Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Quick question about the scene with the battery. How did Jimmy know Chuck wouldn't respond to the battery being in his pocket? Does that mean his illness is only in his mind which is why he only responds to "electromagnetic activity" when he sees it or knows it is there vs when he doesn't?

Chuck has a mental disorder. He's not really allergic to electromagnetic waves or whatever the ****. If he sees batteries or appliances he has a psychosomatic response but that doesn't mean that it's really harming him.
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Damn. With all of this being set up, it feels like Walt was the villain. Kinda crazy when you think about it.
"y'know like s'all good man" 

and the legend was born
We finally got the first Saul Goodman appearance :pimp:

That commercial brought the lulz :lol:
^ I thought the opposite. I don't think she's with that first glimpse she got of Saul. I don't think she's with that one bit.
^ I thought the opposite. I don't think she's with that first glimpse she got of Saul. I don't think she's with that one bit.

I agree with this, Saul Goodman was a clown in that commercial. Even Jimmy knew that, that's why he looked so hesitant to show her the commercial.
Just crazy folks can see it two different ways.

I'm 101% positive she's down with Saul. 

Sounds like you guys are completely the opposite. 

I find that pretty amazing.
That's the thing I love about Giancarlo being such a great actor. It really opened my eyes and had me like :wow: when I started noticing he was the black guy in certain shows and movies.

As for Kim,i go back to her facial reactions while listening to the tape. She's getting to or at the point that she's only with Jimmy out of guilt. All this Saul **** is giving her a good reason to dip. Just had to go too far.
It's going to get to the point where she will start to question whether she's with James McGill or Slippin' Jimmy/Saul Goodman. At that point she'll realize he's never going to change and she'll leave him.
I don't see it that way at all.

I think she was impressed.

I think he keeps finding ways to show and prove.

She wanted to close the office thinking they wouldn't be able to pay and Jimmy, her man, wasn't having it.

When Jimmy said "the day I don't show up with my half, we can close it", she had a face that said "wow,  my man will take care of it"

That's how it felt to me anyway.

And then when she saw the video, as shocked as she was, she was speechless, and again I think she was like "my man is making moves getting **** done" not "omg this is embarrassing"

She is the same shorty that pulled the short hop con with him and was turned on having fun, not some "I don't approve of the hustle" type, imo.


I reckon we will find out soon enough.
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