Ben Baller Tells The Truth About Sasha Singleton Vol. We All Knew It Wouldn't Work

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Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Cliff are a couple post down... i kno nobody would read it all... i just tried to be the first to make the thread
I have a disclaimer, what I'm about to do is single handedly expose a woman's life who has back stabbed me and betrayed me beyond belief. I wasn't necessarily oblivious to our relationship, I just focused on providing for her and mainly getting super busy with my grind so we could proceed to start a family. I'm actually not even exposing her out of spite, I'm doing this as a good Samaritan to for warn all the men out there who don't know better so they don't get caught up. I'm lightweight embarrassed but I'm more excited about releasing all the negativity that has surrounded me for the past year.... why write this and talk about this in bad taste? sorry, the !$$++ just deserves this. AGAIN, I'M STATING FACTS AND ACTUAL OCCURRENCES, NO FALSE TALES OR LIES... It took a lot for me to write these things about my personal life and her's so understand that I'm saying this in a fully coherent clear state of mind. I've thought about this for a good 48 hours sober.... so here we go

So it begins with a girl named Cije Singleton aka her stage name Sasha Singleton who started out modeling for playboy magazine just over 10 years ago.... from there she went to the import scene and made a name for herself and was named HIN model of the year... blah blah blah...

so let's get to Cije's background... she has a 8 year old son who she barely sees and basically neglects, gives him false hope and empty promises and yet it took me this year to fix and bond the relationship between her baby's father and herself after almost 6 months of not even visiting him once.... why did I do this? I will keep it funky again.... after a few weeks of dating her, I found out Cije aka Sasha was pregnant with my child. now understand, I pack plastic like no other, I even wore a condom almost 95% of the time in all my past relationships... anyways, I didn't after a few times because I felt for the 1st time, damn, I'm dating a woman in her 30's who's sorta got her *$*% together(whoops on my part for not doing a bigger background check) so anyways.... she basically got %$%%#$ over by her ex bf(so she says) who is a club promoter... and had to move in with her brother's boyfriend's house and basically sleep on a couch... 1 of the reasons why she didn't want her son there in that house on top of the fact that the owner of the house was a complete drug addict and she ended up using him as well, which is sad..... but I won't lie, waking up next to sasha in the morning is a site to see, she goes the extra route to take care of her skin and everything.... but the insides are rotten to the core. of course with any relationship, the early part is always bliss and we moved fast. It's different no doubt when you're 36 dating compared to when you're 24 dating, you cut out all the *$%+$!#@ and don't waste time, you get to the chase, don't play games, if you like/love someone and they feel the same way, live your life! well, I don't like wasting time and we damn near did a 2 year relationship easily inside 6 months.... I won't even front, my reputation for being a player was a bad one, but I CHANGED MY LIFESTYLE COMPLETELY 1000% for this woman when I found out she was carrying my seed. I even deleted many girl's #'s out of my phone so she wouldn't give me any *$*% about me %$%#@** around or misbehaving.... I have many people who can testify this as well as her being pregnant. When I found out the good news about a baby on the way, I immediately called my best friend Jonas, called my dad/mom and sister and brother and told them I'm gonna be a dad..... oh and my cousins.... the problem is that I didn't know she had a cocaine addiction and severe drinking problem. I knew she liked to drink and everyone who goes out knows she likes to drink.... but cmon now, you're not that %$%#@** stupid? you're carrying a child? we've had 3 hour convo's about how she is TOTALLY AGAINST abortion so why would you jeopardize the baby's life? She seemed coherent when she agreed to stop any drinking (at worst, she said she may have a couple glasses of wine a week in the 1st trimester only when she's super stressed) and so we started to proceed in parenthood. This would be her 2nd child, so I trusted her with all the prenatal caring and such.... we even had names ready, chloe if it was a girl, max if it was a boy.... she went to the doctor after the pregnancy tests to check on her and about 5 weeks pregnant the baby was the size of a pea I guess... anyways, I started to hawk over her, no lie I was very nervous and anxious for this baby as he or she was set to be born right around xmas.... I began to lay down some strict rules, I was dead $#@ serious about this baby. Sasha had promised that she would only work for a couple months until the 1st trimester was done so she could raise some money and she wanted this to be a secret because she said once promoters find out, they won't hire her anymore. I said, *##! working, I can afford to hold you down, we have insurance, don't trip.... but she proceeded to work her nightclub gigs and I didn't know she was still drinking... she'd lie and say "oh I had a glass of wine" "I'm anxious, I'm gonna stop taking xanax"... low and behold, she was full of *$*%... she was drinking 5 to 6 shots of vodka, multiple glasses of champagne each night she was out and then to calm her nerves she'd do some bumps of that white stuff.... then after all that, she'd take a xanax to calm her down.... remember, it'd be so late at night that I was too tired to see if she had been drinking or not, her mom knew she was drinking but she'd lie to everyone, she'd try to cover every angle, but YOU CAN'T OUT HUSTLE A HUSTLER, especially one who is better than you! during her pregnancy, she didn't come home 2 times which baffles me because she was out doing drugs and too drunk to make it home (none of friends knew she was pregnant, so they didn't think it was a big deal, meanwhile I look like the crazy one?)... she was scared to tell people that she was pregnant which baffles me, not because the typical couple waits til the 1st trimester to make sure everything is cool... but because she didn't want her friends to know or other people to know she was pregnant because then they wouldn't serve her drinks.... well she went to Beijing, china and I demanded that she told her friends amber, lisa and thai that she was pregnant on that long trip to asia and of course she didn't.... she got drunk there to the point of inebriation on the trip and I didn't know til way after... She claims also, she didn't want people in her business, so she was real big on keeping the baby private, she said, if she didn't drink then girls would ask her, why isn't she drinking? (umm how bout why don't you mind your %$%#@** business?) she was still sniffing and just acting out of her mind. Finally the day came where she was driving to an interview for a car show and she couldn't make it because she had sharp pains hitting under her stomach... she pulled over and called me... I was driving near lax and she was at kaiser hospital off cadillac and la cienega, so I drove with the quickness, like I literally drove like a madman worried to death! when I get to the hospital, there sasha is in a frantic mood and just so hysterical I had to grab her tightly to calm her down.... she had what was inevitable... a miscarriage and it happened right in front of me and her, my baby girl or baby boy went down the toilet, then she took some blood tests to make sure she was okay and obviously she had lost the baby.... now I have a traditional mother, so I made sure to propose to her before having a baby and make sure we didn't have a baby out of wedlock.... I felt it was the honorable thing to do in my mind... I was so excited about the baby and since some of her friends especially the one who is my homey who hooked us up together had nothing but good things to say about her, I kinda went in like the triple lindy dive. Her close friend had found out she was pregnant too, so she got her *$*% straight and quit drinking and even faked like she was drinking so other girls wouldn't question her... because of some of Sasha's dumb $#@ hormone issues, we missed her baby shower and for other reasons beyond our control.

After Sasha lost the baby, her hormones and body started to fight back and they took control of her... she started binge drinking again to the point of her getting belligerent and again with the coke.... she started to freak out and almost got me thrown out of my residence by the property management and HOA. She began to scream crazy and called the police acting reminiscent of ginger rothstein from the movie casino... her brother tried to calm her down, his new boyfriend even tried and he works for the district attorney's office... she was out of control. she also had a 7am call time for Entourage the next day(when it came to a check, or good publicity, she'd never miss a job, no matter what, she'd miss her best friends wedding if the job was good enough), so she packed her *$*% and went to her brothers house, but later called me saying she missed me and that she's sorry, she went crazy and begged me to please forgive her.... anyways, I proceed with the relationship and we wait a little while to try again.... but I start to have doubts and for good reasons.... I realized that the only thing she really cared about in this world was her brother and sometimes her mom and booking jobs... well to be honest, she's the only 30 year old woman I know that is still gogo dancing and I told her, let's figure out something you can do that's outside the nightclubs because it's obviously affecting you heavily and affecting our relationship, she agrees and is scared because it's a hard transition to make... all she knows is dancing, car shows and semi-model gigs.... so even if I offered to pay for her bills, but she'd rather work the few gigs she could get and kiss these promoters %@@%+(who she always talked *$*% about on a regular basis) and I never understood why? for free drinks? for $200? *##! this and get a real job and start waking up before 4pm.... I don't know why, but she had major trust issues with men that must stem from her childhood.. I don't know. I hate secrets and she has waaay too many of them. but I proceed with caution and from what I knew she had stopped doin coke, but and even slowed down on the drinking for a while...

I won't lie, I had hopes of starting a family and honestly I thought at this age, Sasha has to realize I'm the best thing she has going for her... we eat well, she lives in a nice place, we travel, etc.... our sex life is even very healthy and we rarely fight(mostly because I let a lot of *$*% slide) Even after making things really cool with her baby's dad, she still starts to *##! up, so he has to cc me the emails he sends to her so I can get on her on going to see her son and I did... btw, her baby's dad has full custody of their son because one week a couple years ago Sasha was out getting drunk on her son's school nights and he missed 4 days of school and the school finally called the dad because they were worried he might flunk 1st grade? like seriously? cmon... I actually felt bad. so anyways, she lost custody and I wanted to make things right... I'd drive her down to see her son and I even booked hotel rooms for us to stay at to make it more convenient, etc... I'd even give up our bed at home so that he could sleep comfortably.... there were so many sacrifices I made throughout this relationship it's sad... I'm the kinda guy to where if you take 1 step towards me, I'd take 4 steps towards you. After making it cool with her baby's dad, she'd still *##! up and not contact her son enough or make an effort to visit him more often, because she was more focused on gogo'ing or modeling than seeing him. But you see, I don't doubt that in that screwed up mind of hers that she doesn't love her son, I know she does in a very weird way...but I didn't get involved outside that, I just opened my home to him as a good man should do. Sasha has her priorities %$%%#$ up and I hope for her sons sake and nobody elses that she gets it together

once the summer ended, she started to book less gigs, she thought it was because of haters(what she called them)... girls like Doannie or Carolyn or Jeri Lee who Sasha constantly talked *$*% about taking her jobs for less money and drugs... well she started to book gigs over in different areas out of town and 1 weekend I got booked to host an event at the same place she got booked to gogo and take pics.... so we take off to orlando, I tell her to chill out with the drinking and relax and I got my boys with me, so don't make me look bad, don't act loose or so much like a lush.... of course she battles me on that, gets belligerently drunk again and we get back to the hotel and she can barely walk up to the room... one of her stalkers calls her phone at 3am, I'm like, now I aint trippin, but had that be a girl calling me, you'd declare world war III on me! so I ask why is this guy calling you? you sent dude a long email to leave you alone, he tried to propose to you at your brothers house, he posts pics of you and him from 10 months ago and you said you even tried to get a restraining order against him? you blocked him on facebook, bbm and all other areas, so like why do you invite *$%+$!#@ or trouble into your life? because you're worried that people will think you're a !$$++? who gives a *##!? she then begins to become outraged and livid and starts throwing *$*%, throwing cans of soda, acting out... mind you she's 1/2 naked and she is SCREAMING ON THE TOP OF HER LUNGS! inside a hotel... obviously security comes and they have no choice but to call the police. I try to restrain her and she freaks out, never in my life have I hit a woman.... the police come, search me, they tell her to calm down and can see she is drunk out of her mind, but see some marks on her neck from me trying to hold her down from going crazy... I call my boy up, he comes to get me... meanwhile the police let me get my things and while I'm outside explaining my story, Sasha goes and takes my jewelry and hides it so she knows I have to come back and deal with her... at this point, she is just insane... I look like an +#**+@% in front of the police because I'm taking so long to just find the jewels... so I just leave, check into another hotel and she calls my phone blowing me up because she's scared that the police or the promoter is trying to make moves on her, she is refusing to let me get off the phone and I am like "YO, DID YOU NOT JUST SEE THE POLICE ESCORT ME OUT? TELL ME TO LEAVE AND IF I COME BACK, I'M GOING TO JAIL?" I'm not bout to get caught up..... anyways, the next night we go to our event, she promises to have 2 drinks before she dances... she takes a xanax(I had no idea).... she drinks about 5 drinks real fast and her time comes up... she's so sloppy and drunk, its pathetic, she's almost falling over the stage and it's just bad to the point where I'm just embarrassed for her... so I tell her it's time to go, before you make yourself look any worse... thank god we get home to LA safely....

but more drama, her pms and hormones get the best of her, she loses her mind again a few days later and right before our vacation to cabo... I don't know what to say at this point, she gets up and leaves with her car keys and says *##! you, I hate you, I dont want to be with you, I say ok cool... bye, don't come back crying later.... obviously I pack my *$*% and i'm still goin, she has nothing but some shorts and thats her own problem, she's a grown woman who has a severe temper problem. of course, she calls me frantic 20x apologizing and saying she's sorry, she %$%%#$ up so badly, she can't control her temper and she really wants to work things out AGAIN? I'm just over it and from there for real for real. she later begins to take her belongings out of the house and move them into her moms.... like do you really think I'm gonna hold your *$*% hostage? I'm more worried about my own personal belongings. It sucks to put this out there, but I paid the bills, the mortgage, all the above, I gave her carte blanche' and she still didn't appreciate *$*%. Every time she felt like she was in danger or needed someone, I was there like gangbusters! So *##! it, too bad, there's so much more, but I'm getting tired and I just want the public to know the roller coaster ride I had to endure this past year, it's more like Halloween horror nights which is more proper for this month.

the worst part about it is how much she talks *$*% about her friends... not her super close friends, but talking *$*% about her friend amber how she sleeps around and was pregnant by someone from the crooks camp, how she cheated on her bf in china & got a hickey out there and how she was %$%#@** my homey Brent to the drama with her friend Lisa Kaye and how she had too much surgery and how she heard her bf was cheating on her with that fat lil dumpling Carolyn.... and Sasha got scared because she got caught up in some 3 way lie between Amber and Lisa and her boyfriend who was %$%#@** around on here.... it's like damn girl, do you have any respect? you call these girls your homey's? she would freak out if I talked to Lisa Fleming and so I deleted her and avoided her, but she'd still be fake around her but steady talk *$*%. If I don't like someone, then I say *##! you, die slow and don't pretend if it's that serious, no need to say *$*% behind their backs, I'll confront them.

After all that *$%+$!#@, we now come to this past weekend where you made up a fake job/trip to Hawaii? and I got drama here to deal with and you lie about hanging out with one of your stalkers who you say you can't stand and is delusional? I mean you burned your bridge with me. You have nothing on me, what could you say about me? you are a compulsive liar, every single one of your friends and boyfriends know this. your baby daddy even co-signed on all your lies. you are foul.

don't test me girl, I got more ether and much more ammo to destroy you. just crawl into your hole and accept the fact that you %$%%#$ up the best thing in your life. If anything, I made a huge mistake and I'm accepting it. Just leave well enough alone Sasha.

good riddance
you been dealing with herbs, but a man has finally put his foot down and you're just a 30 year old broke homeless clueless heartless person with fake ****. great, go find a fob or sugar daddy who cares...

I'm not bitter, I'm done. you're still begging me to work things out? what is there to work out?


p.s. that *$*% on the dirty wasn't true, but I wish it was....

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Cliff are a couple post down... i kno nobody would read it all... i just tried to be the first to make the thread
I have a disclaimer, what I'm about to do is single handedly expose a woman's life who has back stabbed me and betrayed me beyond belief. I wasn't necessarily oblivious to our relationship, I just focused on providing for her and mainly getting super busy with my grind so we could proceed to start a family. I'm actually not even exposing her out of spite, I'm doing this as a good Samaritan to for warn all the men out there who don't know better so they don't get caught up. I'm lightweight embarrassed but I'm more excited about releasing all the negativity that has surrounded me for the past year.... why write this and talk about this in bad taste? sorry, the !$$++ just deserves this. AGAIN, I'M STATING FACTS AND ACTUAL OCCURRENCES, NO FALSE TALES OR LIES... It took a lot for me to write these things about my personal life and her's so understand that I'm saying this in a fully coherent clear state of mind. I've thought about this for a good 48 hours sober.... so here we go

So it begins with a girl named Cije Singleton aka her stage name Sasha Singleton who started out modeling for playboy magazine just over 10 years ago.... from there she went to the import scene and made a name for herself and was named HIN model of the year... blah blah blah...

so let's get to Cije's background... she has a 8 year old son who she barely sees and basically neglects, gives him false hope and empty promises and yet it took me this year to fix and bond the relationship between her baby's father and herself after almost 6 months of not even visiting him once.... why did I do this? I will keep it funky again.... after a few weeks of dating her, I found out Cije aka Sasha was pregnant with my child. now understand, I pack plastic like no other, I even wore a condom almost 95% of the time in all my past relationships... anyways, I didn't after a few times because I felt for the 1st time, damn, I'm dating a woman in her 30's who's sorta got her *$*% together(whoops on my part for not doing a bigger background check) so anyways.... she basically got %$%%#$ over by her ex bf(so she says) who is a club promoter... and had to move in with her brother's boyfriend's house and basically sleep on a couch... 1 of the reasons why she didn't want her son there in that house on top of the fact that the owner of the house was a complete drug addict and she ended up using him as well, which is sad..... but I won't lie, waking up next to sasha in the morning is a site to see, she goes the extra route to take care of her skin and everything.... but the insides are rotten to the core. of course with any relationship, the early part is always bliss and we moved fast. It's different no doubt when you're 36 dating compared to when you're 24 dating, you cut out all the *$%+$!#@ and don't waste time, you get to the chase, don't play games, if you like/love someone and they feel the same way, live your life! well, I don't like wasting time and we damn near did a 2 year relationship easily inside 6 months.... I won't even front, my reputation for being a player was a bad one, but I CHANGED MY LIFESTYLE COMPLETELY 1000% for this woman when I found out she was carrying my seed. I even deleted many girl's #'s out of my phone so she wouldn't give me any *$*% about me %$%#@** around or misbehaving.... I have many people who can testify this as well as her being pregnant. When I found out the good news about a baby on the way, I immediately called my best friend Jonas, called my dad/mom and sister and brother and told them I'm gonna be a dad..... oh and my cousins.... the problem is that I didn't know she had a cocaine addiction and severe drinking problem. I knew she liked to drink and everyone who goes out knows she likes to drink.... but cmon now, you're not that %$%#@** stupid? you're carrying a child? we've had 3 hour convo's about how she is TOTALLY AGAINST abortion so why would you jeopardize the baby's life? She seemed coherent when she agreed to stop any drinking (at worst, she said she may have a couple glasses of wine a week in the 1st trimester only when she's super stressed) and so we started to proceed in parenthood. This would be her 2nd child, so I trusted her with all the prenatal caring and such.... we even had names ready, chloe if it was a girl, max if it was a boy.... she went to the doctor after the pregnancy tests to check on her and about 5 weeks pregnant the baby was the size of a pea I guess... anyways, I started to hawk over her, no lie I was very nervous and anxious for this baby as he or she was set to be born right around xmas.... I began to lay down some strict rules, I was dead $#@ serious about this baby. Sasha had promised that she would only work for a couple months until the 1st trimester was done so she could raise some money and she wanted this to be a secret because she said once promoters find out, they won't hire her anymore. I said, *##! working, I can afford to hold you down, we have insurance, don't trip.... but she proceeded to work her nightclub gigs and I didn't know she was still drinking... she'd lie and say "oh I had a glass of wine" "I'm anxious, I'm gonna stop taking xanax"... low and behold, she was full of *$*%... she was drinking 5 to 6 shots of vodka, multiple glasses of champagne each night she was out and then to calm her nerves she'd do some bumps of that white stuff.... then after all that, she'd take a xanax to calm her down.... remember, it'd be so late at night that I was too tired to see if she had been drinking or not, her mom knew she was drinking but she'd lie to everyone, she'd try to cover every angle, but YOU CAN'T OUT HUSTLE A HUSTLER, especially one who is better than you! during her pregnancy, she didn't come home 2 times which baffles me because she was out doing drugs and too drunk to make it home (none of friends knew she was pregnant, so they didn't think it was a big deal, meanwhile I look like the crazy one?)... she was scared to tell people that she was pregnant which baffles me, not because the typical couple waits til the 1st trimester to make sure everything is cool... but because she didn't want her friends to know or other people to know she was pregnant because then they wouldn't serve her drinks.... well she went to Beijing, china and I demanded that she told her friends amber, lisa and thai that she was pregnant on that long trip to asia and of course she didn't.... she got drunk there to the point of inebriation on the trip and I didn't know til way after... She claims also, she didn't want people in her business, so she was real big on keeping the baby private, she said, if she didn't drink then girls would ask her, why isn't she drinking? (umm how bout why don't you mind your %$%#@** business?) she was still sniffing and just acting out of her mind. Finally the day came where she was driving to an interview for a car show and she couldn't make it because she had sharp pains hitting under her stomach... she pulled over and called me... I was driving near lax and she was at kaiser hospital off cadillac and la cienega, so I drove with the quickness, like I literally drove like a madman worried to death! when I get to the hospital, there sasha is in a frantic mood and just so hysterical I had to grab her tightly to calm her down.... she had what was inevitable... a miscarriage and it happened right in front of me and her, my baby girl or baby boy went down the toilet, then she took some blood tests to make sure she was okay and obviously she had lost the baby.... now I have a traditional mother, so I made sure to propose to her before having a baby and make sure we didn't have a baby out of wedlock.... I felt it was the honorable thing to do in my mind... I was so excited about the baby and since some of her friends especially the one who is my homey who hooked us up together had nothing but good things to say about her, I kinda went in like the triple lindy dive. Her close friend had found out she was pregnant too, so she got her *$*% straight and quit drinking and even faked like she was drinking so other girls wouldn't question her... because of some of Sasha's dumb $#@ hormone issues, we missed her baby shower and for other reasons beyond our control.

After Sasha lost the baby, her hormones and body started to fight back and they took control of her... she started binge drinking again to the point of her getting belligerent and again with the coke.... she started to freak out and almost got me thrown out of my residence by the property management and HOA. She began to scream crazy and called the police acting reminiscent of ginger rothstein from the movie casino... her brother tried to calm her down, his new boyfriend even tried and he works for the district attorney's office... she was out of control. she also had a 7am call time for Entourage the next day(when it came to a check, or good publicity, she'd never miss a job, no matter what, she'd miss her best friends wedding if the job was good enough), so she packed her *$*% and went to her brothers house, but later called me saying she missed me and that she's sorry, she went crazy and begged me to please forgive her.... anyways, I proceed with the relationship and we wait a little while to try again.... but I start to have doubts and for good reasons.... I realized that the only thing she really cared about in this world was her brother and sometimes her mom and booking jobs... well to be honest, she's the only 30 year old woman I know that is still gogo dancing and I told her, let's figure out something you can do that's outside the nightclubs because it's obviously affecting you heavily and affecting our relationship, she agrees and is scared because it's a hard transition to make... all she knows is dancing, car shows and semi-model gigs.... so even if I offered to pay for her bills, but she'd rather work the few gigs she could get and kiss these promoters %@@%+(who she always talked *$*% about on a regular basis) and I never understood why? for free drinks? for $200? *##! this and get a real job and start waking up before 4pm.... I don't know why, but she had major trust issues with men that must stem from her childhood.. I don't know. I hate secrets and she has waaay too many of them. but I proceed with caution and from what I knew she had stopped doin coke, but and even slowed down on the drinking for a while...

I won't lie, I had hopes of starting a family and honestly I thought at this age, Sasha has to realize I'm the best thing she has going for her... we eat well, she lives in a nice place, we travel, etc.... our sex life is even very healthy and we rarely fight(mostly because I let a lot of *$*% slide) Even after making things really cool with her baby's dad, she still starts to *##! up, so he has to cc me the emails he sends to her so I can get on her on going to see her son and I did... btw, her baby's dad has full custody of their son because one week a couple years ago Sasha was out getting drunk on her son's school nights and he missed 4 days of school and the school finally called the dad because they were worried he might flunk 1st grade? like seriously? cmon... I actually felt bad. so anyways, she lost custody and I wanted to make things right... I'd drive her down to see her son and I even booked hotel rooms for us to stay at to make it more convenient, etc... I'd even give up our bed at home so that he could sleep comfortably.... there were so many sacrifices I made throughout this relationship it's sad... I'm the kinda guy to where if you take 1 step towards me, I'd take 4 steps towards you. After making it cool with her baby's dad, she'd still *##! up and not contact her son enough or make an effort to visit him more often, because she was more focused on gogo'ing or modeling than seeing him. But you see, I don't doubt that in that screwed up mind of hers that she doesn't love her son, I know she does in a very weird way...but I didn't get involved outside that, I just opened my home to him as a good man should do. Sasha has her priorities %$%%#$ up and I hope for her sons sake and nobody elses that she gets it together

once the summer ended, she started to book less gigs, she thought it was because of haters(what she called them)... girls like Doannie or Carolyn or Jeri Lee who Sasha constantly talked *$*% about taking her jobs for less money and drugs... well she started to book gigs over in different areas out of town and 1 weekend I got booked to host an event at the same place she got booked to gogo and take pics.... so we take off to orlando, I tell her to chill out with the drinking and relax and I got my boys with me, so don't make me look bad, don't act loose or so much like a lush.... of course she battles me on that, gets belligerently drunk again and we get back to the hotel and she can barely walk up to the room... one of her stalkers calls her phone at 3am, I'm like, now I aint trippin, but had that be a girl calling me, you'd declare world war III on me! so I ask why is this guy calling you? you sent dude a long email to leave you alone, he tried to propose to you at your brothers house, he posts pics of you and him from 10 months ago and you said you even tried to get a restraining order against him? you blocked him on facebook, bbm and all other areas, so like why do you invite *$%+$!#@ or trouble into your life? because you're worried that people will think you're a !$$++? who gives a *##!? she then begins to become outraged and livid and starts throwing *$*%, throwing cans of soda, acting out... mind you she's 1/2 naked and she is SCREAMING ON THE TOP OF HER LUNGS! inside a hotel... obviously security comes and they have no choice but to call the police. I try to restrain her and she freaks out, never in my life have I hit a woman.... the police come, search me, they tell her to calm down and can see she is drunk out of her mind, but see some marks on her neck from me trying to hold her down from going crazy... I call my boy up, he comes to get me... meanwhile the police let me get my things and while I'm outside explaining my story, Sasha goes and takes my jewelry and hides it so she knows I have to come back and deal with her... at this point, she is just insane... I look like an +#**+@% in front of the police because I'm taking so long to just find the jewels... so I just leave, check into another hotel and she calls my phone blowing me up because she's scared that the police or the promoter is trying to make moves on her, she is refusing to let me get off the phone and I am like "YO, DID YOU NOT JUST SEE THE POLICE ESCORT ME OUT? TELL ME TO LEAVE AND IF I COME BACK, I'M GOING TO JAIL?" I'm not bout to get caught up..... anyways, the next night we go to our event, she promises to have 2 drinks before she dances... she takes a xanax(I had no idea).... she drinks about 5 drinks real fast and her time comes up... she's so sloppy and drunk, its pathetic, she's almost falling over the stage and it's just bad to the point where I'm just embarrassed for her... so I tell her it's time to go, before you make yourself look any worse... thank god we get home to LA safely....

but more drama, her pms and hormones get the best of her, she loses her mind again a few days later and right before our vacation to cabo... I don't know what to say at this point, she gets up and leaves with her car keys and says *##! you, I hate you, I dont want to be with you, I say ok cool... bye, don't come back crying later.... obviously I pack my *$*% and i'm still goin, she has nothing but some shorts and thats her own problem, she's a grown woman who has a severe temper problem. of course, she calls me frantic 20x apologizing and saying she's sorry, she %$%%#$ up so badly, she can't control her temper and she really wants to work things out AGAIN? I'm just over it and from there for real for real. she later begins to take her belongings out of the house and move them into her moms.... like do you really think I'm gonna hold your *$*% hostage? I'm more worried about my own personal belongings. It sucks to put this out there, but I paid the bills, the mortgage, all the above, I gave her carte blanche' and she still didn't appreciate *$*%. Every time she felt like she was in danger or needed someone, I was there like gangbusters! So *##! it, too bad, there's so much more, but I'm getting tired and I just want the public to know the roller coaster ride I had to endure this past year, it's more like Halloween horror nights which is more proper for this month.

the worst part about it is how much she talks *$*% about her friends... not her super close friends, but talking *$*% about her friend amber how she sleeps around and was pregnant by someone from the crooks camp, how she cheated on her bf in china & got a hickey out there and how she was %$%#@** my homey Brent to the drama with her friend Lisa Kaye and how she had too much surgery and how she heard her bf was cheating on her with that fat lil dumpling Carolyn.... and Sasha got scared because she got caught up in some 3 way lie between Amber and Lisa and her boyfriend who was %$%#@** around on here.... it's like damn girl, do you have any respect? you call these girls your homey's? she would freak out if I talked to Lisa Fleming and so I deleted her and avoided her, but she'd still be fake around her but steady talk *$*%. If I don't like someone, then I say *##! you, die slow and don't pretend if it's that serious, no need to say *$*% behind their backs, I'll confront them.

After all that *$%+$!#@, we now come to this past weekend where you made up a fake job/trip to Hawaii? and I got drama here to deal with and you lie about hanging out with one of your stalkers who you say you can't stand and is delusional? I mean you burned your bridge with me. You have nothing on me, what could you say about me? you are a compulsive liar, every single one of your friends and boyfriends know this. your baby daddy even co-signed on all your lies. you are foul.

don't test me girl, I got more ether and much more ammo to destroy you. just crawl into your hole and accept the fact that you %$%%#$ up the best thing in your life. If anything, I made a huge mistake and I'm accepting it. Just leave well enough alone Sasha.

good riddance
you been dealing with herbs, but a man has finally put his foot down and you're just a 30 year old broke homeless clueless heartless person with fake ****. great, go find a fob or sugar daddy who cares...

I'm not bitter, I'm done. you're still begging me to work things out? what is there to work out?


p.s. that *$*% on the dirty wasn't true, but I wish it was....

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

I wonder what Dante & Galante would say about all this.

What the hell is this?!

But yeah, I think every man puts up with a female dog of a woman once in their life.

No matter what your age *See Deniro in Casino*

You live and learn.

Stay up Ben.

haha I remember this. It was send a question to the announcers.� Haha madd funny stuff people asked besides this.
sad situation, but alot of stuff could have been avoided instead of letting stuff slide.

she still on her kid +$$%, so she wont realize what she lost til she matures.

lesson learned, now grow from it.
He still keeps on going and updating his Blog about this @$+#

Yo Ben leave this !$# alone, move on....

"Trust is a foreign word to me now. I used to not believe in making people earn their trust, I'd give up trust fromthe start and if they ++!%#@ up, then they were cut off. Now it's just a wrap period. I got a strong team that can hold me down til I leave thisearth...
but I also want to let y'all know, just because this woman is bad, don't mean all women are bad, I'm not on thattype of @$+# y'all....

but lastly, I remember when we first started dating Sasha said she gave up on men, she had been in 3 long relationships andall of them weren't @$+# and no good, well after me, it's time for you to not blame these men, you should maybe start pointing the finger at yourselfand re-evaluate your life. I can hold my head up high in public. and honestly, after all this @$+#, I don't hate you. I feel sorry for you. nothing canexpress how I feel about you right now then this: you made your bed, now go lie in it. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that bed is
Ben, you prob don't remember me, and I didn't read your post either. But I'll still say good luck and wish you well. I gathered the info from yourpost from the NT'ers paraphrasing the story, though
I read it all. Good %$++ Ben, good %$++ my dude. Now, whats good with the M5, I was suppose to get that 150mph ride?

@ those dudes taking about Ben, who are they? They were MORE focused on son relationship biothan the actual game, than out of nowhere this $+!#% Superman throws in his 2cents :dead: :dead: :dead:
Losing an unborn child

...but god damn it if that video doesnt make me laugh every single time
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

hey he's on the daily show
i jumped off my couch when i saw that #*$*
watch it when it reairs later. there's this whole piece about rappers in the recession or something (i turned it on in the middle of it) withslim thug.

and then out of nowhere we cut to ben baller.
[h2]Wednesday, October 7, 2009[/h2]http:// [h3]I know DRAMA....[/h3]
I guess that's why I hit a million views a month on here huh? I don't think my lifestyle is that exciting to be quite honest... I live a decent life and I like to relax and chill; but lately betrayal has hit me and brought me back to my old ways.... (lucky my other ex's didn't catch me at a bad time because it could be DOA for them too) but it just goes to show you that in desperate times, people do desperate things and honestly, I can't say that I haven't been a scumbag piece of @#++ in the past, but I've always been fair. sounds clashing or conflicting right? but at the end of the day, I truly play fair..... 2 + 2 will never = 7 ya dig?


I guess it shows that I can't trust anyone anymore. In the last 2 months, I've lost a close friend(still shocked, hurt & confused). Had to fire an employee who was basically family, we called him our cousin and he boldly stole from the store and lied to us and our customers, while we paid his bills, paid his car note and treated him sooo well!. Have fought constantly over the stupidest @#++ with Sasha when all I want to do is chill and relax and stay out of peoples way, while she would act insane & lie outta control.... but what bugs me out is that I see my boy Adam aka AM trying to do good by helping out some drug fiends because at one time himself he was a drug addict and it ends up back firing on him. while on the other hand, I'm not perfect, I've done drugs, I have a past, I cheated on girls, I know my ex had a past (never heard of her cheating while in a relationship), but I changed my lifestyle and grew up...(Sasha's almost 31, you don't think it's about that time she grew up too?) and with that I tried to provide a better life for her and save her from her so called miserable/fabulous life.... after all that, I get disrespected to the utmost? Well "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future" huh? Not that sinner, I think it's curtain call time for her.

As always, I roll with the punches, I brush off dust, bullets, whatever comes my way and keep it pushing. I thank everyone who's emailed me and reached out, but my real friends who I can count on 1 hand have been here for me and I'm gonna take a little time to reflect and gain some ground and remain focused because I have too much at stake to lose and too many people depending on me to make @#++ happen for the rest of the year and on to 2010.

much love!

Trust is a foreign word to me now. I used to not believe in making people earn their trust, I'd give up trust from the start and if they !%!$$! up, then they were cut off. Now it's just a wrap period. I got a strong team that can hold me down til I leave this earth...
but I also want to let y'all know, just because this woman is bad, don't mean all women are bad, I'm not on that type of @#++ y'all....

but lastly, I remember when we first started dating Sasha said she gave up on men, she had been in 3 long relationships and all of them weren't @#++ and no good, well after me, it's time for you to not blame these men, you should maybe start pointing the finger at yourself and re-evaluate your life. I can hold my head up high in public. and honestly, after all this @#++, I don't hate you. I feel sorry for you. nothing can express how I feel about you right now then this: you made your bed, now go lie in it. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that bed is

Posted by BEN BALLER at 6:41 PM Links to this post

Labels: ben baller, unbreakable, you can't fade me
Yo I'm a grown man, and we all have gone though it... yall youngsters tryin to come in here and clown someday you will go through it too... would I put itout in public like that.. hell naw.. but thats not my life

all of yall askin if Ben gonna get the ring back... He's takin the L on that... unless he sends some homegirls from the block to put in work..
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