Ben Baller Tells The Truth About Sasha Singleton Vol. We All Knew It Wouldn't Work

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Originally Posted by syxth element

Yup she really is an alchy

Originally Posted by oo206oo

SMH at people acting like dude didnt lose his unborn child.

Jumpoff or not, bad choices with said chick or not....he still lost a child.

NT is beyond brutal sometimes.
i concur.

everybody just wanna be the 129817th funny guy to say i told you so.
LilStarZ07 wrote:
real talk, if you have a kid with someone who has the capacity to actually lose a child because of how they act, no sympathy for you partna ... ESPECIALLY if you stuntin like he claims he is ...

what does that have to do with stuntin?

its not like he can control can voice your concern but at the end of the day people are gonna do what they wanna do...unfortunately she didn'twant to do the right thing...
Keithdajuiceman wrote:
When is he going to ditch this broad ?

Son, did you not read anything in this entire thread?!

And oo206oo, you're right. While I was reading the blog, I felt for dude when he got real personal and started talking about the miscarriage. Man damn.. Iknow he's pissed. Condolences to you Ben. I know you've been through plenty of breakups in the past, so you know how to deal with it... Even thoughthis is of a much larger caliber. You'll be ight homey.
Major props to Ben for actually putting up with the woman's crap. Also props for deading that.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Thats prolly the only sad part about this story, dude lost his seed.
But after all that abuse she was doing to her body, baby couldn't
have survived in her rotten cesspool of a womb. Baby is in a better place.
wow, can't believe I just read the whole thing. And its crazy all the Bullcrap he went through while he was with her.

Stay up, Ben.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Keithdajuiceman wrote:
When is he going to ditch this broad ?

Son, did you not read anything in this entire thread?!

And oo206oo, you're right. While I was reading the blog, I felt for dude when he got real personal and started talking about the miscarriage. Man damn.. I know he's pissed. Condolences to you Ben. I know you've been through plenty of breakups in the past, so you know how to deal with it... Even though this is of a much larger caliber. You'll be ight homey.
I didn't read his blog but if that's the case, I guess it's a blessing in disguise. How can you raise a kid when you can't eventake care of yourself?
They say you cant turn a bad girl good, but once a good girl gone bad she gone forever...................JIGGA

Guess Sasha relates to the first part
I'm not much of a fan of this guy, but if that's all true (which I could easily believe) I feel bad for him... Stay up man
i hope you learned your lesson on not to wife a 30 year old gogo dancer, find a lawyer, doctor, pharmacist, a real profession to settle down with
look guys, excessive drinking and drug abuse during the first trimester could have almost certainly caused major damage to the child, the pregnancy was doomedfrom the jump and im pretty sure by dudes willingness to share this with the whole world he knows that.
its a terrible situation, and as painful that situation may have been the years that would have almost certainly followed would have been worse.
no matter how you slice it Ben is winning by this ending now.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Keithdajuiceman wrote:
When is he going to ditch this broad ?

Son, did you not read anything in this entire thread?!

And oo206oo, you're right. While I was reading the blog, I felt for dude when he got real personal and started talking about the miscarriage. Man damn.. I know he's pissed. Condolences to you Ben. I know you've been through plenty of breakups in the past, so you know how to deal with it... Even though this is of a much larger caliber. You'll be ight homey.

That was the part that got me, the man was happy to have a family was planning a new chapeter in his life made personal life changes and to have that gone.Plus it hit because I was there for my own Sister when she went through a miscarriage a few years ago.
Why isnt there any pics of her??? IF INAPPROPRIATE PLEASE DELETE.





If Ben actually digs through this post to read all these replies
: NT still has love for you, homie.
Keep your head up.
Originally Posted by HOVKid


All I can say is nobody deserves to have to live with someone like that. Ben, you don't know me from a whole in the wall and I don't know much of anything about you but a word of advice: chill on the playboy model/import model/club scene chicks. Yes, they have fake boobs and their bodies are sick and they are hot as hell, but they are not "right" in the head, as exemplifies by this Sasha girl.

After seeing my wife with our daughter, I could not imagine what kind of woman would neglect or even have no relationship with her child. That is just disgusting. The drugs and all that are just the icing on the cake. A little weed once in a while is cool for a chick, but pills and coke? Dude.....

IMHO, you could meet a decent girl that will live and die by you if you treat her half as well and you treated this girl. She may not be the hottest thing ever, but there's no reason she can't be beautiful and if she is not part of that scene, I can almost bet you'll be getting a real girl that will stay by your side no matter what.

Again, you have no idea who I am, but at least think about it.

this guy knows what he's talking about.
damn i cant believe i read all that. I dont even read that much for school !%%$.
Stay up Ben.
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