Bill O'Reilly gets OWNED

he got own3d with,

"i got dirt on you a current affair ____, aint you?"

after he started belligerently talking over dame dash and cam....

dame was all "bill....bill...lets keep this civil bill......"

to which bill responded with some juvenile comeback such as "this is my show, when you get your show, do what you want"

which is when cam starts clowning mercilessly...


how you getting child-clowned on your own syndicated talk show?

lol@"his record, "purple haze" is about %%$$$$! and %*%*"


and luda's "move #@#%%" is about shooting cops, too...

-eyes roll-
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

George Tiller was first discussed on The O'Reilly Factoron February 25, 2005. Subsequently Tiller was discussed in at least 28 episodes before his death. On the show he was sometimes described as "Tiller the Baby Killer". Though O'Reilly claims that he did not come up with the nickname, as he was just reporting what activists said. Host Bill O'Reilly also warned of Tiller's "judgment day".[sup][23][/sup]

On November 3, 2006, O'Reilly featured an exclusive segment on his The O'Reilly Factor, saying that he had an "inside source" with official clinic documentation indicating that George Tiller performed late-term abortions to alleviate "temporary depression" in the pregnant woman.[sup][24][/sup] Tiller responded to O'Reilly's statements by demanding an investigation into the "inside source" through which the information was leaked, suggesting that Phill Kline, then the Kansas Attorney General, was responsible. Kline denied the charge. O'Reilly also interviewed a woman who allegedly got pregnant when she was 13 and received an abortion from Tiller.[sup][25][/sup]


It's a very strong possibility that O'Reilly truly does have blood on his hands.

dude, you can't go saying that stuff. What is the difference between Bill-O saying that and accusing Bill-O of the same thing? Leave the nuttiness to those rationalizing his death.
what's the difference between a major media talking head calling for a "baby killer's" "justice" on his syndicated time slot and a NTer suggesting that maybe bill's threats have something to do with the doc's death?

did you really just ask that?


you expect a serious, non-condescending response, as well?

sorry, i can't provide that.

No dude. I understand there is a difference in telling a board and telling the nation. I wasn't disputing that. All I was pointing out that blaming Billfor that doctor's murder is as bad as what Bill was blaming on that woman. It's hard to be against all that Bill has said and then agree with blamingBill for the same thing.
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Don't Republicans ever get mad that their main representation is hateful, irrational douches like O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingram, Coulter, etc. akin to how some black people hate like Flava Flav type characters, under the assumption "they're making us all look bad?"
yea, we do. bill oreilly is nuts
I dont get how anyone still takes this dude seriously. He's the walking definition of irony.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Boy, I can't wait for TBONE to come in here and set you guys straight with some ratings numbers. He'll sure show you!

Yeah, you know, its quite funny that someone who is so far to the right that he might as well be the elephant has a tendency to be such an @ss
This thread shows why I hate far right and far left people. Y'all are a bunch of tools.
- I fail to see how Papa Bear got owned
- Lady was a terrible orator
- I find it funny that a lot of the people for abortion are against capital punishment
- I don't object to abortion on moral grounds based off of religion, I instead object to it based off the fact that if you kill a baby a split second afterit passes the vaginal walls it's murder. How stupid, what the hell changed in that fraction of a second.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

why social conservatives get behind the rationale for advocating this guy's murder is beyond me.

"murder is wrong, BUT....I understand _(insert anti-abortion rationale here)___"

really?... what kind of a message is that sending?
I agree. It's a half-hearted attempt at showing they don't advocate killing. I don't really understand what is to gain by saying you understand the motives of the killer.

i don't agree with his death and i am COMPLETELY on the fence about abortion.

but if i was a firm believe in "abortion is murder" why the hell wouldn't i be a little happy about his murder? in my eyes, his death would save hundreds of lives. sure, murder is still wrong, but in this case, for certain people, wouldn't it be for the greater good?

yes, i understand the greater implications of it, namely that regardless of what you believe in you have to respect the laws, otherwise they are meaningless. not to mention taking a life is still taking a life, etc. etc.
if someone would have just taken bush jr.'s life before we invaded many lives would have been saved...

if we would just take rush limbaugh's life, so much bigotry and hate will be abolished...

if we would just take...

you want me to continue?

you can see the rationale behind murdering an innocent man?

then, certainly, you can see the rationale behind a woman "murdering" a fetus that has no right to use her body, right?


senseless murder will never be for "the greater good"

as much as i hate rush limbaugh and wish he was off the air, i couldn't condone someone murdering him...i mean, he's soulless, but he has a family and such....(i think)

you explain to this doctor's family how murdering him is for the greater good....


and while abortion is a major moral grey area, imo, if you don't have a uterus, you have no place in the argument....

which is why i turn the decision over to women, completely...

im not pro-abortion, i'm pro-choice, because, i think a woman should be able to have control over her own body...period....whether she wants to abort the baby or not...

why must anti-abortionists force their belief, based on religion, upon others?

it's's up to the individual whether to abort or not...the moral decision is left up to the individual...

anti-abortionists would rather force their values and views upon the rest of the population, BY FORCE...

you think it's wrong? cool, don't get em...

but you have no authority or right to infringe upon the next woman's decision....


really guy? make some interesting, somewhat intellectual points instead of yammering about how his murder is akin to murdering the former president. ihope you're smart enough to see the distinction between someone who performs abortions as his profession and someone who must make foreign policy decisionswhere every choice has consequences that include death, political oppression, etc. etc.

you seem to miss the part where i say that none of this is my viewpoint, i'm merely describing how it could be justified, somewhat, if we take the viewthat abortion is, in fact, wrong and akin to murder, a viewpoint that differs from your own and one that you seem to be unable to grasp.

stop trying to tell me it's wrong, that abortion is right, etc. - that's beside the point. i'm not here to say whether abortion is right or wrong.i'm glad you have your mind so made up about it, but to me it's very much a grey area.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Don't Republicans ever get mad that their main representation is hateful, irrational douches like O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, Ingram, Coulter, etc. akin to how some black people hate like Flava Flav type characters, under the assumption "they're making us all look bad?"
have you ever seen radical democrats? it goes both ways homie ... yall got nancy pelosi as your spokesowoman ... and just for the record, Limbaugh right now, would demolish any democrat in a debate ... dude does his research and doesnt just spit the same old regurgitated bs that hannity and beck spit ...

He cant even win a debate w/ repubs
I seriously want to know how Glen Beck got his own show?....Seems like the political nerd from HS who never really knew what he was talking about.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

No dude. I understand there is a difference in telling a board and telling the nation. I wasn't disputing that. All I was pointing out that blaming Bill for that doctor's murder is as bad as what Bill was blaming on that woman. It's hard to be against all that Bill has said and then agree with blaming Bill for the same thing.

, what does that even mean?

Look, bill's 28 segments on the doctor have much more influence than you'd like to admit, criticizing bill for that is not the same all.

i didn't watch the video...i be at i don't really care what he was saying to her or what she was saying to him...

i don't see how pro-lifers scream for the infant's "right to life," while advocating the murder of another person who TRULY has a right tolife...


but then again, conservatives LOVE being irrational, illogical and downright contradictory...

everything they say, do and argue is based on their "morality"...aka PERSONAL belief....aka their particular viewpoint.....aka things not everyoneelse believes....

say what you want about liberals, but at least they seem to grasp the fact that you can't force your personal beliefs on everyone else, especially beliefsbased in a religion less than half of the country follows....

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

stop trying to tell me it's wrong, that abortion is right, etc. -

if that's what you've gathered from my posts, that "abortion is right, etc.", then you, sir, are a moron...

good day.

(don't quote me anymore)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

No dude. I understand there is a difference in telling a board and telling the nation. I wasn't disputing that. All I was pointing out that blaming Bill for that doctor's murder is as bad as what Bill was blaming on that woman. It's hard to be against all that Bill has said and then agree with blaming Bill for the same thing.
, what does that even mean?

Look, bill's 28 segments on the doctor have much more influence than you'd like to admit, criticizing bill for that is not the same all.

i didn't watch the video...i be at i don't really care what he was saying to her or what she was saying to him...

i don't see how pro-lifers scream for the infant's "right to life," while advocating the murder of another person who TRULY has a right to life...


but then again, conservatives LOVE being irrational, illogical and downright contradictory...

everything they say, do and argue is based on their "morality"...aka PERSONAL belief....aka their particular viewpoint.....aka things not everyone else believes....

say what you want about liberals, but at least they seem to grasp the fact that you can't force your personal beliefs on everyone else, especially beliefs based in a religion less than half of the country follows....

Yo, I don't know if you are talking about me or not....but I am absolutely pro-choice. All I was saying is saying that Bill has blood on hishands in the case of Dr. Tiller is lowering yourself to his tactics. I wasn't saying anything about abortion or whatever. Just pointing out that both aredespicable claims. That's all dude.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

No dude. I understand there is a difference in telling a board and telling the nation. I wasn't disputing that. All I was pointing out that blaming Bill for that doctor's murder is as bad as what Bill was blaming on that woman. It's hard to be against all that Bill has said and then agree with blaming Bill for the same thing.
, what does that even mean?

Look, bill's 28 segments on the doctor have much more influence than you'd like to admit, criticizing bill for that is not the same all.

i didn't watch the video...i be at i don't really care what he was saying to her or what she was saying to him...

i don't see how pro-lifers scream for the infant's "right to life," while advocating the murder of another person who TRULY has a right to life...


but then again, conservatives LOVE being irrational, illogical and downright contradictory...

everything they say, do and argue is based on their "morality"...aka PERSONAL belief....aka their particular viewpoint.....aka things not everyone else believes....

say what you want about liberals, but at least they seem to grasp the fact that you can't force your personal beliefs on everyone else, especially beliefs based in a religion less than half of the country follows....

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

stop trying to tell me it's wrong, that abortion is right, etc. -

if that's what you've gathered from my posts, that "abortion is right, etc.", then you, sir, are a moron...

good day.

(don't quote me anymore)

that's not all i've "gathered" from your posts, but that is one of the points you have made- you clearly view it as something that should beallowed and something that only women should have a say in.

quite an elementary, cliché argument for someone with the arrogance to imply i didn't understand what his post. nice job avoiding all the points i made infavor of a pathetic attempt at an insult.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Yo, I don't know if you are talking about me or not....but I am absolutely pro-choice. All I was saying is saying that Bill has blood on his hands in the case of Dr. Tiller is lowering yourself to his tactics. I wasn't saying anything about abortion or whatever. Just pointing out that both are despicable claims. That's all dude.

how is suggesting that maybe one of bill's 28 segments monsterizing and dehumanizing a doctor may have had just alittle something to do with the doc's death a "despicable" claim?

how is making that claim the same as leading a public campaign, with a months-worth of time slots, to monster-ize someone?

the answer is; they arent. not even close....laughable to suggest they are, imo....

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

stop trying to tell me it's wrong, that abortion is right, etc. -

if that's what you've gathered from my posts, that "abortion is right, etc.", then you, sir, are a moron...

good day.

(don't quote me anymore)

that's not all i've "gathered" from your posts, but that is one of the points you have made- you clearly view it as something that should be allowed and something that only women should have a say in.

quite an elementary, cliché argument for someone with the arrogance to imply i didn't understand what his post. nice job avoiding all the points i made in favor of a pathetic attempt at an insult.
i told you to stop quoting me. I do think women should be allowed to make the decision for themselves, because i think women should have the rightto control their own body....just like every human should have the right to control their own body.....

this is my point:

(for a 3rd time...)

I am under the belief that women are free to do what they want with their bodies....whether it be abortion or to choose to keep the baby...

you all believe that they should have their right to their own body stripped of them, by the government, because YOU think it's wrong, morally...

you want to strip women's rights because of a personal belief...

i think that's stupid...and not what this country is about.....

whether it be abortion or carrying a baby.....forcing your personal belief on someone else who may or may not even believe the same thing you stupid..

you think it's wrong? cool, you and yours will never abort and youll get into heaven just fine...

stop trying to force your beliefs on another population of people...period.

like i said, conservatives are arrogant enough to think they can force their ideals on if they are the upmost expert on morality....everythingthey decide and believe is somehow "right" and "proper"'s not enough that they "follow" their own beliefs(we see hownot well that usually ends), they want EVERYONE to be MANDATED by GOVERNMENT to follow THEIR personal beliefs...

how in the world are you an advocate for smaller, less intrusive government (only to criticize our new president, btw....), but support legislation to give thegovernment the authority to tell a woman that she HAS to give her body up to a fetus?

you want smaller government, but you want to give them more unconstitutional power over the lives and bodies of every American woman?


the contradictions continue!

i told you to stop quoting me.

btw, the only other person that should have any say whatsoever is the man that provided the other half of the fetus' genes...and even then, he has like a30 percent say......does he carry the fetus in his body for 9 months? does he go through the pain and hormonal imbalances? no...he doesn't...he doesn'thave to grant the fetus access to his body, therefore, he has much less of a say in the matter....
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