Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

^ sounds good. I hope my 560 Ti is able to run it at High at least.

Will be downloading both PS3 and PC versions on the 29th to compare the differences. If the PS3 version is better than BC2 it'll be fine.

I have the 560 Ti as well. Just played my first match. The game looks GOOD. Real good. You won't have any complaints trust me.
How's the framerate? I've been really curious about that. And did you use the new NVIDIA drivers on it as well?

Near, if not 60 fps. Everything on High. I am using the new driver

Spoiler [+]

I prefer COD over this. That said, this is a solid game. 
It is not as arcade-y as the Call of Duty franchise.
You can.. The party system is just messed up. Just got off the game w/ Chris & Burrack. Burrack was on the other team though.

My son Christopherson gets it IN with the recon kit.. Buddy just went 33-3

Squad System is awful because you have no idea if you are actually gonna spawn on the right person
Well atleast from the spectating mode.. You can figure it out though if you look at ur minimap to see who ur gonna spawn on..

Chris is lowkey loving this game

BF3 > MW3 there is NO DOUBT in my mind ...
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I prefer COD over this. That said, this is a solid game. 
It is not as arcade-y as the Call of Duty franchise.
I'm gonna cosign here. I'm not having as much fun as I do with MW2/Black Ops multiplayer.
I might even go as far as saying I have more fun with BFBC2 multiplayer and MoH multiplayer, but I'm only basing this off of what's available in this beta alone.
For what it is and what's available though, it's solid.
Alright so here is my "Review" & Impressions of the beta : With a little less than 2hrs of gaming into it.. So bare with me...
Lets start off with Kits:

Guns: Are specified to each faction

Assault (Combat Medic) : Played this quite a bit -- It is a MUCH more useful class than the Assualt class was in BC2 . Which in my eyes was underpowered. This Assualt class is perfect. Especially with the Medic Duties being given to them.

Great decision by dice to go back to the BF2 Combat Medic. the Guns in the class. Are perfectly balanced, Effective at Med Range to Long Range. Close Quarters. Well just spray and pray. But if the dude has a Carbine or SMG .. ur done...

Engineer: My most used class so far. I LOVE the M4 Carbine... The Aks74u is good too but im just a fan of American Made guns
Anwyas. Carbines are BEST mode for Med Range & Close range. Long Range... Eh you can do it. Just  Prepare for hit markers before you drop em , The launchers arent Bc2s Carl Gs... Theyre balanced. Plus if u hate being spammed by explosives. You can have a Spec called Flak ... but the Enginner is just %$! good as it was in Bc2... So im right at home with this class.. 

Support/Recon: I havent even touched these classes .. From what chris was doing with the Recon kit .. Its pretty beast apparently.. but its just not my game to sit back. 
 . Support seemed pretty popular among everyone... Its looks like a fun class to just plant that Bipod down & Dump the %%@%$+ hell out of everyone... It lives up to its name though, Its seriously a support class & does its job...

3D spotting - is PERFECT and i mean PERFECT. no wall hacks. The triangle goes away as soon as the dude isnt in ur line of sight anymore ... or ducks behind cover. Plus theyre not glaring doritos chips. The triangle has been reduced to a very tiny orange dot 
 (Its still a triangle though) 

Spawning: Works just like it did in Bc2. Except you have Squad Leaders. SLs are nothing to be talked about . Its just a fancy title
Its a bit #+#*+$ up though. Looka t my previous post.

Prone: Fits into the game play almost flawlessly... And this was one of my biggest concerns in the game... Ull always have people prone in hallways & bushes though
Also ALWAYS Double check bodies. I cant tell u how mnay times i died by a dude prone who i though was dead.. DO IT.

No vehicles in Op. Metro. 

So how does it compare to CoD?; Well how about you ask the "new" guys ... Chris surprised me with how well he did. But then you even have uys in this thread who said there is MOS DEF a learning curve. Burrack is fairly new & he did straigh (K/D wise) but he was def struggling... Also, if u think u can just run out & arm a mcom & wipe out the squad on some CoD $#**.. U will get DROPPED fast. One thing i will say.. is in CoD its always about KD.. In BF.. I always think about SPM... Always be doing something. Points, means ur doing something productive... Whatever it may be... Also. There are no mw2 ACRs Aiming actually takes some skill... 

Chat: Idk whats the deal with the PS3 , I cant speak on other platforms but u CANNOT here anyone in ur squad or team in game.. Its wack as @%+$.. I know its a bug but still ... There is no communication. Surprisngly though, & Chris can vouche for this.. The teams we ended up on.. Moved like a team.. We were always in a pack & pushing or defending in a pack.. It was pretty awesome.. Obviously not at all times. But wen u run up the escaltors and u see like 7 teammates pushing up with u .. Its 

Party System: #+#*+$ up but it is possible to play with friends but it has its problems

Mw3 or BF3? ; BF no question

Gun play: Great! Some more recoil on guns would probably do the trick to make it even better. u will have moments when u get killed and ur like WHAT THE @%+$ . But im almost certain thatll be toned down in the full game. Other than that.. Gun on Gun ya done.. Oh and a word of advice .. Burst Fire... IF ur no stranger to a BF game then u know this

Is it fun?: @%+$ YES!

So whats the deal with Battlelog: Its BFs version of CoD Elite. I will have groups for NT-PS3 & NT-360... U will be able to log into Battlelog Sept 29th.. if u have the beta now. Get in there & sign in 

Graphics on console: It looks Phenomenal. Ull be satisfied and happy just like i was/am... It will probably look even more polished in the final game.. That being said... The graphics dont look as "polished" or "waxed" as some of the videos make them out to be .. but like i said no worries.. DICE did a GREAT job developing for console

Bugs/Glitches: A lot of em.. To lazy to name em.. But it IS a Beta

Op. Metro. How is it? It is a extremely action packed map.. Well Alteast once you get in the subway & last mcom station outside.. The 1st Mcom station area (The Park) is meh... Choke points & CQs combat... I had fun on it.. Plus its a great looking map, visually... 
 I think its perfect for 12v12.. I think if it was 16v16 as it is on PC.. It would be a bit overwhelming... 

Controls: Pretty much feel and are the exact same as BC2 on console. 

this game sounds to good to be true: Well im probably make it seem that way cause ive been lookin forward to this game & Im not disappointed. I might be a bit bias... I know this isnt BF2 but it doesnt have to be.. Its truly a fun game... Its like BF + BC2 + MoH .. Im loving it so far... But you can be the judge for urself on the 29th... 

Excuse the typos. 
Yea, what December said is pretty much spot on. I'm not as over the moon for this game as he is, but I still am really enjoying it. I could see this really competing with COD.
Overall, I was really on the fence about this game, but this beta has really sold me on it. The graphics are NOT what were advertised, but could be the beta. Still, not awful by any means. 

Like he said, I was surprised at how everyone works together rather than just rushing out and dying. Not a ton of mics, but those that did would let you know what objective they'd be going for, ect.

The mechanics of the game are really solid. Some issues with lag and semi-freezing, but that's probably just the Beta build.

Recon class is crazy good, but after playing a bit of the other three, I think they are all balanced fairly well.

I am waiting to see two things now...

1. How vehicles will effect gameplay. I really don't want them in it, but who am I? 

2. If they can fix the partying up with friends/squad system. 

If they approach both correctly, I see myself playing alot of the multi-player.

My stats so far:

Level 14 - 3.5 Hours played. 

Score/Minute - 459

K/D: 2.19

W/L: 1.14

A bunch of random awards, but I got a service star for the MK11 Sniper Rifle... I think it's just after 100 kills with the gun.

'Bout to pour myself a Rum and Coke and play a bit more.
Also, December, want to start up a Platoon on Battlelog? I sent you a FR.
Also, these fools at EA ripped off Facebook so bad. 
 Instead of "liking" a comment, you give it a "Hooah!" 
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Graphics on console: It looks Phenomenal. Ull be satisfied and happy just like i was/am... It will probably look even more polished in the final game.. That being said... The graphics dont look as "polished" or "waxed" as some of the videos make them out to be .. but like i said no worries.. DICE did a GREAT job developing for console
Really? I'm having screen tearing issues and textures taking a while to load on character models 99% of the time on the PS3 sku.

The 360 sku isn't having this problem though.
sounds good so far. good to hear that the classes feel balanced.
How'd you guys get a SPM of 400+ though?! 200+ in BC2 is pretty nuts already!

Battlelog does look like Facebook.
The 16 player mode on PC gets a little cramped once you get into the subway but the 1st and 4th stage work great with it.

As far as the graphics not being as good as advertised I'd have to disagree. I haven't seen any console screen shots but keep in mind a majority of comercials, pics and demos are done using the PC version of the game. There is also the fact that consoles are trying to render this game using the Geforce 7800. We're on the 5xx series now... Hell only the 4xx series and up can use DX11. Personally it's one of the reasons why I've moved back to PC gaming.

I however will say that EA used an excessive amount of destructible enviroment shots that don't naturally occur in the game. The 1st and 4th stage aren't too bad but when you're inside the subway almost nothing is destructible.
Once during a game I dove for cover and this is what happened to me. lulz...


and has anyone else had a problem where the screen would flash white or pink every now and then? in one game, I had it happen to me every 5 seconds. It literally gave me a migraine and my eyes started to hurt. I had to leave the game because of that.
Originally Posted by Vendetta

The 16 player mode on PC gets a little cramped once you get into the subway but the 1st and 4th stage work great with it.

As far as the graphics not being as good as advertised I'd have to disagree. I haven't seen any console screen shots but keep in mind a majority of comercials, pics and demos are done using the PC version of the game. There is also the fact that consoles are trying to render this game using the Geforce 7800. We're on the 5xx series now... Hell only the 4xx series and up can use DX11. Personally it's one of the reasons why I've moved back to PC gaming.

I however will say that EA used an excessive amount of destructible enviroment shots that don't naturally occur in the game. The 1st and 4th stage aren't too bad but when you're inside the subway almost nothing is destructible.
I'd say they didn't make everything in the subway destructible so it doesn't affect the flow/balance of the game. Other than that, most of the destruction we saw is probably scripted... and in Single Player.
Haven't had the screen flash on me but there are several places in the 1st stage that you can fall through on. If you look to the east you'll see a plane dropping off paratroopers underneath the map lol

I can understand some of the walls staying up but if you shoot a rocket at the rail cars, or the wall of the middle passageway I feel there should definitely be a new hole blown there.  Also it'd be nice to be able to destroy some of the non-rock cover.  The stone circles in the first stage, the scaffolding in the subway, the advertisement signs in the 4th stage (though I'm sure EA doesn't want us blowing up their in game BF3 ads! lol)
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

sounds good so far. good to hear that the classes feel balanced.
How'd you guys get a SPM of 400+ though?! 200+ in BC2 is pretty nuts already!
 Well look at it this way... Its like playing rush in a map like Cold War all the time 
 Action is usually just around the corner... im sure that number will drop once all the maps are available & the full game drops... Unless youre playing Conquest w/ 64 players on PC. I believe it shouldnt be to hard to avg a 400spm with all those bodies & $!%$ going on 

And like i said, graphically. the console looks GREAT. Like seriously. Amazing. No complaints. It looks like a Low Setting PC version (Id say fairly close to how the PC alpha looked). Which is not bad by any means, and im sure itll look even better in the full game. Screen freezes, tearing, color flashes, slow loading, map cglitches should be expected in a beta ....
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Im bouta go try it... After this finishes 

yo hand that over, u dont need that b! Dont be greedy, share with the needy!!!!!!!!!!

It ended up not working. It was used before i got to try it. Dude mustve sent it out to mulitple people
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Burrack is fairly new & he did straigh (K/D wise) but he was def struggling...

Controls: Pretty much feel and are the exact same as BC2 on console.
Not at all, I ain't fairly new to the BF franchise.
  I used to be on BF1942 (the 1st one in the series??) heavy.  I also have both BFBC and BFBC2, played it for a good amount of time, not as much as COD titles, but a good amount.  So I'm familiar with the game modes.

I don't think the controls are exactly like BFBC2 at all.  BFBC2 had that momentum sway, like you couldn't really turn/strafe on a dime.  That might have been more realistic, but I didn't like that.  BF3 controls are on point, none of that momentum sway.  Only problem I had was getting stuck trying to get over certain boxes, stairs, steps, etc...  and the prone bobbling, which probably will get fixed.

Pistols are the truth in this game! I may end up using pistols more than primary's cause I can kill people easier with them for some reason. The glock 17
I gotta find away to take that laser sight off though.

I can already tell I'm gonna be dicken around with the cars (not tanks) and planes a lot.  Drive-bys, fly-bys, tricks.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Its a beta bruh.. Bugs & Glitches are expected.
Fooo, you don't think I know that?

I'm just speaking my piece in reply to your piece. You're seeing "phenomenal," I'm not seeing "phenomenal." Simple as that.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Burrack is fairly new & he did straigh (K/D wise) but he was def struggling...

Controls: Pretty much feel and are the exact same as BC2 on console.
Not at all, I ain't fairly new to the BF franchise.
  I used to be on BF1942 (the 1st one in the series??) heavy.  I also have both BFBC and BFBC2, played it for a good amount of time, not as much as COD titles, but a good amount.  So I'm familiar with the game modes.

I don't think the controls are exactly like BFBC2 at all.  BFBC2 had that momentum sway, like you couldn't really turn/strafe on a dime.  That might have been more realistic, but I didn't like that.  BF3 controls are on point, none of that momentum sway.  Only problem I had was getting stuck trying to get over certain boxes, stairs, steps, etc...  and the prone bobbling, which probably will get fixed.

Pistols are the truth in this game! I may end up using pistols more than primary's cause I can kill people easier with them for some reason. The glock 17
I gotta find away to take that laser sight off though.

I can already tell I'm gonna be dicken around with the cars (not tanks) and planes a lot.  Drive-bys, fly-bys, tricks.
This happens to me at the worst possible times in BC2

Should I trade in BC2 and Black Ops now? Nobody's gonna be playing those games any more.
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