmed, it almost reflexively gives question to the motive and is a lil' corny...

i mean at the end of the vid, the homie explains that he had been in a tough spot trying to get into jobs programs, so while the stack might not solve his family's problems it hopefully gets him on a path to a more stable solution...but maybe i'm missing something that you can go into greater detail about? what agenda is being forwarded in this video (beyond the religious overtones)???

could you elaborate on this a bit more? I'm not sure how pouring up liquor on set in a wave cap helps reinforce the fact that black men can be respectable even if they're not wearing a suit & tie.

i think the point being made there is getting to the idea of "respectability" and also to my mind kinda ties into the criticisms above about how folk were showing out for blank black people can't enjoy/make fun of ourselves in public to be seen by 'others.' like in your view you see & appreciate shannon's perspective as an informed dude and you also acknowledge that those people exist (black & mild smoking, henny drinking, stocking cap sporting, dudes around the way), so why is should it be an issue?

unless you believe sharpe's portrayal to be inauthentic or mocking, it plays into the idea that only certain kinds of people can occupy that space? i think can be a poisonous mindset, if maybe one that was necessary given the history, to always be second guessing the motives of people that look like you...
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