Baltimore Ravens @ Dallas Cowboys Vol. Good Bye Texas Stadium; Sat. 7:15

LOLOLOLOL ... if I wasn't so hammered right now I'd prolly make sense but if jason garrett is our coordinator or head coach or on our staff period nextyear we will suck $$* again ... romo is not a clutch player and if anyone even considers him top 10 in the league from here on out I will disregard theirfootball knowledge ... jason witten done for the year? Really ... ... ... ? Is that how the football gods feel about us?

Absolutely HORRENDOUS game all around ... that %@%# right there was embarassing ... how you let two long $$* runs like that when you know they are running theclock? And ken hamlin is a #@#$# just for the record ... I swear on my life I want to smack that lil hat off romos head he's wearin these days ... ole premadonna $$* #@#$# I hope he rots in hell ... ole marshmallow puff wanna get mad all of a sudden now that his team isn't makin the playoffs go kill yourselfwade phillips ... hey jerry jones, GET A $%%%$$% COACH THAT KNOWS OFFENSE ... we have the most talent on O and can't move the ball ... Roy Williams > TO...

This dude anthony henry looks like mr rogers neighborhood in coverage ... ole happy go lucky train conductor lookin $$* ... and keith davis ... not onlycan't you cover a soul, but you gettin trucked out there like laron landry ... we got punters truckin our backup safety ... we got some fat $$* runnin backgoin 80 yds for a td ... we got wade not kickin an onside kick $## WAS THAT %@%#??????? ...

I swear to goodness I don't even know what to do with myself ... romo just throws balls up like that %@%# is fun to throw picks ... I'm done fortonight ... @$%!!
I know Hamlin got $%#%$@* on but what the hell was Newman trying to do on that weakass attempt
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

LOLOLOLOL ... if I wasn't so hammered right now I'd prolly make sense but if jason garrett is our coordinator or head coach or on our staff period next year we will suck $$* again ... romo is not a clutch player and if anyone even considers him top 10 in the league from here on out I will disregard their football knowledge ... jason witten done for the year? Really ... ... ... ? Is that how the football gods feel about us?
What a difference a week makes, we been tellin yallCowboys fans all season that Romo sucks but for some reason yall thought he was easily top 5 in the league or MVP worthy? Face it, dude is average at best andhas yet to prove he can win a big game. And where did that defense go that played the Giants last week because they disappeared in the 2nd half. Now on toPhilly where you get one last L to think about all off season.
just seeing all the NT cowgirl fan bigshots eat some humble pie for once.
Once I know your talking about the vocal Boys fans but just to let you know we ain't won jack in a long time so I don't know why catswould bump their gums like this team can back it up. Like I always say though every team has fans like this so if you and anybody else just dislike the Boysthats cool but weak lies for why you don't like them is so lame.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

LOLOLOLOL ... if I wasn't so hammered right now I'd prolly make sense but if jason garrett is our coordinator or head coach or on our staff period next year we will suck $$* again ... romo is not a clutch player and if anyone even considers him top 10 in the league from here on out I will disregard their football knowledge ... jason witten done for the year? Really ... ... ... ? Is that how the football gods feel about us?

Absolutely HORRENDOUS game all around ... that %@%# right there was embarassing ... how you let two long $$* runs like that when you know they are running the clock? And ken hamlin is a #@#$# just for the record ... I swear on my life I want to smack that lil hat off romos head he's wearin these days ... ole pre madonna $$* #@#$# I hope he rots in hell ... ole marshmallow puff wanna get mad all of a sudden now that his team isn't makin the playoffs go kill yourself wade phillips ... hey jerry jones, GET A $%%%$$% COACH THAT KNOWS OFFENSE ... we have the most talent on O and can't move the ball ... Roy Williams > TO ...

This dude anthony henry looks like mr rogers neighborhood in coverage ... ole happy go lucky train conductor lookin $$* ... and keith davis ... not only can't you cover a soul, but you gettin trucked out there like laron landry ... we got punters truckin our backup safety ... we got some fat $$* runnin back goin 80 yds for a td ... we got wade not kickin an onside kick $## WAS THAT %@%#??????? ...

I swear to goodness I don't even know what to do with myself ... romo just throws balls up like that %@%# is fun to throw picks ... I'm done for tonight ... @$%!!
you are the biggest fraud on here, go away

it's apparent as Romo was a top 5 QB and now he sucks, Garrett was great last year and now he sucks. Just some frail lil geek sitting behind a computerscreen who tries to act like a real fan by typing a bunch of &^#& (#@) **$^*(#

atleast you still have a fiance and a big Sony to cry home to and an engineering degree which both are probably a bunch of BS

see ya in Philly next week Lilstarz
As a cowboy fan, I still think Romo is/can be a top 10 quarterback in the NFL. I think he studies under the Favre train of thought: which is he thinks he canget any pass to any receiver in ANY situation. I think Romo/Garrett REALLY needs to go back to the drawing board with the playcalling and clock management.There is no excuse for why Romo needed to throw those God-awful picks to Reed. Henry needs to be released or play a different position. The man can't coveranything.
I really can't get too mad at the Defense for letting those TWO big runs down the field(well actually I am). The defense was on the field all day and keptus in the game for te most part. The offense /Romo could not put anything on the boards.
IF we happen to make the playoffs by some divine-intervention I certainly do not like our chances against anyone in the NFC.
Though I know everyone is mad at least we made sure that the losses we incurred were the right losses. Had we lost to the giants or other NFC team these pastfew weeks playoff would be offically a wrap. Least we can still hope Atlanta or Tampa wins today. Funny thing is that with a cowboys loss the ******** arestill in it. They need alot to happen but if they beat Philly and Tampa and Atlanta lose they are right back in the mix. Rather see skins in the playoffs thanphilthy
I think the Boys' main problem is that they don't do the fundamental things correctly. You see the fundamental break down in key parts in games.Jerry's put together a team with a lot of talented players but a lot of those guys think they can get by all the time by just being more talented. As youcan see with this team you can be very talented but if you have poor tackling habits, make poor decisions with throws, take you eyes of the ball whenreceiving, don't properly recover a fumble, then your not going to play up to expectations.
Anytime the Cowboys lose, it's a good day. Now I am hoping that the Falcons and Eagles do their part to make sure this piece of !!!$ team is eliminated.
Im trying to figure out how a fan of a team other than the Ravens can tell a Cowboys fan to get out of a Cowboys thread
Romo = Not even a top 10 QB
Dallas' D =

Wade Phillips = Done. He'll get his pink slip following the last game of the season if they don't make the playoffs.
Jason Garrett = Will not be the HC when Phillips is fired.

"It wasn't a homecoming game. It was more like a mock funeral," McGahee said. "We spoiled their day. It was probably the best concert everin Irving, Texas."

Checkin in late, but all I gotta say is RAAAAAAVENNNNNNNNNNSSSSS

As expected ED REED with a couple picks, Mase playin like a soldier out there (no Winslow), and Flacco stayin composed, what a win
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

You know, when you're in a hardfought game, and at a critical moment the CPU misses a tackle and the other guy goes like 80 yards FTW, and you just throw your controller and shut down the console

That ending was basically Madden played out in real life. Those dudes on the Cowboys probably felt like killing someone... probably Ken Hamlin
I was thinking the same thing only after the SECOND touchdown. Back to back long TD runs that's like some video game type stuff.

And I know Romo is gonna take all the heat in the media but I'M more pissed at Hamlin right now than anyone. Goofed on the fumble play, and missed THE twotackles that basically cost them a chance to win.
Jerry Jones needs to decide if he wants to sell jerseys or win a super bowl.
Wade is gonna take the fall but put this on Jason Garrett and Jerry Jones.
I have a hard time believing Wade wouldn't have brought in a competent off. coord. that can utilize our talent.
At my man Ray Ray yellin ALMA MATER TIME! After the boy Willis got that 70+ yardrun and then the boy Laron gettin it down right after WHATTTTTT!!! I can't stop watching it
At Romos face
Play Offs here we gooooooo!!!
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