Beer > Liquor... U disagree then ur an alcohalic... :p

Quality beers, I'm talkin the double IPA 8.7 ABV > any liquor, bar-none. If any of you on the east coast even knew what real good, highly alcoholic beerwas then you'd agree.

There's a reason why the best drugs and the best beer all come from the same places(Nor-cal, Oregon), anyone looking to get high and then drink would bebest served not to be drinking some garbage concoction that they cooked up spur of the moment. The high must be nurtured and treated with respect, don'tfoul your tastebuds up with a Captain Mo and Dr. Pepper
Originally Posted by EVERLASTiiNG

beer takes too long to get the effect. if youre only trying to get a buzz and just chill, beer is cool but when youre in party mode? liquor alllll the way. whats the point of drinking 6 beers to get the effect of 2 shots. such a time waster. i guess im an alcoholic tho smh. bacardi limon is on point. no chase!
Since when does 6 beers = 2 shots?
If you can't get good and drunk off of beer in 45 minutes then you're not drinking it fast enough, and ifyou're looking to get s-faced in less than 45 minutes then good for you, I'd rather enjoy the ride myself . .
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Since when does 6 beers = 2 shots?
If you can't get good and drunk off of beer in 45 minutes then you're not drinking it fast enough, and if you're looking to get s-faced in less than 45 minutes then good for you, I'd rather enjoy the ride myself . .
and get maaad full and have to get up to pee after every beer? no thanks. ill stick to my 2 shots
i loooooove me a cold beer.

don't get me a wrong, liquid cocaine at the bar or some kahlua and whisky in my morning coffee is wonderful

but theres nothing more relaxing than popping the top of an ice cold bottle and takin a swig.
Originally Posted by 216TIME216

aint no way i can hold enough liquid in my stomach to get a hangover off beer...

but wit liquor its like every other time i $++$ wit i end up hurling my guts out... not a good feeling...

i been hurling my guts out b4 i was 21... im 23 now and its still happening... maybe i just need to become and alchy to build up tolerance...
Same here. I can down beer until I get that good buzz going and keep it all night, but once somebody brings out the whiskey or some @*!# likethat, it's all over for me.
I done told you people googolplex times...'alcoholic' is hate speech 2 our kind...its either 'liquor enthusiast' or'tipsy-American'...get with the times!

On topic tho:
Its all situational...if I'm watchin a game or just fallin back after work, then's the pick. But I'm just tryna get nekkid drunk, itsliquor all the way (with a beer or 2 as a end-night stabilizer)
I'm down with either. But I'm still not used to the taste of beer. If I wuz lookin' to get crunk, I would definitely reach for that liq, if I'mchillin', I'd probably reach for the beer.
Beers after taste killed it for me....ill stick to patron....hennessey and coke........capitan morgans and mountain dew
i drink beer on football sundays / mondays, but for the most part theres always a bottle of cognac or brandy in my freezer... i love liquor

"i can drink a whole hennessey fifth....some call it a problem but i call it a gift"
cant really go wrong with either but i prefer's taste doesnt really do it for me
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

henny and snapple >> beer... if all you do is just slam shots all night long then your are asking to get drunk fast.. so no chillin in that.. i can def chill with a bottle of henny and some people... henny on the rocks, henny and snapple, henny and coke.. trust if you just take it easy on the liquor you can go out later too.. you just sound like a newb drinker

Exactly what i was gonna say...Henny and Dr Pepper for me.
liquor> beer if that makes me an alcoholic then so be it. I can drink liquor all night and still be at work on time. Beer day never really goes well thenext day lmao
i prefer liquor all day over beer captin and coke with shots of patron will get you flying high in no time
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