Ben Baller Tells The Truth About Sasha Singleton Vol. We All Knew It Wouldn't Work

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I feel bad for ben, but he knew what he was getting in to the second he started to date her. Why air her out now? What's the point?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I feel bad for ben, but he knew what he was getting in to the second he started to date her. Why air her out now? What's the point?

As much as it might not make you a better man, it definitely feels good to get that stuff off your chest.
some of you dudes try too hard.
actin like you dont care....if you didnt care, you wouldnt have come into the thread nor felt the need to tell people you dont care. You probably care themost.

anyway...the funniest thing about this to me was that he aired her out on some gossip tip. Spillin on things she said and people she talked about. Im not madat it, but its an emotional move. And truthfully, after all this, he SHOULD be emotional...he was gonna marry ol'girl...she was gonna have his child. toact like its no sweat that this is over would be fake.

granted, he prolly shoulda deaded all this a LONG time ago, but I give dude props for not puttin hands on her. some of the stuff he said......yo....and trustme when I say I in NO way condone striking a woman, BUT she was super foul in some of those instances. She mighta caught 1 or 2 had I been in that situation
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr


Damn....she is really filling that Gucci bra.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Dude's bout to sneak her w. that left hand....i aint mad[/color]
The Night crew has arrived... Ben I'm sorry to hear about this but you had to see it coming she's still in he 20's no way she was changing herlifestyle completely..Girls a fool is she was broke before this and she has an engagement ring bigger than celebs own and getting diamonds and taking care ofand she still messes up shes a fool and sorry to say your a fool for putting up with it that long. As soon as I saw her snorting snow white it would have beenover.
I started laughing when I read this part because dude by giving her a rock the size of Kansas definitely got played, hustled, and pimped by thisfemale. And let me get this right, girl is 30 years old and still doing GO GO dancing gigs?
The hell? She needs to grow up and stop acting like a drunk 21 year old skeez.Take those fake boobs away, those fake eye lashes, and all that make up, she becomes another plain Jane however with less brain cells.
This seems so impulsive. No good is gonna come from airing her out like this. If anything it just makes him look worse, than just calling it off.
Damn I can't believe I read all that. SMH at her for not taking care of what she shouldve been and having her priorities all +#%%%* up. Stay up Ben.
got damn thats alot of words. I couldnt read it and I really tried despite the massive wall.
It's sad, I found the thread funny months ago where the guy was saying he has been with her.. but this isn't funny to me anymore. Ol' girl ismessed up in the head, Ben was crazy to have not cut her loose a long time ago.. I mean, even NT predicted the outcome. Keep your head up though Ben!
Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

I wouldn't wish the year Ben has been thru on anybody...Losing one of your best friends is bad enough,but with all the issues of his relationship plus losing your child which has to be gut-wrenching beyond belief...Keep your head up...
this man speaks the truth.. nobody deserves to go through that
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