Banned Family Guy scene vol. Seth MacFarlane = Lame

I didn't see that as offensive in anyway. It was just another Family Guy scene. If it was the violence then how about the Stewie/Lois gun fight or theChicken/Peter fights? They have just as much blood
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I didn't see that as offensive in anyway. It was just another Family Guy scene. If it was the violence then how about the Stewie/Lois gun fight or the Chicken/Peter fights? They have just as much blood
But they never showed anybody die in cold blood like this scene did.

Lois survived, and the Chicken would always be alive in the end. This scene actually showed murders being commited.

EDIT: well i do remember other scenes of people being killed but this was still over-the-top compared to other scenes
Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

i don't see the big deal.

there have been worse/far more offensive scenes on family guy than this.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is hilarious
Originally Posted by RellNye

Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by RellNye

What's the point of going around searching
for videos of Family Guy if you don't like the damn thing anyway?

Am I the only one who goes to WSHH?

But why would you watch a video of something you know you don't like.
That just doesn't make sense to me
"oh, I hate Family Guy but I'll watch this video anyways so I can get
all pissed off about how ******ed I think the show is"
I wanted to see why it was banned from TV. What does me not liking something have to do w/ that?

Well then watch it and see why it got banned

There's no reason for you to come one here calling it trashy though
The only reason to be offended at that clip is if you are one of the people stewie called out.
I use to be the biggest Family Guy fan. But there last two seasons have been disappointing. Its like they don't even try no more. With that said, I foundthat very entertaining and funny
if you think that was awful, then you need to get out more

it wasn't as funny as classic family guy, but i don't see what was wrong with it
If you were offended by that, you just shouldn't watch anything in current pop-culture because its just as, if not more, offensive than that. I mean, whatare you a 97 year old nun? Considering you watched a Family Guy clip...a show known to push the boundaries since it first aired, I don't see what theproblem was. Wow...
i personally thought it was funny .. people need to stop being so sensitive and acting like everyone is out to get them
ehhh not that funny but family guy hasnt been that funny lately

American Dad>Family Guy...
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

I use to be the biggest Family Guy fan. But there last two seasons have been disappointing. Its like they don't even try no more. With that said, I found that very entertaining and funny
Tonight's episode has been on point
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