Black American Men in Brazil (DOCUMENTARY)

so basically your saying you suck right now.... in life.... in general... if life is based on riches and personal accomplishments.
Yea, that's exactly what I'm saying.:rofl:

I'll be buying my first home in my early early 20s with my parents in the title for a year so that i don't waste that first time home buyer low percentage down payment,(I'd pay 20% since it will be considered as my parent's third home, but since its not as expensive as my second home I've got that covered) and have that house rented out basically paying for itself. Then buy my second home once I graduate and pay around 3% downpayment for a multi -family home and rent that out as well.

I'll definitely want more Once I'm approaching my 30s,Who knows. Can you judge me for being a little ambitious?

This explains a lot.
so basically your saying you suck right now.... in life.... in general... if life is based on riches and personal accomplishments.
Basically he is saying he needs a woman to pay his way. Thats all I interpreted it. A man should make 6 figures by the time he is 35. If you work hard it is definitely not unattainable.
Yea, that's exactly what I'm saying.

I'll be buying my first home in my early early 20s with my parents in the title for a year so that i don't waste that first time home buyer low percentage down payment,(I'd pay 20% since it will be considered as my parent's third home, but since its not as expensive as my second home I've got that covered) and have that house rented out basically paying for itself. Then buy my second home once I graduate and pay around 3% downpayment for a multi -family home and rent that out as well.

I'll definitely want more Once I'm approaching my 30s,Who knows. Can you judge me for being a little ambitious?
no...but im basing off of your definition...and by those are faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from the riches man in the world. And no offense faaaaaaaaaaaar from the most educated seeing you said you are in your early 20's unless you started post secondary education in yur pre-teens or something. So if thats the scale... you by your admission your life as it stands, is taking a huge l.

plus how will owning that house develop you as a person? How will it evolve you as a person? How will it build your character? If anything it will put you in a position to whereas women will overlook those flaws...and end of the day basically say well hes rich and can support me. You have basically said im putting myself in a position to be a trick/simp...but its cool because i have a degree which seperates me from all the others. Not saying you will marry someone like this. but giving the facts considering and weighing it all in. more then likely that ould be the case with the exception of the women you tricking will have a formal education to hang her hat on.
the block feature

black women ARE for the most part superficial...

you got ******* thats med techs, driving 09 Honda Accords thinkin they "boss *******,"

so what do you expect from one with a Masters clearing 100k/yr...

I feel like its the same thing as the dude who's a douche in HS that becomes the overcompensating, d*ckhead cop.

Some people just dont handle success/authority well...
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That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm simply saying that I'm not giving any girl any handouts. If she isn't making nearly as much as I'm making, I'm sorry but I don't see myself reaching my long term goals with you.

I used an example of "Rich" girl, as in multi-millionaire. I would much rather marry a multi millionaire than a minimum wage earning girl that loves me to death.Not so she can pay for me, I'll be living more than fine with my income alone.

But to have a multi millionaire as your wife means you will blow past your goals you set out to achieve. Thus, giving a better quality of life to you, your family, and your children, rather than living exceptional for only yourself with a 6 figure income.

lol why did u even respond to that. Actually, YES I'm looking for a woman to pay my way. I'm gonna be averaging 500000 when its all said and done, but I'm actually looking for a woman who is better than I am in achievements. I think whatcanisay is saying he's too good for most women. For me to marry someone she needs to bring more to the table than women are easy. I can have sex whenever the hell I want, but to start a family with a woman she needs to literally be a goddess in every sense of the word.
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm simply saying that I'm not giving any girl any handouts. If she isn't making nearly as much as I'm making, I'm sorry but I don't see myself reaching my long term goals with you.

I used an example of "Rich" girl, as in multi-millionaire. I would much rather marry a multi millionaire than a minimum wage earning girl that loves me to death.Not so she can pay for me, I'll be living more than fine with my income alone.

But to have a multi millionaire as your wife means you will blow past your goals you set out to achieve. Thus, giving a better quality of life to you, your family, and your children, rather than living exceptional for only yourself with a 6 figure income.
Just so we are clear, I am not gunning for a traditional family. I'll take care of my kid (when and if I have one) and myself.

I am not gunning to be a partner in a cpa firm. I have met a few. They started out at a half a mipl and now make 1-3 mill a year. However to get to that point you have to work 80 hour workweeks. That isnt for me. I expect to be making at least 250 a year by the time my kid is in college.
With that salary i could take care of myself and at least two kids. I dont see how you cant take care of a two child family by yourself with wifey making enough to take care of herself.

Edit: no handouts need to be given to have a great family life
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lol why did u even respond to that. Actually, YES I'm looking for a woman to pay my way. I'm gonna be averaging 500000 when its all said and done, but I'm actually looking for a woman who is better than I am in achievements. I think whatcanisay is saying he's too good for most women. For me to marry someone she needs to bring more to the table than women are easy. I can have sex whenever the hell I want, but to start a family with a woman she needs to literally be a goddess in every sense of the word.
Looks like there will be no family in your future (and there is nothing wrong with that)
chicks is unicorn rare b.

and if they do exist they're da ones in da videos talkin bout "i aint messing wit no dude who aint clockin 6 figures"

so hmmm my choices would be "deal with a loyal broke pretty broad who deals with you as a man, or a chick who looks at you like "what

can you do for me"

and da answer is simple, da video posted is a perfect example of dudes no putting up with it.
Not my ideal, I'd want my future companion to have something going for her but the loyal part, pretty part, and "who deals with you as a man" part are what i need.  I don't want no stuck up entitled woman.  A woman with goals who can do her own thing, but she still respects me as a man.
Not my ideal, I'd want my future companion to have something going for her but the loyal part, pretty part, and "who deals with you as a man" part are what i need.  I don't want no stuck up entitled woman.  A woman with goals who can do her own thing, but she still respects me as a man.
which turns the thread full circle...because those traits of independence....self reliant etc.... have women thinking i dont have to deal with you as a man.or respect you as a man. Basically those women want to wear the pants at the job and in the relationship...and believe a degree and a high paying job entitles them to do so seeing as society traditionally said thats what made a man.
The shallowness goes both ways when it comes to thinking having money makes you superior. Not discrediting the benefits of money but peoples perceived relation to it. A human being and money are two separate entities. People like to think they become money rather than seeing it based on it's objective value.
Real talk anyone that puts that much of his self worth into having a degree has some serious self esteem issues.

Get help whatcanisay.
i hit you back on the PM brah....

i got a homey here w/ me at ATT that's interested...

hit me back.
as a dominican, i can definitely speak on this.

American born Dominican girls and Dominican girls are definitely different.

to put it a way everyone can understand, da dream of alot of dominicans is make his money here and go back to DR to either live or find

himself a beautiful wife...da chicks over there like alot of guys already said in this thread possess "old world femininity" they are traditional,

they cater to their men, they cook, clean, love their men, and dont come across NEARLY as materialistic as their Americablack women are gonna be extinct if they dont lower their standards, because frankly alot of them are undesirable to other races, and da thing

that men have ALWAYS held over women is we dont CARE how much money a women has, if we dont like em we wont be with em

vs a women where she makes that her MAIN GOAL.

but i dont want my sistahs to go anywhere...

i lubbem... that butt... that skin... them yambs...

:frown: :frown:
One thing about niketalk is its always easy to tell who really doesnt have any life experience. Some of the logic in here is hysterical and naive. Id love to revisit this thread in eight years after reality strikes in a few lives in here. Give me street smarts, charisma, savvy and a knack for innovation and entrepreneurship with some wisdom over having a degree or not. We all have different paths in life and our perspectives are honed based on those paths. I don't knock those that go to school because its a great experience. Not going to school is a great experience as well. Like I said earlier once you start making money all is forgiven either way. I got hell from my family for being true to myself and believing in my dream and not going to school for it because it wasn't necessary to accomplish what I wanted to do. As soon as I started clocking tho I suddenly went from the black sheep to the golden goose. Life is funny like that. Focus and sacrifice are the keys to living a healthy and successful life. I could care less about what the opposite sex thinks if their love is based off conditions, it isnt real anyway. When it comes to love whether you approach it from a Disney fantasy or a business agreement its still a crap shoot.
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