Baltimore Ravens @ Dallas Cowboys Vol. Good Bye Texas Stadium; Sat. 7:15

Cowboys really messed it up. They controlled their own fate had a chance and just flushed it down the toilet. Falcons win tomorrow and Eagles will lose.
Hank Williams Jr.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

I don't even feel like they deserve to be in the playoffs. I'm tired of being let down this season. I'm looking forward to next September already.

I dont feel like you deserve to have a Phillies avy...FRAUD
Tom Landry memorial season: they went 5-11

Emmitt Smith breaks the rushing record: they lose the game

Triplets go into the Ring of Honor: they lose the game in horrible fashion

Texas Stadium's last game: they lose the game in horrible fashion

I dont feel like you deserve to have a Phillies avy...FRAUD
I hope thats a joke cause I'm a Phillies fan too. I don't know what baseball and football have to do with each other.

What the %+#* are you talking about!?!?!? Did Schlereth even watch the game? TO was open all DAY...

TO had TWO plays in a row where he was 2 steps behind the CB, and Romo made horrible throws. And Austin was WIDE open for a TD, and Romo missed him.

I don't know about all day but we hit those easy behind passes or Romo doesn't throw the second pick I think the Boys win this game. It is what it isthough we have to hope the Chargers, Vikings, and ******** have something to play for tommorow.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Realtalk, did those long runs remind anyone else of Madden back in the day?

You know, when you're in a hardfought game, and at a critical moment the CPU misses a tackle and the other guy goes like 80 yards FTW, and you just throw your controller and shut down the console

That ending was basically Madden played out in real life. Those dudes on the Cowboys probably felt like killing someone... probably Ken Hamlin
It really did. U against the ropes the whole game...u getback in it, and u like 'aight, we back in this %**%', and then u give up an easy big play and it's O-V-E-R
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Schlereth is an IDIOT.

"I don't want to put this all on Romo. The Cowboys have a certain high-paid wide receiver who think's he's God's gift to the NFL, and I didn't exactly see him getting open tonight"

What the %+#* are you talking about!?!?!? Did Schlereth even watch the game? TO was open all DAY...

TO had TWO plays in a row where he was 2 steps behind the CB, and Romo made horrible throws. And Austin was WIDE open for a TD, and Romo missed him.

I no longer respect this bum at all. He lets his hatred get in the way of his commentating.

Dude is still bitter.
Let it go. Especially as a commentator.

And to his credit, TO is being quite the teammate during this press conference.
What's Owens saying? With the wife.

I'm not mad for some reason. I think it's cuz the pitts loss was such a killer that losing like this don't phase me. I do feel bad for jerry tho.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Schlereth is an IDIOT.

"I don't want to put this all on Romo. The Cowboys have a certain high-paid wide receiver who think's he's God's gift to the NFL, and I didn't exactly see him getting open tonight"

What the %+#* are you talking about!?!?!? Did Schlereth even watch the game? TO was open all DAY...

TO had TWO plays in a row where he was 2 steps behind the CB, and Romo made horrible throws. And Austin was WIDE open for a TD, and Romo missed him.

I no longer respect this bum at all. He lets his hatred get in the way of his commentating.

Schlereth got genuine hate in his heart for TO...
Emmitt's grammatical prowess > *.

They should have just blown the stadium up right after that.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

What's Owens saying? With the wife.

I'm not mad for some reason. I think it's cuz the pitts loss was such a killer that losing like this don't phase me. I do feel bad for jerry tho.
He didn't give them anything. "We lost as a team, struggled as a team, etc." A reporter even asked whether he was dissapointed theoffense scored twice to bring it within two only for the defense to give up a touchdown and he was like "I don't try to get involved in the defense, Ijust root for them. We all could have done better"

When asked about the Eagles and team psyche- "We're fine, obviously dissapointed but can't dwell too much. We've beaten the Eagles earlierand not saying the same tactics will work but we'll figure something out."
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Realtalk, did those long runs remind anyone else of Madden back in the day?

You know, when you're in a hardfought game, and at a critical moment the CPU misses a tackle and the other guy goes like 80 yards FTW, and you just throw your controller and shut down the console

That ending was basically Madden played out in real life. Those dudes on the Cowboys probably felt like killing someone... probably Ken Hamlin

The closing was good almost got teary eyed . watching Larry Allen, Lean Lett and Jim Jeffcoat walk off together , Tony D and Staubach joking around . Yeah welost but Id put an All time cowboys team against anybody
Excellent win for us. Was coming back from a holiday part so I only heard the last 3 minutes on the radio, but man, talk about action packed!

Dunno what's worse: Making it extremely precarious for the girls to get into the playoffs. The drama that will surely come from TO and co. after this loss,or just seeing all the NT cowgirl fan bigshots eat some humble pie for once.
I'm hearing Witten is done for the season.

Regardless of whether Tampa/Atlanta lose, we aint doin a damn thing without Witten.
...smh...i litterally sat there silent after the 2nd 75+ yard run.

the defense F!!! up at the end, but this game should not have been 9-7 (i think thats what it was) at the half. I dont believe in blamin any one person for aloss, but i think that there was someone in ROMO who could easily take it.
I just got home. Left at about halftime; went to a classy stripper party and completely forgot about the game.


I'm not going to say I'm shocked that we lost, but how we lost? Ol' Willis McGahee up the gut for 80? I might have been alright with that if it was2002.

I don't even want to watch this second half, but I'm about to.

What a way to go out.
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