Black Culture Discussion Thread

No doubt bro, you're absolutely right. So, how should I feel about Black people, should I want them to do better without saying it, should I not want them to do better out of fear of sounding like the white media? Help me out
Chris Rock still a clown for that. :smh:

what u didn't like that? i thought he was keeping it real tbh

i guess it depends on how you want to define ''keeping it real' or how serious you take that routine as a truth...i wonder how chris rock thinks of that bit now, as i heard & read some of his takes on things more recently that give me reason to think he would have a nuanced (obviously, it has to be played up to be funny) he was definitely giving a voice to how ALOT of black folk think and it is visible in much of the popular opinion(s) not only in this thread but in the world at on the one hand it can be viewed as a typical in-group jesting, but i do think there is something kinda venomous in drawing that type of distinction that is different than being self deprecating...while it may be semantics, to point out the 'ignorant & lazy" among us is different that pointing out the capacity/moments that everyone has to be "ignorant & lazy"

Anyone seen the trailer for Chiraq?

CHI-RAQ Trailer from 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks on Vimeo.

yes, pretty interested in seeing this, as it appears to be at the least an original (i.e. not based on ), satirical 'black' film that isn't a biopic or (a)historical narrative, and while maybe touching on whats going on in the world it doesn't appear (from the trailer, anyway) to take subjects with such seriousness...
Dr Umar Johnson Explains Anti black Propaganda - YouTube

I've said the same thing, not so much in depth but in general about the media. They control the images of how people are viewed. While the battle between race or cops or economic class is going on, the media is peddling everything and stepping back watching it all, almost like it's a game.
Propaganda is real.

Have you guys seen the viral videos that are being reposted through social media? Most of them stem around kids beating up teachers.
I've been seeing videos from 2011, 2013 and one from earlier this year going viral all over again. Really? Just another way to justify the latest controversy that happened in South Carolina :smh:
what u didn't like that? i thought he was keeping it real tbh

I understand what he's saying but i just dont like his choice in words.

Something about a black person calling other black people ****** in a negative context doesn't sit right with me.

"That's my N" ....ok aight whatever
"That N can ball" ....ok I understand

Even, "those N's over there are wylin out"....well yes, yes they are.

But, "I am black but those gentlemen over there are N's" what?

Your literally describing your people in the same exact context of which the word arose.
No more ameliorating the word. Definitely not a term of endearment anymore.

Every demographic has unsavory characters. But now you are saying, yes, those black people perfectly fit the description of a ******.
We can all call them that but please don't call me such a thing because I happen to be an upstanding individual.

You already know that no matter what you do, racists will refer to you using that term. Now you are using the same exact term to try to separate yourself from other black people?

I can easily separate myself from other black people without using an all encompassing slur that can offend all of us no matter what type life we are leading.

Chris Rock can get all the way outta here.

I dont trust or listen to anyone who isn't african/african american talk about my culture but i stumbled across this video he has some valid points
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Tim Wise is that dude. And I don't get a sense of white guilt from him.

Its refreshing that a white person understands without condescendingly detailing the issues we face.
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